
Mutant [#1]

Edward Paquin was a merry young man, always happy and cheerful about life- But under all that facade, happiness was the last thing he ever felt. He had some deep scars from his upbringing, with his Homophobic and abusive father who would lock him in the basement alone, and there he would be for hours or days even! He developed a certain mental state he would assume when he was in deep darkness: He would crouch and be still, not moving a muscle, and staying there- He developed some trauma and his coping mechanisms were not the healthiest, but he could pretend easily.

Until he couldn't pretend anymore.

The weight of reality was heavy, and he got tired of pretending and decided to end it all- Depression, Addiction to Drugs and Sex, some STDs due to him sleeping around, and Deep Social Anxiety took a toll on him and his will to live had since long died. He ended it all in the place where it all began, the same basement of his old house, where he hang himself there.

Except- it didn't end there.


[Soul Extracted... Cleasing Soul... Soul Completed.]

[Karma has been added.]

[Transferring Soul to Universe-680^890-B]

[Due to Karma, the Soul has received an Origin:

Anti-Hero Origin - Rough Start - Painful Childhood - Genetic Mutation.

Perks: Good Luck, Accelerated Growth (Applies to all powers and skills), Increased Mental Adaptability (Adaptating to different situations and scenarios faster).]

And then... He woke up again.

This time, he was in the body of a child, his body hanging from chains as an older woman looked at him with disgust, surrounding him were many people who were screaming at him, calling him names, calling him the devil and whatnot- but there was too much noise and pain for him to focus on what they were saying, but he could hear thins like 'Devil!' and 'Demon' being screamed in a language this body understood- English. He tried to move, but the chains around his body hurt his wrists, he cried out in pain when something hit him- A rock. People were throwing pebbles at him! He groaned each time a rock hit his body, crying as he couldn't control his tears of pain- "Burn the devil!" They shouted, and he felt a liquid being thrown on his body, then he heard a hissing sound- And he was burning, pain from every single part of his tiny body exploded like a firework as he felt the flame lick his skin.

Then- he didn't feel it anymore.

He felt nothing as he opened his eyes and saw how the fire stopped burning him as his skin turned black and absorbed the flames, pulling them into his body before they exploded out in an explosion- Everything around him burned, his body glowing bright red with fire and flame. Memories had come to him easily, he learned that his name was Vince Vermont, a young 8 years old boy who was born a Mutant, his power for what he could understand was something akin to Adaptation or something like that, but what just happened shows that it isn't true and in fact his power is something else! He remembered feeling the fire enter his body after it burned him, then he didn't feel pain anymore but he felt great! Talking about that, he looked at his skin as the chains hanging him from the ceiling of this warehouse dropped- since the warehouse was now on fire. Every single person that was throwing rocks at him were now dead since the heat at such close proximity killed them in an instant.

He had absorbed the fire- Now? Now he was immune to it, he felt it, or rather- He didn't feel it, since fire and flame was Bruning around him like a raging storm! He ran away, he did trip over a metal bar that was covered in dried blood, chains still on his wrists as he pulled desperately trying to break them, he felt his knee scrape against the floor of the warehouse, he quickly got up and noticed a few things- first, the injury closed rather very quickly, and that he had a tail! He watched his tail for a moment and realized it was a red devil-like tail, he brought his hands to his forehead and felt two horns there, they weren't big horns but they were there! His skin was still black with some molten red lines across his body, he thought about the fire explosion that happened a few seconds ago before he felt a heat come from his body and expand as he set himself on fire. He looked at the chains on his hand and noticed that if he kept going, he could melt the shackles and be free! He put that plan in motion, his body burned brightly until the flames of his body turned blue! He felt the air around him grow thinner as he easily melted the shackles around his wrists and chains hanging from them.

He needed to leave- his mother was one of the people that died in this explosion, and he doesn't care about her- no, he wants to leave.

He was a youg man on a child's body- He needed to leave because he knew exactly where he was, thanks to the memories of this kid. His skin alowly turned back to its normal coloration, a deep appple red hue, his scalera was golden while his iris were a beautiful sky blue color, a rather eye-catching color on his whole color scheme! His hair was also wavy and black in color. He lived in a small city in Canada, in Dawson City, which was a small city at the margin of the river Yukon, and a fire in a warehouse in a small city was bound to be noticed since there were only about 2002 to 2200 people- Since he didn't know for sure. His body moved faster as he felt desperate to run, and once he was out he felt cold, since every clothe in his body was burned to ashes in that moment- He suddenly felt himself warm up at the thought of being cold, and then he remembered that he could literally set himself on fire! He rushed towards the river, since the warehouse was close to the river bank and jumped in the water, his body didn't feel cold anymore and neither did he felt different because he could breathe underwater.

He felt confused, but he touched his neck and soon enough, he felt three slits on his neck that water flowed through, from his fingers and feet gills grew, as well as his tail that grew a large fin that he used to increase his swimming speed. He just... Fled.

He didn't know why he had fled like that, but he was a child still, a small child that was afraid of everything and everyone- It is hard to explain, but to summarize, to make his soul adapt to this body better, he needed to experience what the body was telling him to experience and feel what the body is feeling, so he will be affected by the body's age reactions because until he turns into an adult, he'll be kore volatile to emotions and sensations.

And like that- He ran.

-Scene Cut-

All that he knew is that he swam and ran, his body never stopping as he never felt tired or in need of sleep, his need of food was limited as well since he grabbed anything that looked green and his skin just pulled it inside himself, he discovered he could basically absorb things and get their attributes! He absorbed fire? He gets to control fire, he absorbed water? He gets to control water. He absorbed wood? He gets to control wood! He admits it was fun, but then he absorbed a bird, and from his back grew a pair of black wings that he could fly with! He gave into temptation and when he tried to absorb something alive (Since he had killed the bird), he received a backlash in his head, making him throw up and let go of the small rodent he had found. He later found out he can only absorb things without life, getting their abilities and attributes, and in the Marvel universe this was a problem since there were immortals here who he would never be able to kill! Oh yeah, he was in the Marvel universe, or rather, a peculiar Marvel universe that had the mutants added to it. He was not a guy who read the comics, even though he knew a little about it, so he hoped this was the Cinematographic Universe, but it had mutants so...

It was unlikely.

Regardless, he was going to a place he knew he could train at and get stronger, he knew some threats from fics he read like Charles Xavier, Magneto, Galactus, The Celestials, the TVA, that time guy who has an empire, Death that bitch, Thanos, the Skrulls and Crees (?), Atlanteans, Witches, Demons, Angels, Mephisto that fucker, Reed Richards because he just fucks up, Doom, Sinestro, Apocalypse and some other people that didn't come to mind right away. Wasn't there the Living Tribunal or something like that? Oh, Mordo could be a threat, as well as the Scarlet Witch too. "Fuck-" He has been swimming for weeks now, he knew he was getting closer to his objective, but swimming in open sea really opened his eyes to the vastness of this world since he saw many beautiful creatures and adapted to the depths and no longer feared it, but rather embraced it. He swam alongside whales, they were friendly beings, and luckily for him he found the carcass of one and managed to absorb it- he didn't need to eat for probably months after that, and he also found out he could transform into things he had already absorbed, so he could become fire, water air, earth, and even animals!

This power was OP if he used it right- he could kill Jean Grey and absorb her powers, or he could absorb her psionic energy? She is always hearing people's thoughts, so she must be constantly releasing energy without knowing it, and since Psionic energy itself is not technically alive, he could probably absorb it, right? He could try, but now he had to go to a place to train, and that place is where Heroes go to when they want to be eaten by dinosaurs- The Savage Lands!

But he only knew it was somewhere in Antarctica, he didn't even know if it existed in this world! So he will do what he knows he can and search for it while training a little on his abilities, since he wants to get better at doing things- he absorbed the light from the sun, getting control over light and radiation, which is amazing in itself, he also increased the radiation on his body to adapt and become immune to it, which worked pretty quickly since that's how his body works apparently! His bones were like uranium, so he had to absorb the energy and it simply became part of him once again. With light, he came to control darkness as well, and he became quite OP quite quickly he must say!

But that's not enough.

And it'll never be, since he still is vulnerable to more esoteric things like mind and soul attacks and manipulation, which he doesn't know what to do for, so his only option would learn magic- except, he doesn't know how! He can technically absorb and control/manipulate any energy or aspect of his body at will, but does it apply to magic? He doesn't know because he doesn't know how to access it, so that's something for later in his life... He doesn't know much about the Savage Lands except it exists and there's dinosaurs there.

And he wants to become a dinosaur.

Don't judge him.