
As you write your novel, you will definitely break them into chapters. On top of the usual dilemma of where to break your chapters, there are also times when I face this problem of not knowing how to

Always start a new chapter on a new page. Use the page break function to insert a blank page; do not use the Enter key multiple times.

Type Chapter 1: Title of Chapter at the top of the page; your chapters will be numbered sequentially starting at 1. Be sure to label each title as a chapter title heading to format it properly; see the headings section below for instructions.

Leave the next line blank.

Start your chapter.

Chapter 1 needs to start on an odd-numbered document page according to Microsoft Word (not according to your page numbers). This may or may not happen naturally. Use the page break function to insert a blank page if it does not happen naturally; do not use the Enter key multiple times.