

The more you read the more it gets intresting

anonymous_thinker · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter-2 Missing person

le-le-----LEOOO where is Leo you both did u see Leo what's your name Liam Noah did you see Leo he is not here oh no I am freaking out shit no wait we should te-- "uhm hello you three kids here gathered for your detention I am a professor of this school also kai's grandfather just call me "professor" I did not want you all to get involved in it but,,, as it is what the world's domain for you four.....

Grandpa---- uhm sorry professor what do you mean by four and what were we chosen for " I meant the person who is missing,, your friend Leo and you kai and these two also Liam and Noah you were chosen to be---- what is this earthquake let's get out of here ,,,,,, we finally made it out kids let's go into that building there is a basement in there let's go there it is that the professor and the three kids are going to find Leo,,, Liam and Noah not knowing who kai professor or Leo were....

Well the curiosity grew in three of the boy's about one thing what were they chosen for,,, not knowing anything the three boy's followed the professor,, professor what's that small room there let's go into it or maybe not it looks creepy 'they were in the same building where Leo is and were very shocked to see Leo there touching the vase' kids it's very dangerous here don't go near Leo as I was saying what were you chosen for I can't say it right now but it includes magic that you will learn....

Right now kai and you two stay back i am gonna bring him back ' as the professor touches the vase the vase also starts to eat him up his mind full of random stuff and Leo is free but the professor wasn't looking too good he was turning into a vicious monster as soon as Leo woke up he said 'everyone run there is a demon there and there is so much information I got to know I almost turned into a monster' no wait he is my grandfather waitt,, kai we can't wai--.....

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