
Pure Ice Core

Second day for the tournament came and the three won easily by the 4 opposing team forfeiting just because of their first match of the day.

The one they fought was a tiger, scythe, and shield. Although they were hard to deal with at first since Zhang Yue was the only one attacking, but the moment Xie Tang used his Pure Silver Grass it turned into a one-sided fight.

After that, they rest a bit before sparring one on one since the next fights will probably need them to fight together. Xie Tang used his sword hidden in the cane to fight since he already have it why not use it, 'This might help Qi Er a bit' that's what Xie Tang thought.

Xie Tang told them he won't use Pure Silver Grass and the other two thought it was gonna be easy defeating him but they were totally mistaken. Even telling them to gang up on him, they were brought to the ground breathing heavily.

"Hm~? Tired already~?" Xie Tang asked while hiding his knob hidden sword and looked at them. He just sighed and gathered the elements into a heptagon since he didn't create the usual 3 layer.

Around him was 7 different elements (fire, earth, water, wind, ice, light, dark) and a triangle revolving around the heptagon. He used them to strengthen the cores he have inside.

Zhang Yue being new to this although felt familiar in the white blue light, 'Wait... isn't that Star Qi!? And its purity is high!?' so she sat dawn and cultivated since there was a High Purity Star Qi around her. This was felt by Xie Tang but he ignored it.

Yu Qi Er followed Xie Tang in cultivating as the illusory elements spheres took the shape of a pentagon. She simply did not have any idea on the other elements in the triangle (from Xie Tang) so she just focused to her elements.

After a few hours of cultivation, Zhang Yue had entered Peak Rank 29, Xie Tang entered Early Rank 33 while Yu Qi Er was in the same spot of Peak 31. They stabilized their cultivation and after so they sparred again until night came as they had to go to their dorm rooms.

Either way, that day was a success for everyone since they learned a lot and even fought Xie Tang without Pure Silver Grass. There was also the cultivating session they had, it was really helpful for all of them.

Their schedule for the next few days was like this. Fight in the tournament, cultivate for a bit, spar with each other, cultivate together. That was what happened for the next few days until the day the tournament ended.

And it was the day that Yuhao and Wang Dong were late while they were like a mess. Reason being they overslept but Teacher Zhu Yi teased them for a bit and let them sit down.

The two glanced at each other but Xie Tang stopped them and told them to listen to avoid the scolding / punishment from Teacher Zhu Yi.

After class ended, the group of Xie Tang gone out and cultivated together, sparred, and cultivated until nighttime. It was a fun exercise since the more the merrier but that is only when you trust your team.

They talked on the way to their dorms, "I forgot about this but what is with top 64? I don't know what happens if we reach that ranking." (Xie Tang)

"I believe it was inter-class matches. It depends on the draw lots though." (Xiao Xiao)

Xie Tang was thinking of what they need to do, because in this inter-class matches there are bound to be real monsters because they already got in the top 64. Yu Qi Er hasn't spoke much sine that day with her father so Xie Tang was kind of deep in thoughts. "It seems we need to spar more and more." which got a sigh from Zhang Yue.

"Anyways, as long as we don't slack off then we can win." Xie Tang continued while walking and looking at the stars. He was thinking, 'We need more elements to increase diversity but we also need power.' then he looked at Yu Qi Er who was looking at the sky and it can be seen in her eyes that she wants to win.

'Like other say : The eyes are the windows of the soul.' Though he just continued to walk towards their room saying goodbye to Zhang Yue. Upon entering their room, they didn't turn on the lights but instead Xie Tang gathered all the elements he currently know to orbit around his body while Yu Qi Er used her Elemental Spear to use the illusory elemental spheres.

Xie Tang didn't ask what is with her since he knows that it was because of the issue with her father. He, as a bodyguard, didn't want to stick his nose to something he wasn't even involved but there was this side of him, as Brother Tang, that wants to hear what it is that make Yu Qi Er sad.

Xie Tang was stuck. He didn't know what to do so he did what is best for him right now and that is either to cultivate or enter [Natural Unity]. He chose the latter since he cannot calm himself down right now, this in turn slowed down Yu Qi Er's progress by a small margin since there was no one to gather purified elements.

Xie Tang was currently in [Natural Unity] and saw something that interest him. There was a massive source of light coming from the room next door, he used his senses and saw Yuhao and Wang Dong doing spirit fusion.

'Eh? Ice? But much purer?' Xie Tang saw the purest Ice Qi he had ever seen so he quickly gathered those small Pure Ice Qi and tried to make it into a core although he succeeded turning it into a small pebble.

He only created the core externally and not internally. He didn't absorb it just yet, he was planning on making it stronger and since Yuhao was a hardworking student he knew he has many chances of strengthening his Pure Ice Core.

The Pure Ice Cire was spreading coldness around the room and even Yu Qi Er was feeling it even when she was cultivating. In the end he was forced to create a Sun Core externally just for the Pure Ice Core to be surpressed.

He then created a film of Sun and Moon Qi around the two cores to prevent energy leaks and even created a suction force for the film to be self-sustained when they're out.

Yu Qi Er opened her eyed to see what was happening only to see two cores of varying temperature revolving around each other. She then felt that both these cores were purer than hers so she asked Xie Tang, "Brother Tang, what are these two cores?"

Xie Tang was happy she finally talked but it was about the cores, anyways, he cleared his throat and said, "Qi Er, the red core is called Sun Core and I gathered it just now from the Sun. The other one is Pure Ice Core, I don't know the real name but it was the purest energy I saw. I gathered it, rather, borrowed it from the next door." after which he got ready for school since today they have a math with other classes.