
so beautiful without makeup

Prisha didn't know when her eyes closed and she fell asleep. It was morning and everyone started coming for work. 

Advik's senior assistant came to keep some files but didn't find his cabin keys. So he went to Prisha's cabin. But he was shocked to see her in the same clothes and sleeping. He got to know she must not have gone back home. 

"How can sir be so cruel to this girl??" He muttered and decided to wake her up. He went towards her and called her name. 

"Prisha, wake up before sir comes." He didn't touch her as he didn't want her to think about anything wrong. 

He looked out and saw Advik coming. 

"Prisha sir is coming, wake up." He said horrified. He knew if Advik finds this he will again shout at Prisha. 

Here, Advik was coming towards his cabin and his eyes were on his mobile when he heard someone murmuring. He looked in that direction and saw his assistant, Rudra trying to wake Prisha. 

He narrowed his eyes and went towards them and spoke with a cold expression "what is happening??" 

Rudra shivered and turned to Advik. Advik saw Prisha sleeping and got to know she didn't go back home. Somewhere he was feeling guilty.  He knew it was all because of him.

"You can leave." He said coldly. Rudra gulped and said "Sir please don't give her so much work. She is a very hardworking girl but it will affect her health." 

Advik glared at him and Rudra immediately left after glancing at Prisha the last time. 

Advik closed the door and placed a chair near her and sat there. She was looking very cute while sleeping. A small smile formed his lips and he tucked a few strands of her hair which were falling on her face. 

She stirred a little and spoke in her sleep "Mr Advik, I will also see how you win. Rathores never bent in front of anyone." 

He chuckled and kept his head on the table and was staring at her.

'She is so beautiful. Her brown silky long hair, that pointed nose and those juicy, baby pink lips. How can she look so beautiful without makeup??' 

He didn't know how his hands went on her hair and he started caressing her hair. He was continuously staring at the beauty sleeping In front of him when all of a sudden, Prisha opened her eyes. Their eyes met and she froze on her face. For a second he got lost in her brown orbs.

"Aaaaaaaaa…." She shouted, making him shocked. He immediately kept his hand on her mouth and her eyes went wide. 

"You idiot girl, why are you shouting??" He spoke angrily. She wanted to speak but his hand was covering her mouth. He rolled his eyes and said, "now you can't even speak either." 

She was trying to speak but he wasn't removing his hand. 

"At Least speak now." He said angrily. She rolled her eyes and pointed her finger at his hand which was covering her mouth. He looked at his hand and then her mouth and immediately removed his hand. 

"Sorry!!" He said, rubbing his hand on his coat. 

"What are you doing here??" She asked angrily. He raised his eyebrows and said "what do you think ?? I am just...uhh…" he didn't have any reason left. What was he doing here?? 

"Sir, please don't touch me next time." She said controlling her anger. He doesn't know why this irked him. He took a deep breath and nodded. 

"Sorry." He muttered. Wow!! Here he wanted to make her say sorry to him but now he is apologising to her again and again.

"Your files." She forwarded the files which she made in one day. He looked at her clothes and found the colour of her dress a little faded.

"You didn't go back home last night??" He asked. She nodded negatively. 

"You can take a break for today." 


"It's my order. Take a break." 

"Thank you so much, sir." She said and took her bag and left the cabin. He sighed and thought 'I think I am being too cruel.' 

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