
Δ₣Ŧ€ŘŁI₣€_ŴØŘŁĐ> a vision of something false, a simulation.

Welcome to the many simulacrums of afterlife_world> where death isn't quite the end of your existence...this world is grim and nothing makes any sense... who knows how many times we've actually died?!...in this ever expanding simulation we call life....death could easily be waking up from a dream or a nightmare... in this collection of stories you will encounter all sorts of mind bending and thought provoking tales...travel through countless simulacrums...to uncover the truth behind afterlife_world>

magister · Ciencia y ficción
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5 Chs


Asmodeus and Matsu Pendragon have finally reached the ground floor of the school building...dead bodies are seen everywhere torn to bits...ripped limb from limb...by ghouls and ghost-like beings called umbras

with an overlord guarding the entrance...he bares the name Alex the evil one! and carries a nameless axe brimming with demonic aura!! it's the beginning of the end!! the race to conquer this SIMULACRUM!! and defeat cthulhu is on!


"Matsu looks around scanning the area for any signs of life"

Matsu Pendragon: this doesn't look good for us Asmodeus...the school is completely taken over by these damn umbras and to add insult to injury there's an overlord at the front entrance just standing there!! he must be the mid boss...

"Asmodeus grins and laughs obnoxiously"

Asmodeus: let me at em!! I'm not afraid of a pussy ass wimp mid boss named Alex!!! hahaha!!!

"Matsu shakes his head and sighs"

Matsu Pendragon: technically his name is Alex the evil one!!...so this guy might be a little much for us to actually handle...being only at level 15...

"Asmodeus looks at Matsu furiously grinding his teeth in frustration"

Asmodeus: so what do you think our next step should be genius?! we don't have all day to fuck around with these assholes!! we gotta take action here and now...an all

out onslaught on these fools!!

"Matsu nods and starts thinking"

Matsu Pendragon: hey Asmodeus!! in all honesty...your power is the key to saving us! the coat of demons!!...

"Asmodeus leers at Matsu not even blinking his eyes a cold hard stare"

Asmodeus: ....

"Matsu looks at Asmodeus kindly"

Matsu Pendragon: this is only origin! Asmodeus...it's a fraction of all the simulacrums we will soon encounter...the real ticket is afterlife_world> the place outside all the simulations...the place where "god" reside!

"Asmodeus grins and roars a monstrous battlecry"

Asmodeus: alright matsu!! you won me over!! let's combine our efforts and show these mother fuckers how real demon lords do battle!! Hahahaha!!

[Matsu nods reassuring Asmodeus and starts chanting an ominous anthem...an anthem of doom and despair]

Matsu Pendragon: my vow to this despicable world...a digital hell on earth....without remorse...I cast off thy name and bring forth the all mighty coat of demons!!

[Asmodeus body starts contouring..changing shape...into a coat radiating an unknown but all to familiar power!!

Matsu Pendragon quickly slips on this coat of shadows...transforming him into Pendragon Deus!! demon lord of the exiled world]

[Pendragon Deus swiftly teleports to the entrance of the school building and punches Alex the evil one through the ground causing an massive earthquake resulting in a major landslide toppling surrounding buildings in the area]

Pendragon Deus: damnnnn! I think we may have over did it!! I hope this VR tech holds up hahaha!! we were a little bit to heavy handed and pummeled what's his face through the ground hahaha!!

[Alex crawled up from the earth unfazed and cracks his neck and looks up at Pendragon Deus and smiles hauntingly]

Alex: that almost killed me!!! how interesting?...no matter!! you will soon be dealt with just like everyone else who stands in the way of Cthulhu's wrath!!! HAHAHAHA!!! THIS IS MORE THAN JUST A VR GAME YOU FOOLS!!! I'LL CUT YOU IN HALF!!! I'LL DO IT WITH MY NAMELESS AXE LOVECRAFT THE FIRST TABOO!! HEH!!

[Pendragon Deus gives Alex two thumbs down while dreading up a pitch black ugly aura while giggling uncontrollably forming two almost identical blades made from madness this world...this SIMULACRUM has yet to see...THE GEMINI BLADES OF THE WAKING WORLD!!]


[Hi y'all...it's yours truly laughing_crow!! here!👋😁...things are really heating up!! the fight between the unbound overlord Alex the evil one and the demon lord Pendragon Deus is about to go all in!! who will be victorious? it's a fight to the death!! in the VR world of origin!! stay tuned for the next chapter!! SHOWDOWN!! CTHULHU'S PAWN! don't you dare miss it!!]

[inspirational thought]

it's okay to be different...don't be afraid to stand out and do things your way!!... people will be people... there's absolutely no way around that...just embrace who you are and keep your foot on the gas!! and keep going!! it's scary not knowing...but you never know until you try!!