
Of Gods and Wolves [#1]

Groaning awake, Bruno Astérie got up from the ground, his head was killing him! He was only a Minor Deity, so he wasn't used to having his soul and body transported to another Omniverse so easily by his fathers and mother- he didn't know where or when he was, but his body easily got adapted to the darkness around him. It was night time, the perfect full moon above his head illumintaed the ground around him, but he didn't need it since his [Wolf] and [Endless Darkness] Divinites were omre than enough to give him the ability to see in absoulte darkness, where no light exists.

His large body shifted, bones cracking and fur growing on his skin, he turned into his favored form- his wolf form- and took off in the night, his golden eyes scanning the world around him in curiosity. Everything smelled so different from home- Much dirtier and strange, even the air was more polluted, and according to his dads and mom: [If the air is polluted, you can be in a world where there is pollution- Meaning the civilization in that world is advanced enough to create great amounts of waste material, so they can have hot waeapons or even magic.] and he can easily smell the pollutin in the air and it tastes terrible.

He already misses the clean air from home.

His black paws sank into the dirt as he darted through the trees, he could smell the scent of monster getting closer to him, it smelled like a creature of the night, and he knew he must be in a Supernatural Inclined world, as categorized by his parents:

There are Five categories a universe can fall into.

Supernatural Inclined

Mundane Inclined

Scientific Inclined.


And Dead.

Supernatural Inclined unverses are universes that have some sort of 'not' natural phenomenon that is not known or known by the general popullance, it can be easily seen as magical or mystichal, even if it is common to the natives.

Scientifically inclined universes are similar to Supernatural Inclined universes, but their phenomenons can be explained by science or are extremely advanced science- If it looks like magic but it is seen largely by others as science, it is in fact a science- these words also categorize the 'supernatural' species as other species different from humans.

Mundane universes are just that- Nothing out of the ordinary, no magic, no extremely advanced science, just time going forward at a normal pace.

And mixed- it's when both Supernatural Inclined and Scientifically Inclined worlds are fused together, but that is another story.

And there's the Dead Universes, in which there is no life inside it, or all life is undead.

"Who the fuck are you?" A male voice startled Bruno for a moment- He was used to getting lost in his head from time to time, Dad Eny thought it was a cute trait while Mom said it was adorable how his eyes would just stare at something intently while he is thinking hard- They could see the smoke coming out of his ears as his brain overworked. "Ergh..." Bruno's wolf mouth opened as he spoke, the man before him looked very startled by seeing the wolf speak: "Burno Astérie?" He gave him his name- He must've been asking for it, right? But the man, who smelled like a wolf, just like Bruno liked, was even more confused.

"What? How can you speak while in-" He couldn't finish his sentece because Bruno headbutted him playfully, calling out to the man's inner wolf to come out and play, and because he was the God of Wolves, the wolf inside the man's soul answered eagerly to his request and came out, changing the man's body to a black wolf with red eyes- Smaller than Bruno's own wolf form, butadorable in his eyes. "Hey!" Bruno chuckled at the confused look the wolf gave him, he nipped at the wol's ear and pulled it, wagging his tail at his new friend who eagerly ran after him, playfully trying to bite his tail as the chased each other through the woods.

He was having fun- He might keep this one.

His human form looked hot and cute enough for him, he always dreamed of having a romance like his dads and mother had, but htey always said he would need to put efforton it- Meanin? He needed to go out there and find someone who would like and make them absolutely love him, well, the man's wolfy side already likes him,even though his wolfy side also likes someone else.

Well he knows he can share, he knows very well he can share.

They ended up running and playing for hours, Bruno used his [Endless Darkness] Divninty to dive in the shadows to hide, jumping out of it to scare the wolf, who actually jumped so high that Bruno almost had a heart attack laughing. Even though he did not need his heart to live, since he did not breathe nor he had blood rushing thorugh his veins- Well, he had ichor, or godly blood on his veins.

Since he was a God you know.

They played and danced until the sun rose in the horizon, that was when he saw the wolf side of the man grow sleepier, which meant he was going to sleep- Which is fine in Bruno's book, so he transformed back into his human form, his smile grew wider when the wolf turned back into the man- Who was looking at him in a small bit of awe, confusion, and closed himself off- His face growing into a poker face, quiet and staring at him even though he smelled like a little bit of surprise and sadness much to Bruno's confusion and dismay.

"Hey, you're okay?" His hands held the man up, he was actually taller than him by a head- Well, Bruno grew up to being 6'8 after all! "I... Who are you?" This time the man asked the same uestion, but this time without much hostility to his tone, and more of a protectiveness, but tohimself, like he was afraid of him. "i told you dummy!" Bruno smile widened: "I'm Bruno Astérie Begoni! God of Wolves! And you?" His lips came to press against the an's forehead, much like how wolves would sniff other wolves, but Bruno would always lick his mom's forehead, who would laugh and hug him- The man though only looked at him in confusion before his scent sharpened in a defensiveness, arousal, and a little bit of fear.

Take it slow- Just like dad Eny said, slowly is more enjoyable.

"I..." The man opened his lips, revealing his adorable bunny teeth, Bruno stared at it for a long time before the man said: "Derek... Derek Hale."

-Scene Cut-

"So, you're from here? I like your smell, you're cute, wanna go on a date? i think you're absolutely gorgeous and i would very much like to take you out on a date- I'm sorry, am i overwhelming you?" Bruno's large wolfy ears lowered as he looked at Derek, Derek Hale was a great name, he liked him- he really liked him, maybe his love is enough to make him happy? There's this permanent scent of sadness on his body that makes Bruno whimper in pain at this man's sadness, he liked him, just like he liked his dads- But stronger? No, nothing's more important than family. "Ergh... Okay... Let me talk." The man sighed before placing his hands on Bruno's jaw, Bruno closed his jaws and waited patiently.

"i've never went full-shift before- That was incredible- but... Who are you?" It apparently took great effort from the man to speak so much. "I'm Bruno!" The wolf smiled brightly at the man, the man could only sigh before he nodded. "You said you're... A god?"

"YEP!" Bruno nodded as his tail wagged violently, he heard the man's wolf woof and wag it's tail inside the man's soul, even though it was tired from playing with him, it still was happy to see him. "i'm Bruno Astérie Begoni, God of Wolves, Eternal Darkness, and Terror... Well, i'm technically an evil God- One of my dads is an evil God, he is the god of demons after all, oh i also have a dad who is the god of light, a good god or something like that- And mom's a god of nature- Oh! He's a guy too by the way, it's just that Gods can get pregnant as well, because divine miracle or something like that- Never asked where babies come from, but i kinda learned it on my own." Bruno's wolfy face looked at the raising sun in the horizon as he rambled about his family.

"Oh! Do you have a big family too? I have, like, eleven siblings-" there was a sudden scent of sour pain, making Bruno wince and whine, he must've said something wrong- "Sorry, i won't ask again." He hummed and for the first time, shut his mouth and said nothing. The silence was short lived by the sigh that left the man's lips, he was surprisingly calm and not threatening at all- Maybe because his wolf loved him as much as Bruno loved his wolf, and the man as well, well, they were both the same entity so it wasn't hard to love them both- In this case, him! He is adorable after all.

"Can you, answer question?" Derek tiredly sat down in front of the wolf, not even Stiles overwhelms him this much! Damn, he had just recently killed his uncle and became the Alpha, his wolf was but a few hours ago going razy wanting to make a pack and now- Now he's just happy to be in the presence of this strange wolf who was a guy a few moments ago before turning back into a wolf after he noticed how uncomfortable Derek was with his touching.

Like, really uncomfortable.

"I sure can!" The wolf, for some reason, had this large humanoid goofy smile on him- It looked like a cartoon and Derek didn't know how to feel about this at all. "Argh..." This is getting overwhelming,, he will ask just a few questions and be done with it, "Where you're from?" Derek needed three basic information- He already knew who he was, already knew he was here, he needed to know where he was going and what he was planning on doing.

The large black wolf suddenly popped like a bubble, and standing there was the same man, this time wearing loose red shorts, Derek didn't know if he had undedrwear on and why does it matter if he has or hasn't anyway!? "oh. i'm from home!" The man had this big goofy grin on his face as he looked at Derek, who grew frustated because he didn't elaborate the question: "can you, like, tell me where home is?"

"Oh, that's easy!" Bruno clapped his hands together as all shadows around him form a giant black sphere around them- This was the use of his [Endless Darkness] Divinity! Suddenly the darkness around them was illuminated by a single speck of bright blue light, floating in the void of darkness. "Home is a interdimensional omniversal blank point in space-time that is accessible by only the members of the Stardust Pantheon of Gods and Goddesses, our family, where swirls of energy enter the atmosphere of this endless plane that streches through enternity and beyond- It is specifically located in the Space Between Worlds, my fathers- Enychta Astérie and Luke Castellan are Omniversal Gods, as well as my mother, Pruno Begoni. They all have supreme reign over this dimension, Luke controls the endless heavens, Pruno controls the endless planes, forests, mountains, seas, rivers, lakes, deserts, and any other biome, and Enychta controls the underworld and the world from below the surface of the plane."

The blue light stretched, showing illusions of Home, his home! The place where he spent his first 110 years in, which he fondly remembers of every single day as if it was yesterday. "Home is everywhere and nowhere, home is here inside my soul as well, since i can go home any time i want- Just have to want to go home to go home, that's one of the gift my dad gave me, that and my massive dick- But that's genetics." Derek just stared at the illusions before he heard hte... was it a joke? "Mom always said that joking is a way to get someone's affection- Did i do it right? I don't think i did it right, most of my jokes are when i rip a monster into shreds and eat their guts, but there's no monster here to do that- And only Dad Eny would laugh before showing me bigger monsters so we could eat them, oh, he's the Vice of Gluttony, whatever that is."

"Uhm... And, urgh, last question... What are you going to do next?" He at this point gave up thinking he was a threat to his territory, because if the guy was a god, he could easily kill him, so why bother? "Oh! that's easy to answer." Bruno kneeled before him, smiling and saying: "I, Bruno Astérie Begoni, pretend to be courting you as my parents taught me, giving you what your heart desires, bringing the head of your worst enemy, and swearing my life for your soul- I think it's in that order, so i'll do that, and maybe you'll say yes when i ask you to Mate with me..."

Did this guy he met today just propose to him?

What freshly dis knee shit is that?