


Emery and the others arrived at the medical center to check on Thrax's condition.

When they arrived, they saw that the unconscious Barbarian was submerged in a liquid tank, and now all that was left for them was to wait for his recovery.

Fortunately, none of the injuries he bore were lethal enough to endanger his life. In fact, it was estimated that he would only need at most an hour before his wounds were all healed and he fully recovered.

After confirming that Thrax was in good hands, the four returned back into their designated terrace and looked at the ongoing fight.

Currently, the fight between Lyndell and Anzi Tamasi was already halfway through, and surprisingly in favor of the nimble female acolyte.

The man donning a mask, Anzi, was seen pierced by Lyndell's [Divine Arrow] as she kited the former throughout the arena.

Being essentially an undead, the Inhuman possessed the glaring weakness of the light element, hence it was an unfavorable match-up for Anzi. it was even more so when combined with the fact that his opponent excels in both Light Element and long-distance warfare.


Anzi roared once again when the third light arrow struck his body. The man, however, kept the chase alive, falling right into the agile female fighter's arrows.

Lyndell was a good comrade during Andora's mission, so Emery of course cheered and supported her instead of the Cross family's bodyguard for their young master, who was involved in Klea's kidnapping.

"Lyndell!! You should aim at the head!! The head!!" Shouted Klea, excited seeing the person she loathed being beaten up.

The sight of more and more arrows pierced through the undead's flesh increased the liveliness of cheers from the group, particularly Klea.

Until suddenly the floor below Lyndell's feet blew apart as a monstrous dark-rooted arm came tearing through out of the ground and grabbed the female acolyte's body.

Wailing screams of the female acolyte echoed throughout the arena as she got caught under the clutches of Azni.

The duel went in a completely opposite direction from then on as Lyndell went from a prospective winner to a plaything in Anzi's hands.

The Undead smashed her over and again like a ragdoll using his monstrous strength. It continued on for a while until the referee decided to intervene, whereupon he tossed Lyndell aside, which was now unconscious and in half-dead state.

"Anzi Tamasi wins!"

Emery and his group turned their heads to Roran as the latter bared his teeth in the direction of Anzi, enraged by what he did to his subordinate. But he quickly calmed himself, not letting anger consume him.

There was another match left before it was Roran's turn; he would have plenty of opportunity to vent his steam during that.

"Olivier Arkaland versus Jai Strider,"

From the get-go, Jai went all out and surrounded the Sword Saint with his metal warriors as one expected; however, Emery released an incredulous gasp at the sight of Jai's metal warriors which had drastically grown since their last fight.

Accompanied by the 15 warriors in shining white armor, were 15 in pitch-black armor metal warriors, all bearing the same strength implying that Jai's fighting force had increased by twofold at the very least.

What was interesting was not just the numbers, but the tactic used by Jai.

Instead of blindly letting them charge through, the metal puppeteer sent his warriors in waves, enough to disrupt the Sword Saint's attempts of casting his time spells and exploit the most during the gap between the spell casting.

It became a long, arduous fight, and for a minute, it looked like the battle started to tilt in Jai's favor, and some presumed that this would be the end of Sword Saint's journey in this tournament.

Unfortunately, the Sword Saint's spirit pool turned out to hold on long enough to destroy Jai warriors one after another.

It was obvious that his defeat to Mahinder the monk before had taught Olivier to fight carefully and efficiently manage his spirit pool.

When all of Jai's 30 metal warriors were demolished, the Metal Puppeteer had no choice but to admit his defeat.

"Olivier Arkaland wins!"

The crowds once again rose from their seats to cheer for such a well-deserved entertaining fight.

Seven matches have passed, seven acolytes have been chosen into the quarterfinals, and the last match would determine who would take the final spot.

"Annara Vermont versus Roran Harlight"

This was the last match of the day, and the spectators were hoping for a good ending; hence the cheering grew louder than usual.

The moment the golden-haired Roran of the Harlight stepped onto the large stage, loud screams and shouts rang out in support all over the place.

On the contrary, when it was time for the female half-blood, most of the crowd turned mute, almost cold, coupled with boos and hate against her. A complete opposite of what they showed before.

Annara threw a blind eye at their response and gazed at Roran. Although they were not in a friendly relation, the two were comrades in the Andora battle; hence Roran gave a friendly gesture as the two faced each other.

The red-hair, pale-skin female, however, appeared colder than usual as she didn't give a response back. She quickly transformed into the half-blood bat transformation, which made her receive more hate threats from people who cared enough to open their mouths and a withered scowl from other spectators.

There was an unusual expression on Annara's face, which she quickly hid behind her fierce dark flame spells.

[Hell Flame].

Roran replied with the sharpest skill he owned, his wits, and fought while analyzing each movement and coming up with the most appropriate and effective counter.

[Shield Dash]

He boosted himself to increase his agility as she approached and played against his opponent's mind, scrutinizing for the perfect opportunity.

To gain advantage, the female half-blood started to use her innate ability [Sonic boom], one that could affect her opponent's mind, but Roran had thought of a simple way to neutralize it.

He raised his sword and continuously hit it against his metal shield, creating his own makeshift loud vibration and noise.

Using sound against sound. he dampened the opponent's attack before it could even reach him.

It was a simple but effective solution worthy of the smart Harlight prince.

Annara on the other hand appeared troubled but not because of her failed attempt.

Realizing it Roran said "What is wrong!! Just give me your best!"

She gazed at Roran with a distant empty stare and finally said in her flat, monotone voice.

"I am sorry Roran.."

During duels, apologies commonly carried a hint of sarcasm within and were used to mock or taunt opponents.

That's what Roran assumed it to be, but he felt there was real remorse when the girl said it.

"I would prefer the Cross family, but you are the only one I got, so I am sorry." she continued, making her intentions clear.

Hearing such words, Roran, confused, once again almost believed that she was just playing with his mind.

However, the next thing she did surprised him, As Annara used her proficiency in throwing weapons to harm Roran with a hidden weapon – a thin silver needle.

"Wow!! That's not nice!!" Roran shouted as he blocked it with his shield. Unfortunately, there was one that managed to pierce his shoulder.

It was not against the rule to use a hidden weapon, but still considered a disrespectful and despicable act during a battle.

The spectators roared, even the ones who chose to remain silent before sent their curses toward Annara.

As for Roran, he was startled as apparently the needle was smeared by lethal poison, one so deadly that it swiftly incapacitated him from any movements.

"What…are you doing..?" Roran strained to barely articulate his words, but before he could finish, Annara had already relocated herself at terrifying speed and appeared behind the Harlight prince before she used her innate ability [Vampiric Bite], to bite his neck.

The Harlight prince, unable to make a single move, stood there as poison ran through his system.

A sense of hollowness appeared within him as he powerlessly got his blood sucked continuously, turning Roran pale as life was being sucked out of him.

Whether it was pleasant or not, the winner was clear, but even when the referee announced her win, Annara still continued to drain blood out of Roram's pale body.

"Stop!" Stop at once!!" Ordered the referee as he rushed into the site.

As soon as the officials got involved, Annara finally decided to let go of her prey, and with her mouth still covered in blood, she glanced at Emery with her dead-flat eyes.

The gaze arose a sudden anxiousness within Emery, as his heart tightened with a bad premonition.

What followed was a medical team rushing onto the site to help, and a moment later, the referee made a gesture with his hands that shook all the spectators watching the tournament.

Roran Harlight has died.


Author Note:

Dear readers, with this chapter, the month of October is over and I thank you for your support in purchasing the privileged chapters. Please let me say one more time how grateful I am that your support helps me and my family pass through these difficult times.

I have read a few concerns about my grammar, and yes I apologize that I haven't found one that could follow my daily updates, but please be assured I will do my best to find one in the coming month

I hope you will join me again for the November chapters. Don't forget to drop by our discord channel for the end of month's event for coins giveaway, quizz, and a chance to win access to the highest privilege chapter for free.

To be continued