
[System User] in the multiverse of Madness

When I found out about the multiverse the first time I was told one thing. "The multiverse doesn't make any sense at all." I don't remember who told me that anymore. Back to the topic. My name is Leon Garcia and I am someone referred to by many as a reincarnator. Anyone would think that an enchanter is something special, I would be the main character and the world would revolve around me. But in reality there are thousands or millions like me. No one in this place is unique or special, that's something I found out for myself. And if you want something you have to earn it through force, in this place the most honest or the most honorable doesn't win. The most bastard and unhinged wins. So I will set out on my journey through this place with my annoying companion with the goal of fulfilling my dream. To have a harem of beautiful women and a peaceful life. That would be it, at the end of the day I don't think it would be that hard to achieve..... "Did I just raise a flag?" □•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□ [Warning]: English is not my first language. □•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□

Reader_Madness · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
9 Chs

Chapter 1: My life sucks.


[Disclaimer]:I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic to pass the time.


My life is made up of a series of unfortunate accidents, some big and some small.

That is a fact and my current situation can be considered as one of several accidents that happened to me, only this time it seems like the last.

'How the hell did I end up like this?'

In a city that was now destroyed and burning, he lay bleeding to death.

My body was completely in tatters.

 Maybe they would expect me to scream and cry, but that didn't matter anymore.

What good would it do me to do those things in the first place?

'It's not like someone is coming to save me...'

Plus they took out my teeth and tongue.

´Shit...this hurts.´

The skills I gained from the organization became completely useless against the bastard who caused this to me.

´But how could that guy nullify all my abilities?´

While I was bleeding I tried to find the answer.

'Perhaps it would have been better to ignore the organization's request to rescue this damn [Farm].'

I sighed as I looked around, a beautiful hell caused by a 'mere bastard'.

"I wonder what will become of me now."

There was a secret he had.


It's not so secret since I'm going to tell you and above all you read it in the synopsis, who you are I don't know, maybe you are a product of my mind to face my immense loneliness...

Anyway I gave you the name [Crazy Voices]. Although maybe I should think of another name, I think that name is already copyrighted.....

Back to the topic.

I am what is known as a reincarnator, yes, I know, "wow" that "original", at first I thought I was unique and special. But life hits you hard when you think like that.

I will tell you about my life before I was reincarnated.

My name is León García. You couldn't say I'm special or anything, I mean, I wasn't raised by a dysfunctional family that made me develop a cold and indifferent personality that is actually a mask to hide immense pain. He was also not a genius who saw others as inferior to me nor was he the most attractive man who could even make women fall in love with my looks.

No, actually I was an ordinary person, my appearance was normal; I was like some of you. My family was like any other, sometimes they fought, sometimes they didn't, a Latin American style family.

The only special thing I would have to say is that I am what you would call an Otaku, but I didn't go to the point of having my room full of figures and posters of a specific character.

Plus I didn't have much money...

My life goes on like any other, I study, I plan my life, university, I form relationships, like any other normal person.

Now comes one of the morbid curiosities for anyone who knows about a reincarnator.

"How did he die?

In fact, to this day I still remember that day and still regret it.

I was walking back from college when I came across a woman being assaulted by an armed man, I obviously ignored her, first of all what would she do in that situation against an armed man?

Obviously they would kick my ass.


I don't know what happened to me that day but I decided to help the woman, I stood in front of her to protect her while she screamed "Run away, I'll take care of it." Although I will adjust my trembling voice to the situation, because when I was in front of the man I realized how stupid my decision was.

Well, I couldn't even help the woman because she pushed me towards the man and ran away from her.

The funny thing is that as they pushed me I fell in front of the armed guy and he ended up shooting me. The next thing I knew she was screaming while she was on the ground with a gunshot wound as the boys ran away.

I honestly don't understand how some reincarnated people had the ability to reason while they were dying, think interesting things like the mistakes of their life, spout stupid things about being hit by a truck, but I couldn't even form a coherent word because I was crying in pain.

Without a doubt a stupid and meaningless death.

And well then I died, but I survived.

Or at least that's what I thought until I discovered that I was reincarnated as a baby in a new world, just as the novels teach us, this is where the journey begins to become the strongest of all and create a harem of colossal sizes that will not follow. any logic.

Without a doubt it would have been a cliché trip but very nice, really very nice; Instead, I had to be reincarnated into the fucking world of [Berserk], as one of the characters named Corkus that you probably don't even know, but since I'm feeling sympathetic I'll tell you that he was one of the members of Guts' group.

My life was destined to be shit and it was all because of the effeminate guy dressed in tight bird armor.

So I did everything I could to survive, I must say that a part of me believed that maybe I was in that world to save everyone or be some kind of hero that would turn the tables of the world, well none of that happened but I wasn't. bad to dream it would happen.

Well, a lot of things happened, like finding an annoying thing that accompanies me to this day, unfortunately the son of a bitch went to loot the corpses and left me here.

Back to the topic.

I continued to live in that world for at least 39 years from my birth, until they arrived.

Even today I wonder why they came, since the [World] I was in did not suit them, it did not meet any of the conditions they liked.

Ignoring that, those who came were the Organization that I belong to or belonged to since I am going to die. At that time I was recruited after discovering that I was a Reincarnate. The surprising thing is that there were several others like me in that [World] only who chose to hide instead of fighting like me, while others had died or committed suicide because they did not know how. face the world.

After being recruited I prepared for the new journey, I discovered several things, one of them being that the [World] where I was reincarnated was just one of the infinite Worlds that there were.

And they all inhabit what we call [Multiverse]. I was amazed when I began to discover more of this place, so many infinite possibilities, reincarnated, system users, regressors and transmigrators, those were the most peculiar and important beings outside my [World]. .

But the first thing I discovered was the dislike that most of the [Entities] feel towards us.

But I don't blame them, the organization I belonged to was practically the clear example of why they hated us.

Well, even knowing that I decided to work for them since I needed support and above all, no other place was going to accept me...

Well, maybe the Abyss Faction, but the future that would wait for me there is dark, the shit I saw with tentacles once in a hentai would come true. And that would be at best...

I continued with my life fulfilling missions for the Organization. It must be said that this Faction has a system similar to the Adventurer's Guilds in the Fantastic Novels.

I saw worlds, I met people, I fought against beings that ignored any logical reasoning, young men who had as many women as there were humans on earth, cultivators cutting down planets with a simple sign of their finger, I even got to witness an elementary school girl tearing apart reality. herself and she brought an army of abominations.

Sanity and logic was something that did not exist in these parts.

Well, I abandoned them while surviving on my homeworld, so I don't know why I make so much drama.

Getting back to the topic, I ended up living my life as a war dog who only carried out missions for those of our Faction, although I wanted to enjoy the things that others had, including the harem that some if not all of my companions showed off as if bragging to them. others.

I even saw how some discussed how one had a certain type of woman who belonged to a certain series, sometimes they exchanged or looked for information on where to get more women, as if they were collectible figures.

It must be said that our Faction was hated by all [Female Entities].

Continuing with what I was going to say is that I also wanted that life, to spend time in peace, eat whatever I wanted, have beautiful women by my side, women who loved me, even a woman's hug was good. for me.

Shit, I look like someone with a great need for female affection, many here can understand me.

You may be wondering, why didn't you try to form a harem on your [homeworld]?

Try to put yourself in my role, my fucking second life was in a world where a horse almost raped a woman, I was afraid that something would happen to me even though it sounded impossible and especially after I left my [Homeworld] it was already considered. the enemy of all women for being a fucking [Reincarnator].

So I decided that I would get enough faction points to buy two things specifically from the guild store: Waifus and a homeworld.

Buying Waifus sounds like slavery, I know, because it is.

It must be said that [Female Entities] trafficking is shit, but it is something very acceptable in our Faction... and by the vast majority of other [Entities].

To be honest between you and me, I based it on a harem anime where the protagonist forms a harem of slaves, so I'll pray to the [Author] who sees everything, that everything turns out well for me... or so I thought .

Just when I was a little short of getting what I wanted so much, the emergency mission arrived because one of our [Farms] had been attacked by an [Unknown Entity].

I regret having accepted this fucking mission, when we arrived everything was already chaos, many of our companions were dead, which honestly scared me, several were renowned [System Users].

Although [system users] were seen as arrogant idiots with more penises than brains, their power could not be mistrusted. A single [User] could destroy an entire [World:High Level].

So when I knew that the situation was caused by a guy, I gathered my things and ran towards the exit. Although as I told you my annoying partner asked me to loot the others' corpses, in any other situation it wasn't a bad idea but here he could certainly die.

But the bastard left and said not to worry because he would make new profits. So I ended up waiting until the bastard came back, it had already been two hours since he left when "he" arrived.

It sounds pretty dramatic when I just call him "he", but I didn't really know what the hell his name was, there wasn't a shred of information about this guy.

The next thing he knew, he was being tortured into spitting out information he didn't even know.

In the end he left me after getting the little he wanted, and that's how he got to where I am, bleeding to death.

My second life sucked, I couldn't even enjoy what many other members of the Faction could. I never got to form a harem, talk to characters from the series I watched, live a life full of dreams, like any other person would want when they arrived at this place.

'I wonder... if I will be reincarnated again...'

When I felt like my second life was ending, the only thing I wish for is that.

'If I have a third chance, I will live my life to the fullest, a glorious life without worrying about problems and surrounded by beautiful women.'


'... Shit... now I sound like a comeback protagonist of a fucking mahwa.'

As I was thinking about my last wishes, I didn't hear the scream of my annoying companion shouting.


Seriously, what a pathetic life.

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[Author's words]:

This fanfic was created after reading several fanfics with [Multiverse] themes. I just joined the group.

The story does not have a fixed publication schedule, it will depend on my mood and free time.

Well that was it, now it disappears never to return...

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