
Chapter 1

I clenched my hands into fists as I groaned, brushing hair out of my face and opening my eyes.

This was not my house. I remembered everything. Lommbie... She fucking did it, and we somehow survived. I went to the closet to find my usual clothes and a mirror, where an unfamiliar reflection met my eyes.

"What the fuck..." I said, looking at my medium-length black hair, ocean-blue eyes and rounded ears.

'My hair is supposed to be long and dark blue, my eyes a little more faded than they are now, and my ears are supposed to be pointy. Plus, where the hell are my horns and tail?!' I thought angrily as I looked at the person staring back at me.

I sigh and take a deep breath. Being angry won't help me any. I take my clothes from the closet, and put on the familiar cloth. it's all black except for the symbol on my shirt and my shoes, which were white. The symbol was a crescent moon with a smaller circle resting in the center.

"Celestia, I swear to the heavens! Get your rump down here!"

'Sounds like a Christian person..' I think as I walk down the stairs. "What do you want you fucking moron."

"That is no way to talk to your mother!"

hold up.

I must have missed a chapter. Since when did my mother survive the infection?

Welp, it turned out I voiced my thoughts out because the next thing I know, she's explaining that the only infection is the flu and we were very resistant to it. I, of course, just took some bread and walked out the door, not listening to that maniac.

As I got to the school, I saw the most infuriating thing. There Lommbie was, looking happier than ever. Somebody I had never seen before and Sans were standing next to her, though the three of us (Lommbie, Sans and I) were dead. Stitch was nowhere to be seen as the angel girl and Sans kissed.

I inched past them to Lommbie, who's look steeled the second she saw me. "Lommbie, I told you not to. Plus, who's that kissing Sans? isn't he dating Stitch?" I pointed at the brunette, who was pulling away from the girl he was kissing.

"Hehe... about that. That girl IS Stitch, I made him swear to me that he wouldn't kiss anybody else unless they were family back when we were in the world with the infected." Lommbie replied with a smirk.

"But didn't we all die-" I started to ask, before Lommbie put a hand to my mouth. "There are other students here for Christ's sake, and according to them we never joke."

And that's when I realized, this was not a dream.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!



aight this was short but goodbye -v-

ShadowedCelestiacreators' thoughts