
“Monster in a world full hunters”

This world seemed to be like nothing he truly knew, but everything he once saw, a man turned into a monster as he try’s to find his own way in this strange world. Watch as the Mc struggles and kills, for something this body wished for and something he so longs for, his ups and downs shake him, but he will no longer stand by as he try’s to change the fate of being a true monster. *I own nothing, not even the oc, they all belong to there respective creator’s.

MDemon34 · Cómic
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - This World

(It might be kind of confusing, which i will explain later on but this fanfic is a mixed world, so there will be elements from each world and charater I add into this fanfic. Please enjoy.)

The sky, with it's beautiful moon that blowed a brilliant blue, shined down on the world. It's ever encompassing glow making the world have a touch of beauty, while it hung ever alone in the sky.

*Sfx crow calls.

The moon that had clouds dancing around it, was hidden for only a few second as a crow called out. It's caws and screeching echoed out across the sky. The crows silhouette could be seen, drifting in and out of focus. It's body moving above the tops of trees, while behind it the light could be seen following, as the clouds that covered the moon start to move away. What was left behind was a endless dark forest of trees, Ice, and snow as far as the eye could see.

The crow moved straight as if on a mission as it's body suddenly jerked upwards, the light still following as it flew towards the sky, where the light touched below, black wood, and grey stone could be seen. The light illuminating a large red garden of roses, then a massive building behind it, it's design beautiful, reminiscent of a victorian mansion, with its high peeks and sharpe Cathedral like roof.

The light soon covered all as the crow moved down, his body landing in a large window, it moved its head back and forth as its eye looked into the dark room, only to caw once more.

*Tap Tap.

The room was dark, the only light being the moon let in by the window that showed a black couch and beautiful rug. While taps could be heard echoing in the room, the taps soon came within the light, black high heels could be seen, moving up a pale leg, then to a open sided tight black dress, with curves in all the right places, only to stop as the persons face was still covered in shadows.

A long, pale and slender hand came out from the dark. It's palm facing up as the crow moved forward, it jumped landing in the hand held out as another hand came and took something from its mouth, with another caw, the crow was let go, back into the night.

"To think they would be so useful, but so useless.. now there is no stopping it." The hand held the letter, her veins stressing as she read it, her voice sweet but her anger filled every word. Crushing the letter as she turned, throwing it to the floor as she fixed her dress. "The lord must be woken up sooner then expected, no doubt I will be blamed for this.." with those words the woman walked away, her heels tapping as she left the room.

(A few hours later)

"What the hell are you doing Amelia?! It is not his time to rule! You have only been awake for 500 years!" In the large mansion, yells from a deep voice could be heard as the main hall of the home was full of beings standing around. "Lord Marcus and the others would not approve! 1 awake 2 asleep this is the law!" The mans voice growing louder, as he stood in the middle of the hall, with a tall, black haired, beautiful woman standing in front of him.

"You would question her Kraven? She is still the elder, if she thinks it's right, then who are you to question?" From the side of the two, a voice of a woman spoke up as she looked at the man named kraven.

"You have no right to speak, not with that shit you pulled the other night Selene!" Kraven yelled, his semi Long black hair moving, while his sharpe eyes looked over her.

"She is right Kraven, I have spoken and yet you still try to stop me? What are you so afraid of?" Amelia who had just been listening spoke, her cold eyes passing over Kraven as he moved back a little. "As for Selene it's just as much your mistake as it is hers, you took that creature into the vault of elders.." her voice was calm and cold but her eyes told it all as she watched him bow his head a little.

"My lady Amelia, before he slept.. did the lord not say he wished to be left sleeping longer this time? From your own lips you said so, would he not be mad being awakened so soon?" Kraven who was bowing said, his forehead sweating as he did. "Would it not be better to wake, Lord Viktor first?" Even while shaken he still spoke his mind.

"Viktor ruled already, waking him again would be a problem.. but I do understand your worried young Kraven." Amelia spoke, she was just as worried for her lord but she would deal with it. "prepare the elders hall, I will be waking both, there is nothing left to speak of." With her last words, she walked forward as her eyes moved to Selene who followed.

"Selene, while I deal with what is happening here, I would ask something of you." Amelia who was walking, looked over slightly at Selene as she made sure no one was around. "I can not leave the younger ones, or even Kraven to the task, so I will ask it of you." Turning her head back, she moved to the stairs that lead to the next floor.

"If you ask it I will do so, Kraven will say all manor of things to win favor and I wish not to be apart of it." Selene spoke, her face just as emotionless as they walked.

"Even I grow tired of his Incessant prattling.. but I will need to deal with it anyway." Amelia spoke with a light laugh as she continues. "I need you to go to a place in Washington, it's called forks.. it seems there is Lycan movements in that area, along with talks of shapeshifters." Getting to the top floor, she walked into a large room where she laid on a long red couch, with Selene sitting across from her.

"Shape shifters? Last I remembered we had almost killed all of them, but that was a hundred years ago." Selene said, crossing her legs as she thought on it. "But it makes sense, The Lycan's most likely found out about this as well. Dealing with two birds with one stone is better then letting them build their strength again." Selene tight black suit moved as she stood up.

"Do not do anything unless caught Selene, watch and wait. I'm sure Lord Marcus would like to visit that place as well." Amelia said, her eyes looking out to the moon as she heard Selene move away and out the door.

"This power in the world wishes to start a war? Ambitious as always, when their predecessors were crushed by us they hid like rats, now here they are again." Amelia spoke to herself as she poured dark red liquid into a cup. "Now you have a new name, did you think it would go unnoticed as younger covens were destroyed, how amusing.. volturi? What.. a.. joke." Her blue eyes glowed as she took a sip from the cup and the clouds covered the moon.