

Through a twist of fate I escaped the boundaries of my world. Coming to another one I was rejected by all. Joining a familia much hated, I found my path. Finding love in the dungeon, I experienced betrayal. Enduring untold hardships, I changed the life of many for better or worse. But in the end was it all for naught? This is my journey. An endless adventure. ------------------ Subscribe to my youtube channel: Youtube_stories. search for -> forgotten relative_1 on YouTube.

nkcthereaper · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
162 Chs



Ais and Juggernaut collided with each other at a speed invisible to the naked eye.


Dust flew everywhere as the figure of Ais Wallenstein flew out.

Spinning her body in mid-air to regain her balance, Ais gracefully landed on the ground.

Many small cuts have appeared on Ais's body in the short moment in which she collided with Juggernaut.


On the other hand Juggernaut wasn't in great condition either as it's bones which seemed impenetrable before have cracked in various places.

"Why aren't you helping her",Lily asked as she looked at Riveria healing Youngest Lackey's wounds.

"It's useless",Riveria said without moving her gaze away Youngest Lackey.

A confused expression appeared on Lily's face when she heard Riveria.

"Magic is useless against Juggernaut",Riveria said in a calm voice as she finished healing Youngest Lackey.

"It has a skill which can reflect all magic attacks",Riveria gazed at Juggernaut as she continued.

"W-what is up with this broken monster?",Lily said in an anxious voice.

"Don't worry we only need to stall it for some time and then it will disappear by itself",Casting a spell Riveria started healing Middle Lackey.

Hearing what Riveria said, Lily turned her head and looked at Ais Wallenstein with expectant eyes.

She didn't noticed that a frown appeared on Riveria's face after Lily turned her head.

'What exactly caused the juggernaut to appear here?',Riveria muttered in a small voice.


Tightly gripping 'Desperate' in her hand, Ais looked at Juggernaut completely ignoring the small cuts on her body.

Exhaling lightly, Ais brought Desperate's handle close to her chest as she said in a small voice.


With an unbelievable speed, Ais pierced forward.

Juggernaut moved to the left, Dodging the attack by a hair's breadth, But maybe Ais expected this as she used tempest in mid-air, Quickly changing her direction and slashing down at Juggernaut with all her strength.

Seeing the attack coming towards it, Juggernaut fiercely slashed out horizontally with it's giant bony hand instead of dodging.

An explosive sound resounded as Juggernaut was a tad bit faster than Ais, Sending her flying.

But Juggernaut didn't get out unscathed as the lower half of its face bone was cleanly cut away.


Ais's body crashed in the dungeon wall as spider like cracks appeared all around her.

A line of blood came out from the corner of Ais's mouth as she got out of the hole.

Her left arm which had taken the blunt force of Juggernaut's attack was now broken as it it didn't show any sign of moment.

But the grip on 'Desperate' only got stronger as not a single change appeared on Ais's face.

Willpower is something which she has an excess of.

A pair of golden and red eyes stared at each other.

Ais knew about Juggernaut's time limit, And so she wasn't in a hurry to make a move as time is in her side.


Perhaps noticing her intention, Juggernaut let out a angry roar as he got in a crouching motion to maximize it's speed.

An uncertain expression appeared on Ais's face, She didn't know if she would be fast enough to dodge the upcoming attack and so she also bent her body and got ready to dodge out of the way.

Just as both of them were about to take action.


A small wind blew from the cave's entrance situated between Ais and Juggernaut.

A silent and harmless wind which can easily be ignored by anyone if they didn't pay attention.

But for a reason unknown, Everyone regardless of what they were doing, Turned their head and stared at the empty entrance, Even the Juggernaut.


The wind got stronger.


Ais's body shuddered as all of her battle hardened instincts screamed at her.

As if telling her that.....

Something very dangerous was coming.


Without any notice a giant tornado made by wind rushed out of the entrance.


Shielding her eyes with her right arm, Ais took several steps back.


The sound of someone's feet hitting against the rough dungeon floor rang out.

It wasn't loud, infact when compared to the roaring wind the sound was almost unnoticeable.

But it hit like a drum to everyone present.


As the sound of rythmic footsteps grew larger, Ais forcefully opened her eyes.

Through her golder iris she looked ahead.

The shadow of the cave flickered as a black coloured boot appeared.


The foot calmly stepped down but it was unable to hide the power within, As small cracks formed all around it.


Little by little the figure stepped out of the darkness.

The roaring wind vanished.

As the artificial dungeon light shone upon him, The figure of the familiar boy came in everyone's vision.

Not minding the gazes of those around him, Ignoring the giant monster to his right, The boy made his way towards a specific direction.

With his steady footsteps, The boy stopped in front of a bloodied corpse.

With emotionless eyes, William stared at Eldest Lackey's smilling face.

"Captain h-he.....",Lily walked up to William as she tried to say that they were saved by Eldest Lackey.

But raised his hand, Stopping her from continuing.

"I know...",William said in a small voice.

Lifting his head, William stared at the dungeon's ceiling and continued.

"Although you were a pervert to the extreme..."

Although you stole my valis thinking that I didn't notice...."

"Although you always made me want to beat you up whenever I saw you...."

"You were nonetheless someone I didn't hate being around with."

Looking down, William's eyes shone with a bright looked at the multitude of wounds on Eldest Lackey's body.

"Giving up your life to save those important to you....."

William's voice grew smaller as he remembered how he ran away after Dylan saved him.

"You did something which I couldn't....."

"And for that you have my acknowledgement",William said as he bowed towards Eldest Lackey.

Perhaps it was just her imagination, But Lily saw a embarrassed looking Eldest Lackey standing beside William.


Suddenly, William took out 'Desire' from it's sheath as he turned around.

With his back facing, Eldest Lackey he said in a small voice.

"Forgive me as I cannot shed tears like normal people....."

William started walking away.

"But worry not..."

Lifting his head, William stared at Juggernaut with cold eyes.

"As I will send you away, My way"

Juggernaut stared at William as it's blood red eyes flickered.

"Let's fight together to beat it",Ais who had been waiting by the side quickly went up to William and said.

"Unnecessary",William walked passed Ais as he said in a calm voice.

Ais froze in place as she turned around and stared at William.

As William made his way forward the distance between him and Juggernaut decreased.

With a sword in hand, William stepped forward.


Suddenly, Juggernaut who was standing still all this time moved at a blinding speed.

It was a speed incomparable to when it was fighting Ais.

In an instant, Juggernaut appeared right in front of William.

Yes Juggernaut had been waiting.

It had been waiting for William to come in its range of attack all this time.

And it attacked right when it happened.

With quick movement Juggernaut flew pass William.



Lily shouted in agitation when she saw blood gushing out.

Juggernaut's blood red eyes flickered when they saw a severed arm flying in the air.

Turning it's head, Juggernaut saw William who was still standing on his original place.

If Juggernaut could express emotions than a mocking expression would have appeared on it's face .

As Juggernaut was turning it's body around.



Juggernaut suddenly dropped on the ground.

Looking back a shocking scene appeared in Juggernaut's vision.

It's hind leg was missing.

Just as it was wondering what happened to it's leg.


A small explosion happened as William jumped in the air.

Catching his severed arm, William landed on the ground.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, William placed his arm on the severed shoulder as it reattached itself within seconds.

Moving his fingers, William said.

"Monster birthed by the dungeon...."

William continued as he turned around and faced Juggernaut.

"I shall make you feel pain"






