
• Love Can Change Men •

What happened after August 2020? We’ll see.

queenofattiicus · LGBT+
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10 Chs


This cherries sucks. But it's the only eatable thing we have in this fridge. Americans really need a user manual about how to treat food. I miss Spain and our fresh fruits, and food.. my poor stomach is asking for food. I'm lazy and i'm on the bed eating cherries while Austin is yelling at someone at the phone, probably the guy from yesterday. We were turning into the right direction to go to the camp and someone crashed his car against our van, thanks God nobody got hurt. But the van has a blow on the side, and the company who rented us will be mad. Ahhh why did i put my name on that papers, I don't even have a driving license, but anyway i think the insurance will pay for everything. After all it wasn't our fault! That guy.... i think i know him, i just can't remember where i seen it before.

I stand up and walk outside the van, Austin just turned off the phone, he keeps walking around and looks stressed. He's making me anxious.

J: So? The insurance will pay?

A: Yeah I guess! That boy's insurance has to pay but we're gonna pay default interests because of the crash. And that fucking boy doesn't want to meet us to see the damage of the van!

J: Why not? I mean he has to if his insurance is going to pay

A: He cried at the phone.. he said he couldn't meet us ever again

J: It doesn't make sense!

A: I know!!!

Americans. I can't really explain how the entire world admires these people. How are we supposed to get out of this situation if we don't proceed the right way with official things as documents and insurances. He thinks to be in a movie maybe, but this is fucking life! I'm pissed off and hungry. The worst feeling ever.

J: Do you want me to call him? I can be persuasive!

A: tell him he has to meet us and send documents to his insurance office!

Austin throws the phone so i can catch it. The last number he called, here we go. It rings.

T: I told you to not call again!

J: How rude....

T: Oh wait.. sorry I thought it was another person, who's talking??

J: Oh i'm the one who rented the Van, so yeah, same problem different person but anyway we need to solve this.. can .. can you understand me?

T: You... you are..

J: My name is Jorge Juan Garay Dicenta, you have my name on the papers we signed yesterday and we're gonna pay default interests if your insurance doesn't pay the damage you did to the van

T: I-i'm sorry I have to go..

J: No wait!! Please we need you to take your responsibilities we can't afford more!!

T: I'm gonna fix this i promise. Bye.

J: Wait .. what? Hey!!

He closed the call. He closed it to my face! And didn't even agreed on meeting us again. How rude can this boy be?!

A: I can be persuasive! — he laughs at me

J: Bish! It works with normal people not with rude turkeys! Wtf!

A: Fine fine... we'll see tomorrow, i'm tired now. And kinda hungry. Shall we go for something to eat?


I give his phone back. So i walk to the van and grab my jacket, money and go outside again. We're probably gonna eat something at fast foods, there's no restaurants around this camp. I can't stop thinking about that guy. For real? How rude. I'm pissed off. At least we're not going fishing or hunting our dinner!

This looks so trashy but i have to say it's good, and they had Vegan hamburger! Which is perfect for me. I bite some chips and clean my mouth, ketchup drops everywhere. Disgusting.

A: Bro... can i ask you something?

J: Right now? — i laugh a bit, it's difficult to understand what I say when my mouth is full of trashy food

A: Yeah it's the right moment!

J: Ok.. go on -- I look at him smiling, I'm curious now.

A: Don't you think this is the right time to.. go back to social media?

J: .. Why now..

A: Bro is almost a year... and people got over what happened, Benji is-

J: I don't care about how happy he is. I don't wanna talk about this.

A: Your fans are waiting for you though..

J: Yeah.. sure, for me. They hate me! And it's thanks to Benji if it's been a year! People are better without me.

A: Wtf?! That's not true you know that!

J: I'll never be back on social media, period.

I feel sad all of sudden, i'd lie if i say I don't miss being on social media. It was my safe place, and for irony of fate, now it's my battlefield. The truth is that i never felt so bad in my entire life. I did a mistake... i hurted the love of my life so bad i almost lost him forever. And trying to save his life, i lost him for real. I only wanted to protect him... but he hated me since then, and made all our fandom hating on me. Nobody wants to see me again on social media. People are all excited about his nee life without me. I clean off my tears, i want to live my life without being hated. Is that so hard?

Austin phone is ringing. It's the boy, Austin give me his phone.

J: Jeyjey ..

T: Hey... i'm gonna meet you guys tomorrow, but.. in early morning. Ok?

J: Fine... then tell me what time?

T: I don't know yet but i'll let you know. Sorry for my request, but I can't in other moments.

J: It seems like you're hiding this thing from someone but it's not my business so, if you want to wake us up before 7am then bring breakfast at least — I laugh, this boy looks so nervous.

T: Uh... yeah, fine. Bye.

This guy looks so weird, but I have the feeling to know him somehow. I don't know, probably we met? But I can't remember. And why is he hiding, weird. Americans... i can't really understand these people. So tomorrow it's gonna be a early morning wake up! I'm already tired just thinking about it.

A: Shall we go to the lake? It's not so far and we could sleep there!

J: So we're gonna welcome our guest in such a romantic place after he almost killed us and broke our van?

A: Aren't we cute?

J: The cutest. Let's go!

I text the boy with Austin's phone and send him the location as soon as we arrived at the lake. It's gonna be a weird day tomorrow.