

goddess2222 · Fantasía
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11 Chs

First meeting

As I walked to class that Monday, I realised how uneasy my thoughts made me. For one I was a little late and I did not want the same ecturer on my neck like the first time and second, I was anxious to see the mystery guy yet again.

Our last encounter in the hallway did not go so.smoothly but I hoped today would be as smooth as butter.

I got into the lecture hall and wheewh, the lecturer was not there yet but guess who was. Yes the guy I dreaded to see. I got in and spotted him immediately. Just like the first day, he had also worn black clothes, coincidentally thats what the stranger on the stairs had too. I was trying not to think so much on the possibilities that were presenting themselves.

He was reading something. It looked like a novel but immediately I walked in, he looked up.. its like he had sensed my presence and that gave me shivers.

Our eyes met. It was like a magnetic force drew me to stare back without the urge of blinking. There was some type of fufilment that came with staring into.his eyes. A strange feeling that I could not describe.

This time he was the one who broke the eye contact and I came to.my senses. I looked for an empty seat but most of them were occupied. I wished Marl.was there but we did not share this class.

"Hey pretty, late again?.. damn you should hire me as your alarm". I turned and saw the familiar face of Xavier. This was our second upclose encounter but in all of them he seemed so chearful yet cocky. The students had started concentrating on us since most of them were already settled in their seats amd I seemed to be the latest one to enter the class.

"Why are people looking at us" I had to ask Xavier because maybe he had a straight answer.

"Do you want me to ask them? I could for you. ....." he said smirking.

I felt like he had an answer but he just didnt want to tell me.

"Forget it, I am looking for an empty seat" I told him and he laughed before answering like I had said the most hillarious thing.

"Seat.. kss kss.. come follow me, I will give you my seat" he said and took my hand making me follow him.

"Wait your seat? what about you?" I asked curiously.

He just smirked and said that he had more important things to take care of. Now, as much as what he was saying made me want to.ask.more qiestions, there was something even more that was catching my attention... and that is the fact that he was leading me towards where the mystery guy was seated. I tried to pull.my hand out of his but in vain. It was like he knew exactly what he was doing.

" Here.. I think this is the only seat left, you are a lucky one aint you" he continued talking when we got to the seat which was right next to the mystery guy.

I was about to refuse his offer when the lecturer came in and spotted me still standing. Xavier was obviously standing too. we were the only ones on our feet but he only concentrated on.me. "Miss grey hoodie.. do.you have a problem with settling early in my lectures" he said placing his mac book on his desk.

"No sir.. " I answered and quickly settled on my desk which was initially Xaviers. He had by now already left and I was left witj the mystery guy.

It was hard to freely breathe with him next to.me. I also felt his scent.. his woody scent. Come to think of it, it was the one I had felt during my drunk episode on the stairs. Was it really him.?.. Maybe I needed to.ask.

The lecture was going quite well, unlike the other one where Xavier kept talking to.me, this one was different or so I thought.

Just when I thought I was starting to adjust into.my seat, the.mystery guy passed on a small paper onto.my desk. We were almost at the back bench and so the lecturer could not spot us as easily.

I.took the.piece of paper and.opened it. "YOU" It read. I looked at him, then at the.paper and then back at him. What in the F did he.mean. "WHAT?" I replied. and placed the.paper on his desk. It would have been easier if we had just whispered but seems like he preferred writing.

He read the paper and put a smirk on his face. Damn he looked good. The smirk made him even more attractive. He had extraordinarily white teeth. He then went on to write something on another piece of paper before placing it on my desk.


This guy was somehow nuts because first off how did I owe him anything and second.of all what if I had a class at that time. I didnt but what if I had had one. I looked at him puzzled but he just looked at me in a very serious tone. He really did intimidate me sometimes and yet I could not help but want to know more about him.

I went to the cafeteria at lunch time and found Marl with some other friends she had made. I had met ashley on my way there who cheerfully greeted me and I also thanked her for her invitation. I had asked her if she had gotten our birthday gift which we sent to her room the next day and she said she loved it and then we parted ways.

I took my food which consisted of mostly salad since I was on a healthy diet just coz. I then went to where Marl.and her other friends were. "Hey bestie I missed you come say hi to Angie and Melby" Marl introduced us all and I found her friends quite fun to hang out with. I had not yet made any other friends from my class. Reason being I always went straighy to the hostels after class to hang out with Marl whom I felt very close to. Maybe her friends would be my friends. Apparently she had good taste in that sector.

We sat there making stories about how campus life was taking us so far and Marl couldnt escape the chance to narrate how the birthday party went and how drunk we got. I however refrained her from mentioning how a stranger carried me to our room. I dint think that part was necessary. Good thing she quickly noted the sign and changed the subject.

I had completely lost track of time until it hit me that I had an unofficial appointment with the mystery guy. I looked at the time and I was 10 mins late.

Not that it mattered to me but I wanted to be there.. just to hear what he had to say and also.ask the questions that had been eating me up.

"Guys I just remembered I had something to do at this time. Catch up with you later" I said quickly interrupting Melby who was saying something I assumed was interesting.

I walked really quickly and asked for direction from some guy who was standing at the cafeteria entrance. He seemed startled while I talked to.him but that did not matter at the moment.

Room 006.. thats the one he had told me. I was now right there infront of it and I figured I had to.knock as it seemed more of an office than a room.

I knocked at first and there was no answer..even the second time no answer.. It was only at the third time that I heard a deep domineering voice ask me to go in.

I walked in and found him standing at the window. His hands inside his pockets and staring at me directly into.my eyes.The room had a very intimidating mood and for a moment I felt like.leaving immediately.

"You are late" he said moving to where a desk and rolling office chair was.

"Yea, I dint know this was another lecture. I would have come early" I said sacarstically but seems like he did not take it well judging by his facial expression. C'mon, couldnt he take a small joke. "No one is ever late for my meetings. This is your first and your last time. Are we clear" he said in a very harsh tone. His eyes narrowed and still on me.

Did he seriously just say meetings. So this was an official meeting? one that I was made aware of by a piece of paper, in class? He was a big joke.

"So why am I here? " I asked ignkring all his sentences.

"Are .. we .. clear?" he asked me again.

"Clear on what? Why am I here?" I asked him impatiently.

"I See you dont understand me. Thats okay. I am a patient guy. Sit down"

He ordered and I did reluctantly. The office was well furnished. With excuisite art paintings on the wall to add personality to it. I wondered what would happen to us if we got found by the dean or any lecturer in there.