

The arrival of House Atreides sparks alliances and conflicts across the Seven Kingdoms. The intricate web of politics, with its Houses and their schemes, intertwines with the enigmatic prophecy surrounding House Atreides

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400 years before Aegon's Conquest

From the archives of the citadel

-Maester Garth flower

Before the Martells and before the Battle for Dawn. When the dayne's forged their sword from the heart of the star that fell begun the beginning of a new house that will perhaps change the landscape of westeros. House Atreides one of the most powerful house westeros has ever seen

 For they came with ships that flew above the water with weapons never seen by humans and they started their Conquest within a single day as thousands upon thousands of soldiers with black Armour never seen before started their march.

The King of the Torrentine bowed to their new High King and the region from the castle of torrentine towards the dornish Marches ,the castles were sieged and new castles were built within days.The last conquered Lands were CapeWrath and the redwoods where their military finally stopped

 The Gardener king along with the storm king were preparing for any attacks from the now called" Astreans". The attacks never happened as House Astreides had another important thing to do for, they had to find a way to get home or in this matter Atreus Ⅱ wanted to meet his brother Leto in Arrakis. Atreus Ⅱ was not like his brother as he hated how the empire operated and was more vocal hence was banished by his own brother but after knowing the treachery done by Empire Atreus was furious and prepared an Army from the considerate amount of wealth he had and looted from the planet courtesy to his brother but to his dismay or perhaps it might be his luck , he was trapped in a Space storm and was transported to a world where the people still use sword and Shields for 8000 years. 

The moment his army along with him arrived here their machines begun malfunctioning and while interacting with the local people they soon got an idea of this planed called "planetos". The Daynes considered Atreus has a god who came from the star. Since they had no way to get home Atreus carved his own kingdom within westeros and the dornish marches were the perfect place to hide their spacecrafts for what use of a machine that doesn't work but since Atreus was banished to a world that still used firearms he had some "older fire arms" with him. He could have conquered the whole of westeros or even the so called "Valyria" but he was satisfied with what he had and didn't want his weapons to reach his enemies. Then came the integration part where he asked his people(mostly from the army) to marry the native women which sparked the beginning of the Astreans,people who were different from the common people

Throughout history we can see House Astreides standing tall even when Aegon and his sister wives looked towards westeros or when the martells tried to wrap their tails around the hawk , nothing seemed to affect them or when Rhaenys Targaryen came with her dragon to burn cakewrath. House Astreides used their "Scorpion" to kill the dragon but rather than the original fate where she was raped and killed by martells. House Astreides only took her in as a prisoner never to see daylight, well that's what others believe however Aegon hated house Astreides, for he believed he could have conquered Dorne if it was not for House Astreides. They were truly impenetrable with a formidable navy guarding their shores it was impossible to attack them 

Then came the events leading to Dance of the dragons where House Astreides actually sent an envoy to dragonstone but the envoy's mission was to steal some dragon eggs for some experiments and what better time was when the house of dragon was weak as it was then. It was later said that almost 6 eggs were stolen by Atreides 

Daeron, the young dragon tried capturing dorne from the sea by sending the Velaryon fleet towards sunspear and moving his army along oldtown but Atreides stool tall