
Hi people

-This is my first time writing, so spare me if you see grammar mistakes and the such.

- Think of this as a AU, it already is actually, since it's a crossover. But if things seems out of place, just chalk it up that it has to do with this been a AU.

- Also if character's personalities seems out of place, read it with a pinch of salt, I'm not a complete weeb(definitely) so don't know about these things in depth. Especially since didn't read the manga's and stuff of the works I will include.

- Don't come cursing at me if you don't like something I changed or wrote, it's a fanfic, there is changes meant to be. And of course this just might not be your cup of tea, sorry if that turns out to be the case.

- reason I'm writing this is because I'm mad bored, and also because a lot of the fanfic these days are about having harems and s*x, so trying to change things up a bit.

- now i don't know if this will be a harem, lol i just said I wanted to changes things up and now… there for sure won't be s*x though at all, I think. Not much romance to, especially since I'm not confident in writing those things, let me know what you guys want.

-1 chapter a day, or at least I will try to. I was thinking of having at least 10 chapters in stock so can still upload while writing more, but then got to impatient haha…

- Lastly hope you enjoy…or at least like it a bit