


As he thought about the pack he needed to form, Emery couldn't help but recall his own pack whose memories he had just recently recovered, the existence of five girls in his hometown on Earth.

Even though they most likely weren't strong enough to participate in the Royal Hunt, nothing could replace the feelings of fighting alongside his own family.

Unfortunately, the prime directive imposed upon lower realm worlds made it impossible to get them out of Earth without turning them into criminals in the entire Magus Universe. That's considering he could slip through or defeat the current caretaker of Earth.

Either way, the Fey girls were simply not an option for his current dilemma. Maybe he could bring them for the next Royal Hunt, but definitely not now.

Emery needed to find someone else to join him, four of them at the very least.

"It says here that as long as they are willing to form a blood pact with you, even people unrelated to your bloodline are allowed to participate. That's good news! At least it's reasonable," Annara said as she read through the rules of the grand event, specifically regarding the constitution of the packs, on one of the tables within the Wolves Guild.

In the meantime, Emery himself was reading about the wolf packs on the Silvermane planet.

As it turned out, there were over three hundred million half-blood wolves living on Silvermane planet alone. However, those who were of fighting age and at least Rank 4 Legendary bloodline genes, only numbered a little over three million.

The enormous difference showed how rare and valuable high-level bloodline genes were.

Those living close in the cities were mostly already part of a clan or faction, while those living in the countryside were usually closely bonded with their own circles.

As for those who had no ties – those considered lone wolves, they would also likely be hard to convince as they certainly preferred to stay out of joining any pack.

It was clear the road ahead of Emery was very troublesome, but he didn't lose hope. Something inside of him compelled him to take up the challenge, telling him he would benefit tremendously from the process.

Not only that, he was very much interested in exploring and getting to know more about his bloodline, learning the ways of others of his own race. If only he had the time to do so.

The Royal Hunt would take place in three months' time, if they missed this opportunity, the next one five years down the line was beyond the timeline to save Silva's life.

"Alright then." After learning everything they needed to know about the event, Annara offered a suggestion. "I guess the quickest way to solve your problem is to hire or even buy your team."

Emery showed a pensive look on his face at the red-haired girl's words. Such a method was not out of the question, hiring mercenaries or buying slaves was considered a common practice throughout many galaxies.

If he were to be honest, Emery did not particularly like the idea of people joining his pack for money. However, he also understood he didn't have much time, so he was open to any reasonable solutions.

"The guild doesn't have slaves for purchase for obvious reasons, but they should have information about hiring mercenaries."

There was indeed a special corner reserved separately from the other quests of the Guild, as most of these quests were related to money and personal in nature.

Arriving at the place, Emery was immediately presented with a list of factions and clans that provided mercenaries for hire. He scanned the list and saw that most of them were small and mid-sized clans known to make their earnings through their muscle.

Then suddenly, Emery's body froze in place when his eyes saw one particular name on the list.

Corvin Faction.

"Humph, to think that such a big faction would actually be providing mercenary services." Annara said, when she read the same familiar name.

Emery's troubled feelings were instantly replaced by a new sense of purpose, to get him closer in taking his revenge on Lucius Corvin. Turning to the red-haired girl next to him, he spoke with determination.

"We are checking the Corvin faction."

Annara couldn't help but heave a long sigh. She was sure Emery would go and make trouble once again. Noticing her reaction, Emery tried to justify his reason.

"If we're going to check the situation regarding mercenaries, we'd as well start from the biggest one in town, don't you think? If it doesn't work out, we can think of it as researching the competitors"

Of course, both of them knew that Emery's intention wasn't just to find out more about these mercenaries, especially when the other party was the Corvin clan. He wanted to gauge the depths of the faction's strength, so he could get the picture he needed for his eventual revenge.

Rolling her eyes, Annara stared at him before saying, "Sure, sure. This is your mission, you're the one making the call."

The two of them swiftly went to their destination after asking where it was, it didn't take long for them to arrive.

Much to their surprise, the massive complex surrounded by tall stone walls ornamented with wolf statues and the Corvin's crest was located on one of the main streets of the city. Such a prime piece of land showed how influential the faction was on this planet.

However, despite its grandeur, the place was only the branch headquarters of the faction.

Emery and Annara saw there were only a few people going in and out of the main gate even though it was next to a busy street. But from the looks of these people, they were all of a high status.

"Are you absolutely sure about this, Emery?" Annara once again asked before they entered the place. Emery did not answer and just casually walked through the huge gate.

As soon as they entered the place, the two of them were greeted by a group of uniformed men led by a beautiful, brown-haired woman. With a professional smile on her face, she spoke to them.

"Welcome to the Corvin faction. Please state the purpose of your visit."

Annara quickly stepped forward saying, "Greetings. My master wishes to hire your mercenary services."

Hearing those words, the woman immediately scanned the two of them up and down. A glint of doubt flashed across her eyes, but she quickly went to hide it. Making a polite gesture, she led them inside the place.

As they made their way through the complex, the woman briefly explained about the four main buildings within the premises. All were separated by a large lush garden, and each was used for the primary service provided by the faction.

The first building was the Faction Hall, where they accommodated all the VIPs that came to this branch. It was also the place they would use for formal meetings.

The second building looked very much like a typical warehouse. What caught Emery's attention was the fact that the place was heavily guarded. Apparently, the place was the Trading House, where they buy and sell only unique and rare items.

The third building was the most crowded and lively compared to the first two. From afar, Emery could see a multi-storey building made of crimson stone standing beside a beautiful flower garden and a serene pond. The closer they got, the clearer the music sounded in the air.

"That's the Red Pagoda. Our most famous establishment," the woman said with a slight smile.

From her smile it was obvious the place was an entertainment house, serving foods, dance, music and also bodily pleasure.

Before Emery could respond to her words, Annara intervened into the conversation. "Yes, my master would love them but not this time. For now, we came for the mercenary."

The woman nodded and then led them to a building located at the back of the complex, which looked like a fortress. The moment they entered the building, Emery could see and feel thousands of people sparring among each other.

"We have two dozen wolf packs and ten human groups of all strengths." Staring at Emery, she said, "What kind of mercenaries are you looking for, Sir?"

Adopting his arrogant young master persona, Emery didn't answer the woman's question as Annara spoke. "My master wants a wolf pack group. Bring out the best one you got."

The lady gave a smile as she said 'Alright, Certainly"

To be continued