

After Major accidentally destroyed the universe. He could change one thing for the next universe. He chose to remain with the people he cared about most. In this new reality, things weren't quite the same as they used to be. Everyone seemed more free to do what they wanted and the world gave off much a much more positive vibe. One thing that did change was that the once powerful character now found themselves rendered powerless, causing them to learn from the grounds up once again. The world may give off more positive energy than before, but where there is light, there is always darkness

alaagon · Ciudad
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14 Chs


Aureli's face glowed brightly, causing Major to recoil back in a light shock. She stood there, confused at what was happening to her body. She glared at her right hand, which was also glowing, all of the scars on her body lit up in harmony. She walked up to Major, leaving her body behind. Her head whipped back, to see her body behind her, a red glow in her head. The scars on her face were glowing a red glow. She could see Major, completely frozen.

She tried to reach out to him, but her hand went through his body, like she was a ghost or spirit. She waved her hand in front of his face but there was no reaction present. Just a blank stare.

She turned her head to her body, the raindrops in the air had frozen in place, some retaining their impact as they met her face, which was looking up into the night sky. She took a step towards herself, reaching out towards the glow in her head. Her fingers penetrated her scalp and she felt the glow as a physical object, like a small gem or crystal.

As she clutched it in her hands, her vision went white and she saw her father's face. Someone she hadn't seen since the reality was reset. His face was as clear as day, staring at her and smiling. She could see his surroundings, where he was, a forest, surrounded by small creatures she'd never seen before.

They were small and fluffy, like balls of fur with eyes and mouths. No arms or legs and all different colours. They were swarming Aureli's father, with smiles and happy faces. She didn't know where he was, but she had a feeling she knew how to get there. She couldn't put her finger on how, or why. She just did.


Major snapped out of a trance and shook her lightly. She was in a small daze herself. "Dad? What do you mean Dad?" Major shook her harder and harder until her focus was broken. She flickered her eyes and looked back up to his face. Rain poured and soaked their faces and hair, the umbrella was on the floor now.

"I know where he is. I know where my father is somehow. I don't know how, but I do." Aureli started walking off into the distance in a trance, her scars started to glow once more. She held her hand out and fired a red flame from her hand into the distance and in a flash, teleported to it.

Major ran after her, trying desperately to keep up with her but it was pointless, she was gone into the distance. In a panic, Major called Nox and asked for the rest of them to go out and search for her. Galvinor and Steel opted to help aswell. The group split up and searched the town for her. Major had warned them about the red flames.

Aureli was long gone by that point, already at the coast of Devon, she had travelled many miles in under an hour and started walking into the sea. The water was freezing cold but that didn't seem to break her trance. She continued to move across the ocean, showing now signs of stopping. "I'm coming... Father....I'm coming...Father..."

Major was frantically looking around, starting to freak out at what was going wrong. He started to see visions, multiples of everything around him. His body started to move and walk uncontrollably. Stepping closer and closer towards his fate.

The others followed suit and walked in the same direction, for hours and hours, they just walked like zombies, uncontrollably towards their fate. For days on end, they just walked, over the ocean like Jesus.

Aureli reached her destination in a day or so, she walked onto the shore of a small island, filled with trees. She walked into the forest groves and mindlessly inhaled the surroundings, there were tiny creatures in the forest, small fluffy balls with faces, they bounced in the same direction she was walking.

Aureli snapped back into existence and saw her father, sitting on a log in front of a campfire, smiling at her. "Was the journey okay my dear?" He spoke with a soft, warm tone. A friendly face and voice. "I'm sorry for calling you on such short notice but there's much I need to say to you."

Aureli stumbled, then ran and hugged her father tightly. "I thought I'd lost you dad. I love you." The man wrapped his arms around his daughter. Just like Aureli, he had a prominent facial scar that gashed across the bottom left of his face.

"I know, it's okay now, were together again. As I said, there's much we need to discuss. In a few weeks, your friends will be here. We need to prepare for their arrival. I have a lot to tell you. I'll start with the reason...

There is a powerful being, not one from this world, but another. His name is Solomon Satan. A man with a seemingly limitless history with the world, the very same devil mentioned in religion. The most horrible of beings. The Gogis have told me that in a year's time, Solomon will descend upon the world and attempt a global destruction. In that time, we need to end him. He can't destroy the world, if he does, he'll destroy everything else and reset reality again, this time, he will be in charge of the next rule. He will become a god."

Aureli looked up at him and sat back across from him. "We know his brother. He also asked us to stop him." Aureli touched her scarred face. "But his brother also gave this to me in my past life. I can't help it. I just can't bring myself to trust him."

"Your friends... Do they look at you different?" Aureli's head perked up at the question. She thought about it for a second.

"Not really. I don't think so." She tried to think of her recent memories with them, their faces and expressions. "No, they don't."

"Then why worry? If the people closest to you don't see you as different. If they treat you the same, then why worry about a scar or two."

"One of my friends... He called me beautiful, even though I have the scar. He said they all love me for who I am. That's enough. Once I can realise that's enough, Ill be fine again." Aureli smiled at the thought.

"Why wait around for it to happen. If you want something, force it to happen. It's tough at first, but easy in the long run." He patted her shoulder and stood up. "Time stops on this island, you can stay here and train, the Gogis and I will aid you in your training. They are the sages of the world and know a lot of its secrets. They are also massively versed in tricks and can teach you a lot. We'll begin once your friends arrive. Until then, rest a little."

A week later, the rest of the group strolled onto the island. After regaining their senses, they were told about the reality of the situation and a week later, hardcore training had started. The Gogis were tough teachers and they achieved undeniable results.

Two years of training came and went and time simply passed by. They were no older, didn't look any different, they were the same people. Their minds hadn't developed either, only their experience and training.

"Next stop... Solomon Satan's palace." Major grinned as he looked at the night sky. "Tomorrow is the day I end you Solomon."