
Ōetsu Nimaiya - The Crafter

The classic set-up. Death -> Wishes -> Reincarnation -> Lots of drip and cool crafts and the like. The plot follows Ōetsu Nimaiya who has the two Meta Essences: the Crafter, for obvious reasons and the Mad Doctor, to spice things up. He will craft and show the world what it truly means to be the Number One Zanpakuto Creator!!

Cedric_7512 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
25 Chs


(3rd Person POV)


"Oh, I made it!", Oetsu says as he walks out of the crater he made in the spaceship, "What a rush! Haha."

Boros looks at Oetsu who is smiling right now and narrows his eye ...

'This man ...', Boros thinks as he begins to run towards Oetsu, 'makes me want to go all out!'

Boros arrives at Oetsu's location and once again uses his speed to punch him from all sides like he did before. But this time it does nothing to Oetsu. On the contrary, Oetsu catches Boros' arm and then kicks him with a frontal kick. The kick makes Boros spit out blood and he shoots back. But not that far.

Boros stops himself from flying further and again wants to rush towards Oetsu, only to find Oetsu right in front of him with his fist about to hit him in the face.


The fist lands and Boros is sent flying again. He crashes into a pillar of the spaceship but still manages to keep standing after that. He looks towards Oetsu with a crazed look and smiles.

"That's the way, Oetsu ... You're indeed worth defeating!"

As he finishes saying that Boros speeds towards Oetsu again, but he doesn't manage to land one hit on him. Oetsu dodges every single one but then ... he stops dodging and lets the punches from Boros land on him. However, that doesn't change anything. He doesn't suffer any damage at all.

After a moment, he punches Boros towards the sky. He uses his maximum strength in that attack and launches Boros into the sky. There is a hole in Boros' thorax but he manages to heal from it.

"I will defeat you! All my energy will be released ... blasting you and this planet to hell!", Boros screams and Oetsu notices that the energy level is beyond what he could take.

"Saitama! Some help, please! Otherwise, the Planet will suffer great damage!"

"Ok.", Saitama says and stands next to Oetsu.


"Collapsing Star, Roaring Cannon!"

A giant energy attack approaches our two fighters below. Oetsu is not really scared, but he doesn't want to have the planet get damaged due to him not being strong enough to block the attack fully.

"In that case, I'm using my final move too.", Saitama says.

"So will I."


"Killer Move: Serious Series ... Serious Punch."

"Final Move: Maximum Effort."

Side by side, the two figures of Saitama and Oetsu punched the energy blast with their fists. The air pressure from their attacks was so strong that the energy was blocked and turned into heat. The pressure continued forward and hit Boros, going so far as to be potent enough to part the clouds on a global scale, as well as deliver the final, fatal blow to Boros.



The dried body of Boros is lying on the ground of the ship.

"Did I lose?"

"Indeed. But, surprisingly, you are still conscious.", Oetsu says.

"You really are strong.", Saitama comments.

"The prophecy held true. The battle was hard-fought.", Boros says.

"Yeah, it sure was. I had to grow considerably stronger to deal with you. You are truly strong, Boros.", Oetsu said.

"You lie ... you both had strength to spare. I never stood a chance with you Saitama ... and also not against you ... Oetsu. It wasn't even a battle ... more like training for you."

Saitama walked away to find a way off the spaceship, while Oetsu walked towards the dying body of Boros. He put his hand on the man and then absorbed all of his biomass. Unlike with Alex Mercer, Oetsu's weight didn't increase the more biomass he absorbed. He just turned it into energy and that was then added to his own.

The only reason why Oetsu did that was so that no one would gain the cells of Boros and create some monsters out of them.



"Oi Saitama."


"Say, are you interested in fighting with me any time soon? I can tell that you are craving to experience the thrill of a fight again. But it would appear that you have grown too strong for that on earth. So how about we have a go at it and see where it leads?", Oetsu suggested.

"Hm ... sure. But I don't think now would be a good idea."

"Alright. Whenever you have time. We can also grab some food later on if you're interested."

"Oh?", Saitama's eyes began to shine when he heard that.

"You know ... a question. Did your hair fall out when you were training?", Oetsu asked.

"Yes. I tried everything but nothing is working. I don't know what to do."

"Hmm ... you know, I might be able to help you with that. I'm an inventor. I create new things. So if you are interested I might be able to find a way to give you back your hair and then-"

"Yes!!!", Saitama had stars in his eyes. It seems that was his weakness.

"Cool, so if I manage to create something, then we'll have our spar, how about it?"



The two of them made their way through the spaceship by simply walking through the walls they saw. It seemed like the best idea right now. This ship was a giant maze and while Oetsu could find the exit, he wasn't in the mood right now.

They punched through the final wall and finally made it.

"Oh, we're out.", Saitama says.

"Looks like it."

"Hey.", a feminine voice says. The two look at Tatsumaki, and the S-class Rank 2 Hero comes flying towards them.

"Why would a Class B like you be inside the ship? And who are you?"

"Master!", Genos calls as he runs towards the group, "You are safe!"

"Hey, Genos! We're done here. Let's go. Oh, uh ... this is Oetsu, he was also there.", Saitama said.

"Nice to meet you. So, did you defeat the leader?", Genos asks.

"Yeah, he was really strong. Maybe the strongest I've faced."

"I see. So without you Master, the prophecy about Earth's destruction would have come true."

"No. Turns out you can't trust prophecies to begin with ... Oetsu was also there so-"

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!", Tatsumaki has had enough of the three of them ignoring her.

"I don't know how you did it, but you went on the ship on your own? You're just Class B. How dare you butt in like that? I didn't need you. I could have handled it on my own! Baldy! Octopus! Boiled egg! Light bulb! Avocado! ...."

"G-Genos ... says something.", Saitama says to Genos.


"Listen, spoiled brat. Shut up and get lost, or get beat down."

"That's it! Yeah!", Saitama cheers.


Genos is telekinetically pushed into a boulder next to them and is embedded into it.

"Unforgivable. Me, a brat? I'm older than you!", Tatsumaki says.


"You're next, Class B!", Tatsumaki says.

"Now hold on pretty lady. You have to forgive my little cousin over there. He didn't know any better. You see when you're that young it is hard to appreciate beauty like that. Of course, we know that you are older than him ... I am just a bit surprised that you wish to be known as ... older, than your appearance let's someone believe.", Oetsu finally said something.

"P-pretty?! Y-yes I guess he ... is just t-too young to see it. I will let you off this time. But next time you are all dead!"

"Ah, what a fiery temper ... I like it. But goodness she is small.", Oetsu said.

Saitama was trying to pull Genos out of the boulder.

"Genos, your joints are all bent the wrong way."


"There sure are many troublemakers amongst the elite heroes.", the voice of Bang, Class S, Rank 3 said to Oetsu, "Who are you, young man?"

"Oetsu is my name, nice to meet you. What is your name?"

"I am Bang. Nice to meet you Oetsu. So did you accompany Saitama into the ship?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

"And is Saitama as strong as I believe him to be?"


"Haha, that's good. I see that you have a sword at your hip. Are you a swordsman then?"

"Well, I use anything I can to fight. I enjoy martial arts of any kind."

"Oh? Then would you be interested in learning my martial arts from my dojo?", Bang asked excitedly.

"Well ... I guess sure. I was also planning to ask Atomic Samurai for a fight later on, so if we have a go at it before that, that is not a problem."

"Haha, you are ambitious I see, that's good. A young man like you should have high goals."

"You are underestimating me, old man. I am a VERY fast learner. But I am glad that you want to encourage me."

"Where do you live?", Bang asked him.

"You know ... not around here. I'll come to find you later today if you're free. But now I promised Saitama some food."

"I understand. I'll see you later today then."



"So you think that you can have Sensei's hair grow back?", Genos asked Oetsu as they were having a 5-star meal. Oetsu can conjure materials, so that means he can also conjure money from this earth. He invited the two to dinner and said that it was on him.

"Yeah, that shouldn't be that much of a problem.", Oetsu said.

"And what makes you think that you can do that?", Genos asked suspiciously.

"Ah? I see that you are suspicious. But what would I gain from this? If I can't do it we will know soon enough. So don't worry about it, I don't have malicious intent."

"Don't worry Genos, Oetsu is strong, he doesn't need to use tricks like that. I believe him when he says that.", Saitama said. He was having the time of his life right now.

"Then I apologise to you Oetsu. But how are you going to do that?"

"Well, I'm somewhat of a scientist myself. You see normal 'hair growth' products won't help Saitama. His skin is so strong that the hair just doesn't have any chance to grow. But what if I create hair that is comparable to Saitama's durability?"

"You can just do that? Grow hair that is that strong?"

"Well, it was a figure of speech. It's of course a bit more difficult than that. I'll need some of Saitama's DNA and that in itself might be the hardest part.", Oetsu said.


"I need some of Saitama's DNA ... you know to create hair that is genetically his. You wouldn't want hair that isn't yours would you Saitama?"

"No! I want my own hair."


Genos looked at Oetsu suspiciously again. It seemed like he thought that Oetsu would use his master's DNA to create an army of Saitama's.

"Yare yare, Genos. You are thinking too much. Saitama's DNA won't be any different than any other human. The secret to his strength lies not in his genes, but in the effort he made to get where he is. So if I take his DNA, it won't be special in any way."

"That's ... are you telling the truth? You are not trying to create clones of Master?"

"No! Why would I do that? That's so much work for nothing. You can't clone Saitama's strength like that."

"I see. Then I'm relieved. Please excuse my suspicion."

"That's alright."



Oetsu spent the next day in the house right next to the one Saitama owned and used it to create a small lab. He wanted to stay here for a while and only go back later. F*ck the Zero Division right now. He was having fun for the first time in a long while. And he was also challenged intellectually here.

Currently, he was going over Saitama's DNA and checking if there was anything different about it. While it was true what he told Genos, that the secret to Saitama's strength didn't lie in his genes, but in the way he achieved that strength, he wasn't entirely honest either.

There was a way to clone Saitama and then have him acquire the same strength. It was simple really. You just had to simulate the same life that Saitama had and watch him get his motivation to train ... and then three years later, the same thing would happen ... in theory.

But he wasn't interested in creating Saitama clones. He wanted to create hair for the man. And since he had his DNA now, he could absorb it any time he wanted. But he wouldn't need that anyway. The speed of his growth was unimaginable. If Saitama was pumped up with emotion and the two would fight ... it is likely that they would destroy the universe at one point.

Because Saitama's growth when he is emotional, is exponential. And Oetsu's growth is getting faster and faster as well. It was hilarious actually. He was adapting to his adaptation. He was continuously growing faster and adapting faster than before.


"All right then ... let's get to work on that hair."