
Wild Man [#3]

"W-wait-" Laxus had to reach out with his hands and place them both on his mouth to stop himself from moaning loudy as Enkidu licked his neck, his larger hands reaching down to grasp his smaller cock in his hands. "T-the kids-" Laxus' voice stuttered as he felt a warmth flowed through his lower body. The children were sleeping right before his eyes, and Laxus could feel Enkidu's large fingers pushing inside him through his back entrance. "-stay silent then, love..." Enkidu pushed his fingers deeper inside, a grin coming to his lips as his teeth pushed against the scar he had left on Laxus' shoulder as a mark of ownership. His whole body was set ablaze with lust as he nibbled on the scar, his teeth perfectly matching each and every single place.

"Fuck..." Laxus whispered, his magic power coursing through his body in reaction to this pleasure: "Please, at least..." before he could finish his sentence, Laxus watched as this enormous black wing covered his body so even if the kids woke up they wouldn't see what their father was doing to him. His toes curled as the fingers pressed against something inside him that made his whole body flare up with energy, his muscles clenching as Enkidu said smugly: "Found it..." Before Laxus could react, the fingers that were pressed against the magical button inside his ass began to twist and move in a slow circular motion, making his toes curl as he clenched his cheeks and tightened the hold he had on that single finger. "Fuck... You're so tight... Tighter than I remember-"

"Dad?" Laxus felt a cold air brush against his entire body, a freezing cold realization as he looked towards the small little golden haired boy who hand one hand cleaning his left eye in a sleepy motion while the other held onto this small blue bird plushie that he got as a gift from his great-grandfather. "Yeah, pup?" The man behind him spoke, voice steady and calm as his fingers did not stop moving, instead they pushed harder and Laxus had to bite his lips to keep himself from moaning at the sensation of bliss that had him weak. "Mom awake?" Laxus felt dirty and almost exposed, but he kept his eyes closed and felt as the other large hand that kept touching his smaller cock clenched it, milking it, as the thick finger pushed deep against his prostate and- Laxus felt his breath leave his lungs as an orgasm was basically punched out of him from the insides, strong and so fucking mind melting. He didn't know how the fuck he kept quiet, but when he came back to his body after a minute or so, he felt two thick fingers on his mouth, silencing him completely.

"Your mom's asleep still... You should go play with your siblings, I'll stay here and sleep more with your mother, okay?" Of course Enkidu was lying, but this sweet scent of roses and other flowers filled the room, completely blocking the scent of the sex in the room. "Okay." The little kid simply looked down at his sleepy sibligs before picking them by their heel and dragging them out of the room. This wasn't the first time this has happened, and it probably won't be the last time that Eron will drag his brother and sister out of a room by their heels. "Now... Where were we?" Before Laxus could fully come down from his high orgasm, a thick head pushed against the tight entrace of his backdoor, causing him to pale in fright. "Sh... relax baby, we'll just make more kids, I think our babies want some siblings..." With a slow push forward, Enkidu started to stretch Laxus so bad that he began to cry silently due to the pain, trying to keep himself quiet so to not call his kids-

"Fuck... You're so adorable." Laxus felt, at once, the entire thing push inside him. It punched the breath out of his lungs, one hand was enough to hold his waist as he pushed him down the entire length of his enormous cock. It was painful, but a burning pain so good it fucking made him cry and leak precum even after having just had the most mind numbing orgasm he could remember! "I wanna destroy you so bad..." Clenching his teeth on his shoulder, Enkidu began thrusting softly and slowly, making Laxus feel like his guts were being rearranged. He pulled his cock to the tip before pushing it back it all at once until Laxus' ass hit his waist. "S-slower, please, gods- Slower!" Laxus cried out in a whisper, making Enkidu let out this soft growl before he stopped all at once.

"Okay baby... sorry." He sounded strained, like not moving hurt him. Laxus looked down, he could see his stomach completely deformed by the enormous cock and the big hand that held his waist easily. "I'll just... slowly, okay? Slowly-" Slowly like he promised, Enkidu pushed his cock deeper until Laxus gasped, feeling so fucking full. "Fuck..." Slowly, it dragged out and Enkidu immediately got up- Laxus was attached to him stil, being held like a sex toy. "Stay quiet now..." Like he was masturbating, Enkidu moved Laxus up and down his cock, his eyes closed and a massive grin on his face. "Like that..." With a shuttering thrust, he heard Laxus let out this squeal before his inner walls tightened even more than before, his face showing the pain he was in as it twisted and turned into a face of pleasure mixed with pain.

"There..." Enkidu couldn't help but slowly help his love by using his magic: "[God Magic - God of Love: Aphrodite's Touch]" In a moment Laxus' whole body relaxed and got comfortably warm, almost like his body was under the effect of a strong aphrodisiac. "W-what..." Laxus huffed, grogfy but still completely conscious- It wasn't a bad thing, his body felt much more comfortable now, comfortable enough that his lower body no longer hurt. "A-ah..." Sighing, Laxus wrapped hia arms around Enkidu's neck for a moment before he looked the man in the eyes-

It was a weirdly romantic moment, how Laxus' pale blue eyes stared into Enkidu's wild green eyes that seemed to flash between many colors as he clearly was trying to control himself. It was a very romantic how he tried, but also very hot how he was barely able to keep himself from moaning, but he was losing the will to just keep it within. "...c-can you do-" A sharp and strong thrust made Laxus lose his voice for a moment, but thankfully Enkidu's thrust was enough to push the oxygen out of his lungs, because he wouldn't moaned so loudly if he had the breath to make any sound! "I'll take care of it." Enkidu was losing control, and he honestly didn't care if people heard him fucking his Mate- Just knowing they could hear him claim and own him, just knowing they would know that Laxus was his was exciting, arousing, and fucking hot as fuck.

But Laxus wanted privacy...

"[Nature Magic - Air Magic: Soundless Field]" The moment he uttered the incantation for the spell was the moment he began to fuck Laxus as brutally and loudly as he could, his physical features becomig more and more accentuated, exaggerating his already wild features into downright inhuman ones. His ears stretched back in a sharp pointy end, his teeth enlarged into sharp fangs, his fingernails grew into claws that sank into Laxus' skin to hold him still as Enkidu began fucking his Mate like the slut he was.

"Fuck, my little bitch is so adorable-" His massive cock enlarged as he dragged it inside his little bitch, these small farbs growing at the length of his penis that gripped the flesh of Laxus' inner walls a little, and every once in a while, his cock would just slap against Laxus' prostate in a single and violent punch. So strong that Laxus' whole body jumped up. "-I'll fucking destroy you, Alpha will make you so wet, so good baby girl-" Pushing his baby down to the ground, Enkidu sank his fingers on the wooden floor, he clenched his hand and the wood splintered as he clenched hard. Laxus' face began to show his arousal, his mouth opening and closing as moans and groans escaped his lips, an almost animalistic reaction of pleasure and delight.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck~" His eyes were wide, slutty sounds escaped his lips and precum leaked from his smaller cock- Enkidu pressed his whole body weight down on the blond, making Laxus roll his eyes back as he leaked cum. "-hmm~" Laxus' lips were sealed by Enkidu's larger lips as he also cummed inside his baby. He did not pull out, he simply growled for a moment as his cum filled Laxus' guts. His eyes slowly went back to their normal coloration as he began licking Laxus' neck.

"[God Magic - God of Life: New Life]" Enkidu casted, making the cum within Laxus' body react to his magic- Immediately, he casted: "[Animal Magic - Seahorse.]" Ensuring that his lover will be able to get pregnant now! With a satisfied grin, he picked up the smaller man before lying down with him on top of his enormous naked body, keeping him safe.

-Scene Cut-

"..." Laxus couldn't help but blush heavily as he tried to keep a stoic face- The entire guild watched as Enkidu just pampered his entire family extremely naturally. "Here, eat this-" He was sitting on Enkidu's lap, the larger man held him softly as his fingers pushed a bite sized piece of meat that the man himself cooked. The meat came from a large beast that lied before them in the table, a large boar-like beat with four enormous tusks that potruded from it's front maw that had an enormous apple just shoved there. "-good?" With a rumbling purring sound, Enkidu fed his Mate and children. His fingers easily cut through the meat that smelled divine for everyone there present.

"Hey, sweet food-" Natsu reached out to take a piece from the table when suddenly his whole arm simply vanished. There was a silent moment of confusion before Natsu looked down at his own missing arm. "-AAARGH!" Screaming in pain, Natsu held the his new stump as Enkidu held it in his mouth. Blood dripped from Natsu's stump and severed arm as the wild man just stared forward, letting the arm fall down on the table as he leaned in and opened his mouth. The arm twitched a little as the entire guild hall grew cold: "...Don't take my mate's food, you little fire salamander." There was this invisible pressure that broke down the ground, and surprisingly neither Laxus nor the kids were affected, even though they were so close to him.

"-enkidu." Laxus whispered, looking at the severed arm and Natsu's bleeding stump.

"...okay." Without even being told, Enkidu simply lifted the severed arm, pushed it against the stump and it glowed a pale green white light: "[Nature Magic - Nature's Healing Touch]." With his chant, the flesh and bone closed together, healing it completely. "Now... Never steal food from my family again, little scavenger." Natsu stumbled back in pain, looking down at his now healed arm. The kids on Enkidu's table all chuckled with a mocking face ss they kept eating.

This wasn't the first time their father slashed at something that tried to steal their food.

"Dad~" Erik hummed to his dad as he picked a bone: "Can I keep it?" Enkidu just looked at the bone for a moment before he flickered it, his magic power emanating and shifting the bone size and shape, turning into a small bone flute.

"Come now, love... Feed our future children." Enkidu pushed more food to Laxus.



Name: Enkidu

Race: Demigod

Age: 25

HP: 10,000/10,000

SP: 50,000/50,000

MP: 100,000/100,000

Lvl: 250

Stats -

Strength: 555

Endurance: 500

Speed: 500

Dexterity: 480

Intelligence: 400

Wisdom: 430

Charisma: 500

Willpower: ???

Skills -

Unique Skills -

Wild Man lvl Max:

Description: Due to being shaped to reptesent the incarnation of the wilderness and humanity, you are easily defined as a "wild man".

Effect: You receive the skills [Wild One], [Alpha], [Nature Magic Proficiency], [Nature Magic], [Animal Magic Proficiency], [Animal Magic], [God Magic], [Law Magic].

Passive Skills -

Wild One lvl Max:

Description: You are a wild and powerful man, capable of doing things mortals would tremble before. Animals and nature alike seems to love you.

Effect: Any and all Animal, Monster, or Plant is friendly towards you.

Alpha lvl Max:

Description: Strength to rule them all, you are an Alpha, a being above others.

Effect: Friendly creatures of a lower level than yours will recognize you as their leader.

Nature Magic Proficiency lvl Max:

Description: Wood is good.

Effect: Reduces MP consumption by the skill [Nature Magic] by 100%, increases skill efficiency by 100%.

Animal Magic Proficiency lvl Max:

Description: Woof. Meow. And many more animal noises, you furry fucker.

Effect: Reduces MP consumption by the skill [Animal Magic] by 100%, increases skill efficiency by 100%.

Wild Fighter lvl Max:

Description: Like a crazy and wild dance, you fight with an unexpected grace on your step.

Effect: Fighting without weapons increases your attack speed, attack power, and movement speed by 100%

Bear Hands lvl Max

Description: You got bear fists?

Effect: Unarmed strikes cause 100% more damage.

Magic Resistance lvl Max

Description: You got magic skin!?

Effect: Magic attacks used on you are 100% less effective.

Physical Resistance lvl Max

Description: Though skin, though bones.

Effect: Physical attacks are 100% less effective.

Regeneration lvl Max

Description: You lost a hand? Here, have mine!

Effect: Injuries recover unnaturally fast. You are able to recover from any injury with enough time, being able to even regenerate lost limbs in a matter of minutes.

Active Skills -

Nature Magic lvl Max:

Description: Hold the power to control nature in your fingertips!

Effect: Depending on use. You can make and use any and all spells and magics related to Nature with this skill.

Animal Magic lvl Max:

Description: Hold the power of all animals in your fingertips!

Effect: Depending on use. You can make and use any and all spells and magics related to Animals.

God Magic lvl Max:

Description: You are a Demigod, you carry the blood of a powerful being in your veins.

Effect: You can use and make spells and magics related to Gods.

Law Magic lvl 1:

Description: An incredibly powerful magic capable of bending and stretching the laws of magic itself.

Effect: Anything you want, as long as you are ready to pay the price.

Bone Magic lvl Max:

Description: Spooky scary skeletons.

Effect: Can control, make, manipulate, and destroy