

goddess2222 · Fantasía
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11 Chs

King? Queen?

"Listen to me carefully, on the 15th of this month, there is going to be a cultural function . A students cultural function." he started.

"Now on this day, you will be given a certain blue book to vote on. When this happens you must write my name on it" he said.

I was listening carefully just like he had advised me but I still did not understand what he was saying.

"voting for the school president??" I asked innocently.

"No, this is different. It is more of crowning the Queen of University State." he explained.

"So if we are choosing the the queen, then shouldnt I be voting for a female student."

I asked even more confused.

" The queen is chosen by the king she only needs to confirm this by writing the Kings name on the official book and the King writes the queens name on the same book after" he finished.

I think I was starting to understand what he was saying but I was in denial.

"Hold up.. just hold up.. if you are saying that the King and Queen are the only ones involved in all of this then what the heck will I be doing in the middle of all that." I asked and I found his eyes staring so hard almost like they were peering into my soul. His last statement finished me off completely.

"Because I am the King and you are the future queen " he had said.

In my head this sounded like some sick joke. The King of University state? what did that even mean. I mean I had seen the president of University state, he was there during our orientation. He looked very academic in terms of his dressing and even choice of words. But no one had informed us about royalty in this school. Its like I had enrolled in a castle instead of a school. Now I was starting to understand why people kept staring at him and not only him..but Marl and I too.

Maybe that was what Ashley was asking me about at her party. She used a certain word.. Stamp..

"What is your name" this question seemed to have caught him offguard maybe because he expected I already knew.

"Nate ..Nate is my name" he said with a faint sigh.

Nate ..

Stamp Nate.. the exact words Ashley had used. She was talking about this here.

"Nate,,Why me? I dont want to be queen. I do not even know what a Queen does or what is expected of me. Choose someone else." I said bluntly. I did not want the pressure that I assumed came with it. I loved my life out of the limelight and he seemed to be drowning in it.

"I cant" he said

"Why?.. yes you can" I retreated.

"I just cant. It is supposed to be you." he said. He seemed bothered as he said this.words.but I couldnt tell why.

I asked him to help me understand. By now he was standing a few inches away from where I was seated. But I also decided to stand up since I felt like it was hard talking to.him like that.

"Just choose someone else okay, I have to go now." I said before starting to leave. I needed a liitle fresh air to think about this. I was about to open the door when I felt his hands pull me back with such a strong force. It had me landing on his chest and for a moment my heart started beating again so fast. He was close to me now. Close enough to breathe the same air.

He said nothing for a while only looked at me and I looked back. They said that our eyes held so many untold secrets and mine seemed to be reveling everything to him.

"You cannot change fate." He said in a deep threatening tone. I was scared. But I couldnt tell if it was of him or of the things he was telling me about.

"What is the role of a queen" I said defeated, "and how many have there been before."

He looked like he needed time to think.before answering me.

"A Queen does whatever she is told to do by me the King. Thay is her role" He said.

Was this guy even listening to himself. That was basically being owned by someone else.. I had.never been the submissive type and it wouldnt start by gaining such a title.

"Oooh look how royal that is. So I am basically supposed to live by orders, your orders? Okay and how many queens before?" I said with a sly smirk on my face which was meant to tell him that I thought all of that was BS.

"None." he said

"None?" I repeated still with a smirk on my face.

He was already so close but he started getting closer to me, probably annoyed by my reactions. I moved back with every step he made. Slowly moved back until I felt my back on the wall. Oooh no.

He brought his fingers to my face and pulled the liitle hair on my face to the back of my ear. For a moment I tried to resist by.turning myhead on the other side, but his hands brought my face back to facing him. My body felt the shivers from his, His heart apparently was beating as much as mine was. They were in sync. His eyes.. his eyes were different. The colour of his eyes were different. Instead of dark brown, they were a little bit of hazel green. I couldnt tell if they had been like that since I entered the room. Because the only explanation I could have was that he had his contact lenses on.

" You.." he started. He had his teeth gritted slightly which.made his words come out wth even more emphasis.

"You.. are ..the .. awaited queen. " he finished.

I felt like I was in a kind of fictious movie. I wanted to pinch myself so hard so that I came back to reality but a part of me assured me that this was all so real.

The chemistry I felt with him was not only physical but also mental and emotional. Its almost like I could feel what he was feeling right there at that moment. I could not tell if he felt it too.

He then brought his lips closer. I could see them get even more closer and I did nothing. It was almost there. Almost brushing on mine. I had already started feeling the sensations that would come with it but then there was a knock on the door. Wheeew that was intense.

He let me go and I quickly opened the door and rushed out. I did not even want to look at who had knocked on the door.

I was now in the hostels sure that the guy that carried me that Friday was none other than the King of University state. Also the same guy that told me fate wants me to be queen and that I would have to obey his every command.

Not forgetting the guy who almost kissed me just minutes ago. My head was spinning like crazy. And not only because of that information but because of the things I felt when I was close to him. Things I had never felt with anyone else.

I took my novel and tried reading it so I could distract myself. It was not working but I had to force it. When it didnt work out completely I decided to go look for ice cream at the university mall. That always worked for me. I just wasnt sure if it would work this time.

I was glad Marl wasnt in the room when I had come in. This gave me time to absorb everything I had heard from Nate.

Now that I had the whole information, I became even more consious about the eyes that turned my way as I walked around the pavements. Some would whisper into each others ears as if I couldnt see them. Very disrespectful for someones child. Me.

I sat next to the window at the ice cream shop that was at the mall and admired my view from there. The beautiful trees with some passing wind. Sunset was approaching and that specific window was perfect for that view.

I had chosen a mixture of caramel, vanilla and blueberry for my ice cream. It tasted delicious. I felt like it downed all my confusion. For a moment I decided to forget about everything and just be there.

I even ignored the fact that there were people around me.

I cannot tell for how long I had been there but I felt someone shaking my arms and I opened my eyes to see the cashier in front of me. Damn I must have slept for a very long time.

"We are closing miss" She told me. Well she seemed kind enough. I apologised to her then left for the hostels. It was 7:30. Only 30 minutes till the cafeteria started serving dinner. Despite having taken a big load of ice cream, I still wanted more and more food that evening.