Yandere Harem MM+ Life could be dramatically changed because of imposed relationships. One handsome teen is forced to submit to the magical creatures that intruded into his fate…
"Oh, no... from now on you become immortal, - Lyor rustled affectionately, kissing him on the cheeks and palms. - An ordinary person would not have endured such a thing, but you did it…"
"What why? I do not need it…"
"I need it! I want to see you next to me forever ... I dreamed of falling in love for so long, like now ... with you!"
"What a weird… syrinx vampire you are! What exactly are you picking on me for? What to do with you, sticky?"
"Accept me with your heart… don't look at the fact that I'm a guy, it doesn't matter. You'll get used to me."
"It's hard for me to move… how long will this paralysis last?"
"Hopefully just a couple of days. The king has already blessed us, earl's son."
"Your mother didn't tell you who is your father?"
"No, she said that he died before I was born and I look like him."
Tears suddenly streamed down the boy's cheeks.
"Poor thing, did you miss your lost father? - The vampire sighed sympathetically. - That's why you're so vulnerable and sensitive. Only your mother raised you. However, you inherited a lot from him. You are the son of a phoenix, so you easily withstood my poison."
"What does phoenix mean? Do you know who my father was?" — Kire got excited.
"An immortal warrior with fiery power. He has already been reborn into another personality and lives on my planet, and here he was Earl Taylor."
"I want to meet him!"
"Hmm… - Lyor murmured doubtfully. - Now he is the same age as you… it is unlikely that you will cross paths in the near future."
"What's to stop me, being immortal?"
"Honey, it takes time to complete the transformation. Be patient to become a syrinx like me."
"As you? Can I become a wizard?"
"If you don't refuse to interact with me."
"You mean… physical intimacy?"
"And spiritual too… I'm really in love with you… Forgive me for using your body, I so wanted to feel your Essence to the very core."
"Sounds awful and unpleasant…"
"Everything will be all right with you! Don't worry!"
Syrinx courted him carefully in the following days, placing him in his bed in the royal palace, while not missing the opportunity to caress the young man freely. He, closing his arms, cherished his prey all nights, until the paralysis completely disappeared.
How difficult it was for Kire to come to terms with his fate and accept a new reality - to live with a winged guy, sleep with him, rotate in the circle of his fellow syrinxes, acquire other habits in order to correspond to the status of an immortal.
His mother, shocked by what had happened, was furious with the appearance of a son-in-law who turned their way of life upside down.
"Why…why did you agree to all this? - Elma wailed, wiping her tears. - What a shame for a guy to live with a man! This means I can't get my grandchildren!"
"It's all my legacy, - Kire pointed out. - Lyor saw me as a worthy partner. Didn't you know that my father is a celestial when you came to his house?"
"How was I to know? I asked for shelter from the Earl in exchange for cleaning the house. It never crossed my mind that he would want more. Then he suddenly died and I was left on the street with a child under my heart. I suffered so much in need, although I had accumulated money during my work."
"It was necessary to demand an inheritance from the King for me. Why hide my birth?"
"And what proof would I give him?"
"The Earl was the favorite of the King and he would have easily checked that I was his son. Eriolan is very kind to me. He accepted me and spoke affectionately, lamenting that he did not know about my existence. He told me about Taylor, everything I wanted to know. What he was like, whom he loved... I even have my brother Illy, who lived in the capital for a long time. Now he moved to another planet, and I did not know about him at all! There are a lot of nephews of different ages left who walk somewhere nearby, these are more than a hundred relatives! And all this time we dragged out a miserable existence, ate some kind of garbage and lived in a rented house with a rotten roof. If it wasn't for Lyor, I wouldn't have known about it. He pulled us from the bottom of life."
"I didn't know about it, son! If it suits you that a man chose you, it's up to you to live like this, but it's disgusting!"