

You let out a huge gasp after waking up, looking shocked as you find yourself in a carriage, sitting in front of two men.

One has dark hair and eyes, he looks pretty soft, small nose, small ears, everything about him looks so delicate.

Unlike his golden-haired friend, who looks proud with those blue eyes of his, yet very handsome.

"Oh look, Daisy, it seems like the young lady has woken up"

'Daisy' now where did you hear about that nickname before?

Oh, yes, now you remember, that's the same nickname that James Steerforth gave to David Copperfield in the novel.

"Excuse me, where did you find me?" you ask.

David is surprised by your question, he was expecting a 'who are you?' type of question, not this question.

For God's sake, he expected you to freak out that you woke up in a strange carriage.

James, on the other hand, answers your question.

"We found you on the streets, knocked out, dear Daisy here couldn't bring himself to leave you"

Hearing those words, you look directly at David and smile, causing him to blush.

"Thank you," you say.

James cuts the moment between the two of you.

"So, how many customers do you have at night, ten, twenty, I dare say you look beautiful with that body"

You are shocked and offended by his words, while David panics.

"I'm not a prostitute...maybe only for fictional characters" you mumble the last part to yourself.

But the two men already heard your words.

"Oh, you are the type to fantasies about others, how delightful" James mocks, getting on your nerves more.

"And you seem like the type of man who elope with women and then abandoned them, sir"

Yes, you are foreshadowing that James ran away with Emily and then abandoned her.

"I like her, daisy"

The blond man says before falling asleep on his friend's shoulder.

"I was arguing with a drunk man, huh?" You grumble, looking out the window, embarrassed.

"May I ask for your name?" David changes the subject with a question to ease the tension.


"David Copperfield and this is my friend, James Steerforth"

You nod your head, as you look back at him, seeing that his cheeks are still flamming.

It's kind of a hard thing to hide due to his fair skin.

"You truly are as pure as a daisy" you tease him with a grin.

After speaking to you for you for only a few minutes, David knew that you will a great impact on his life.

Will this impact make him better or worst?

He will have to wait and find out.