
‘Normal’ Person takes vacation in another world

This is the Isekai at peace X Draconic Deus fanfic ( with some crossover characters from different verses)

Tenma_Tatsukahagi · Cómic
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15 Chs

Chapter 6 [Edited…Again]

* Trinia*

In the sanctuary, 4 individuals can be seen discussing on a round table decorated with silver linings and antiques that was never touched by the mortal's hands those four individuals had a serious face and one of them began to start the meeting.

Kuromueina: "Is it okay to seal Kaito's magic about 95% because we all know that there are supernatural and Kaito can be targeted by those supernaturals anytime, can you explain this Shiro?" she asks Shiro why she seals Kaito's magic power/capacity by 95% even if they know the danger of the supernatural world, even though they are just being lesser than ants compare to them but that doesn't apply to Kaito that the current him can barely fight a low-mid class being at best.

Shiro: " The reason why I did that is because I don't want any threats of the supernatural that was causing trouble to husband and if they are able to sense his mana, if they sense they will definitely try to invite husband to their faction, especially devils because they intend to use humans and other species as their servant so that they can serve them forcefully or to treat them as slaves and in order to stabilize the populations of devils so that they won't go extinct, an example for this like this morning a spoiled devil princess tries to tempted Kaito-san to join her peerage to deal with her problem to cancel her marriage and that was arranged a few years ago, and all she did is trying relied on her brother like a spoiled brat and didn't train her power and her peerage at all because due to my omniscience I can see that in the future they will deal with something what they called as a 'Rating Games', a battle royale that very similar of chess but instead of chess piece they use bugs( devils) instead. Well....with their current power level I'm confident that 99.9% that they will lose unless they have outside help." She tries to elaborate to her sister trying to get them to understand her thought.

Kuromueina asks her other with full curiosity then asks her "Then why bother sealing only 95% and not 100%, why bother only leaving him only 5% percent of his full power?"

Shallow Vernal: " Well that is because the supernaturals don't usually meddle with normal human affair. The reason why I leave only 5% is that he himself can fight of against strays such as magicians, devils and fallen angel because they usually to evil things to fulfilled their own desire like killing people, r*ping women and kidnapping kids. But that applies only to about 95% of the strays that have a strength between low class to low-mid class being to us is nearly as strong as tier 9-A and most 8-C in general so it won't be a problem to Kaito-San."

Kuromueina: " Then what about 5%? Should we worry about that?" She asks with a frown of the possibilities of her husband encountering dangers.

Shallow Vernal: "Well those 5% are possible higher being like Ultimate-Class to Leader-class which is about tier 7-C to 7-A in strength based on our scaling, but you don't have to worry about that because I sent Alice there to protect him from and shadows, as you know that Alice tier right now is at tier 1-B in scales due to her very fast growth in strength and destroying that world is nothing worth mentioning and she managed to seal her power to at least super-class being at least so that she won't accidentally destroying that world with her pressure alone" she said while making a smug face at the end.

Kuromueina: " Phew… No wonder I can't find Shalltear somewhere and it turns out you're the one who sent her to be his guardian... but wait….what happened to Nebula-Chan?" She asked her where is Nebula's because she is supposed to be Kaito's watchdog, but Alice took that role instead, currently."

Shallow Vernal: " Oh right, I forgot about that after I regain her power and her true form back to the Creation God she once was, then she volunteered to be another Kaito's Guardian, she then proposed to me that she will be the new transfer students with the role of Kaito's wife, which she is. Well, 2 is better than 1."

Kuromueina then signed tirelessly because of what will happen to Kaito in that world….then again she is also relieved that Kaito will be safe and sound. Maybe one day she will go to that world to meet with Kaito in order to refill herself with Kaitonium.




~ DxD world: Kaito's Penthouse ~

After the 'battle' against the perverted thug to save Gabriel from that man's claws Kaito suddenly invite Gabriel to his home to stay up for the night. When they arrived at the penthouse Gabriel admired at the penthouse not because of how beautiful the antiques is, on but how a place like this in Japan is holding so much density and pure mana around it. This make Gabriel even more curious of who was Kaito actually is.

Gabriel: " Wow Kaito-San! I didn't expect to live In a place like this, because this is very unique and extraordinary place" she praises Kaito on how he was able to secure such a place."

Kaito: " I'm not that great, I was is that I got lucky that I was able to secure a place that was given to me."

Gabriel: " Eyyy…. Who ever gave this penthouse to you must be very kind to you but I wonder who is it, it is you parents or a friend?" She ask with a slight smile because she was curious on what kind of person was able to gave him some kind of penthouse that was very secure because the place was filled with very complex barrier magic formulas that only him the the people that he invited can get into. But to Gabriel it's seem that Kaito doesn't realize that there is a barrier magic even though he can get through it without difficulty which make Gabriel very confusing because she don't that if Kaito was just a normal human being that unknowingly have supernatural's help or he is part of the supernatural.

Kaito: " Well all I can say is a family matter and can you not pry it into it more because I respect your privacy" well he didn't tell a lie because that Makina is his wife which is part of the family member. And as for personal privacy stuff, he wanted to kept it secure this time because he doesn't want a second Shiro that who peeks into his memories whenever they want.

Gabriel: " Oh! sorry sorry sorry… is just that this penthouse really piqued my interest and I didn't mean to pry into you, so sorry again.`` She apologize while shaking her hand making a 'sorry' gesture while looking down a bit trying to reason with Kaito thinking that she said something that was personal to him, and at the same time she is afraid that Kaito might have a negative opinion of her for some reason.

Kaito: " Oh! Hahaha!! You don't need to apologize like that well it is quite for people to be like that around unique environment, so I don't blame you at all.." he said with a smile, well he kinda admits that he enjoys Gabriel's company despite having only met for 1 hour.

Kaito: " Well then Gabriel-San why do come back late at night you that during the night many bad things can happen?" He ask while looking at her

Gabriel: " Well I can't say of what my job is but I can say that it is very urgent."

Kaito. " Uhmm okay… I won't pry into your business, So then Gabriel-San do you need to go bathroom to take a bath or go to sleep, if you want to know where the bedroom is, go to the first floor and go on to the left and the bathroom is next to it and in there contains a large bathing pool if you want to relax."

Gabriel: " Thank you Kaito-san for your hospitality and a room for me to stay in for the night."

Kaito: " It's fine Gabriel-san you don't need to thank me, I just doing the best of what I can to ensure your stay." He replied with a smile that was able to charm a lot of people when Gabriel sees his genuine smile she couldn't help but blush a bit that cause her to be very embarrassed and run upstairs to prepare for the end of the day.

Kaito: " Well then, maybe a bath will help me to relieve my tiredness a bit." and so our protagonist went up to bathroom to relives his stressful encounter with 2 enemies he just met a while ago.

Creation is Hard!!!! Please give me Powerstone for motivation!!!

Tenma_Tatsukahagicreators' thoughts