
Human (?) [#3]


[Blunt Weapon Mastery lvl 8: Increases your damage done by Blunt Weapons by 8%, increases attacking speed using blunt weapons by 16%]

[Comment: Hit em in the head!]

[Shock lvl 8: 18 MP per Use

By touching a target, you cause an electric current to go through the target, paralyzing and doing damage to them. Increases damage and paralyzing chance by 8% per level.]

[Comment: Zapping is fun- Shocking isn't it?]

[Ring of Magic Amplification: +50 to Max MP, Increases magical damage by 5%]

[Comment: You can use this as a wedding ring too]


Panting, Stiles sat down on his bed after taking a bath and cleaning himself from the rotten shit that flew on his body after he killed several zombies today, he put his dirty clothes on his inventory before checking his new status:



Name: Mieczislaw Genim Stilinski

Age: 17

Race: Human (?)

Titles: [Gamer]

Lvl: 09

Class: [Locked]

Traits: [Observant], [Clumsy], [Genius]

[Observant: Any Observation-type skill receives 50% more experience when training]

[Clumsy: Decreases ballance and Dexterity by 20%, can be overcome]

[Genius: Doubles Intelligence gain, +50% experience for Intelligence related skills]

HP: 100/100 (×10 Vit)

MP: 10/430 [+50 from Ring of Magic Amplification] (×10 Int)

SP: 10/80 (×10 End)


Strength: 7

Endurance: 8

Vitality: 12

Dexterity: 17

Agility: 13

Intelligence: 38

Wisdom: 14

Willpower: 22

Charisma: 6

Luck: 1

Extra Stat Points: 90

Skill List:

Unique Skills: [Gamer], [Dungeon Generation lvl 1], [Cold Blood]

Class Skills: None

Passive Skills: [Lying lvl 35], [Deduction lvl 18],[Chemistry lvl 28], [Biology lvl 23], [Mathematics lvl 23], [Linguistic lvl 23], [Physics lvl 22], [Fast Reading lvl 20], [Art lvl 16], [Focus lvl 11], [Taunt lvl 35], [Sense Danger lvl 9], [Persuasion lvl 22], [Acting lvl 10], [Blunt Weapon Mastery lvl 8], [Hacking lvl 33]

Resistance Skills: [Pain Resistance lvl 9], [Bleeding Resistance lvl 3], [Electricity Resistance lvl 1], [Physical Damage Resistance lvl 3], [Fear Resistance lvl 7]

Active Skills: [Shock lvl 8]

Inventory: [Zombie Teeth (×27)], [Rotten Flesh (×22],

Money: 100$]


He rested on his bed, he had killed a lot of zombies and only a few would give money, which was okay for him at least! He managed to level up 4 times, coming to lvl 9, which was more than enough for him to feel satisfied for one single day: "Maybe i should go play baseball..." He chuckled, remembering the slightly terrifying experience of killing zombies, it was cool sure but also very scary! Thankfully he received the skill [Fear Resistance] while inside that Dungeon and leveled it up to level 7 in one day- See? He had been in a lot of fear. Stiles was going to try to learn more skills from Skill books now, or books that glowed with a golden light, he found only one on his room today and it was a book about arts and crafts that he was reading- "Well, hope this works." Instantly when he touched the book the familiar pannel appeared on his face, he clicked the [Yes] option to uee the book and watched in awe as-


[You don't meet the requirements to use this skill book:

+40 Intelligence]


"Fuck." Stiles sighed before adding 12 whole points on his Intelligence because he wanted it at level 50, at the same time he used the book- It glowed in a golden color, transformin into energy that entered his body, bathing him in a golden glow:


[New skill learned:

Crafting lvl 1: You know how make things with the available material! Each level increases the effectiveness of what you've created by 1%, also increases the chance of what you created having a skill by 1% per level]

[Comment: You know how to craft, all you need to know is how to mine.]

[New Trait:

50 Intelligence: Genius]

[Already has that trait]


"Well, this can be really useful..." Stiles went to sleep then, tired but knowing a little about his capabilities. Like making a weapon for himself? He will need a good quality weapon, preferably one he can easily wield... 'Well, thankfully the internet is here for it!' He typed on the keyboard quickly- "Oh, bats. Well then!" He chuckled awkwardly to himself as he looked at his slightly dented weapon- It wasn't perfect to say the least, he'd need a better one so he might as well learn how to make them, he needs the strength to carry them and he needs the materials to make them! He'll just focus on how to make homemade bombs and grenades so he can farm zombies faster and maybe get more experience- Acid seems like a good option too, seing as they are corpses, but he needs a strong acid to melt the bones throughly because if not broken only damaged, the zombie will keep on moving! "And i still need to try fire..." A brilliant idea filled his mind and he grinned- Time to make molotov cocktails.

-Scene Cut-

[One Day Later]

So, as it turns out, a man was murdered in their bus! Fun. Stiles sighed as he stared at the crime scene, everything around him was foggy, almost like he was inside a mirror- Which technically he was! He walked around the bus as the police took photos of the evidence, he could mess up as much as he wanted here because there would be no consequences! He used the [Cold Blood] to approach the dead corpse of the man mauled to death- Not exactly, he was mauled yes, but he didn't seem to be dead yet? Stiles touched his body and focused on his sense of touch- It was weird, like, he could feel the faint beating of his heart, the faintest pulse in his body! There were many marks on this guy's body of claws, and blood was everywhere! Only one question remained inside Stiles' head: 'Do i save him?'


[Quest: To Heal or to Kill?

Description: Garrison Myers has been left fatally wounded by someone, now you can make a decision seeing the popos think he's dead- To save or not to save?


Save: [Unlocks: Cleric Class]

Not Save: [Unlocks: Assasin Class]


Stiles felt... conflicted. Because in one side he- Oh fuck it. How's he gonna save this guy? He looked around and sighed, he needed to do something to make them check to see if he's alive, he took out his phone and made the 911 call for an ambulance and decided to not give them his name, he also made sure to try and deepen his voice as much as he could without soundig terrible- He watched from the Mirror Dimension as someone slowly approached the guy and remembered how his dad shivered when he touched him from the Mirror Dimension, so he touched the guy and saw his hand phase through his body- he couldn't interact with the outside of this dimension while inside said dimension! "Ugh-" The guy made a sound with his broken voice, making the people realize he was alive, which was just briliant thought coming him.

'Whoever did this wanted him to suffer... Looking at the wound in his body it's pretty obvious.' Stiles sighed- Werewolf wise, there were two of which he knew, Scott and Derek Hale, he can't think of one of them doing this but: "Yesterday was a full moon." Realization seeped into his pores, his mind had already come to the conclusion one of them did this, and if not one of them, then some other werewolf! He stepped out of the bus without a care, shoes slightly wet with blood, his body probably smelled a lot like blood and there were werewolves around so he might as well drench himself in strong, strong perfume- He brought it with him in his inventory because he knew it'd be useful! It's home made too~

Lilies, his mom loved flowers and taught him everything he knew about botany and being s botanist, so when he bought it up in a conversation with his dad, he knew that he wanted to use flowers and plants in general to help him deal with the werewolves- strong sense of smell right? If smelling salt can hurt a human's sense of smell, imagine the damage it can do to a werewolf! He made pots and planted them, making use of the garden backdoor to plant more flowers such as purple and yellow Wolfsbane! Aconites are poisonous to humans, but extremely deadly to werewolves! He smiled, remembering the lessons on flowers, tea, and medicine his mom oh so loved about... Western Mokshood was the easiest to get, since it grew on the wilderness of North America. He also remembered the seeds of the Garden Mokshood his mom had bought from Poland since it is one of the countries where this plant is native from.

He even had a little pot with a bright yellow Eranthis! He bought them from the Gardening Store in Beacon Hills, the owner was a burly big guy named Eris that loved plants and him and Stiles had a lovely conversation about them, mostly about Lilies, but plants in general. He also cut off stems with flowers after the blooming; this promoted and accelerated the appearance of new flowers and used the cut off stems to make things... Mostly anti werewolf shit. From that he received and leveled up the skills:


[Potion Brewing lvl 9]

[Medicine Making lvl 3]

[Poison Resistance lvl 1]


He was technically making perfumes and liquid extract of the plants, but the system interpreted it as it being potions apparently, he also made Antidotes by mixing it all up, he was trying to make with his [Medicine Making] skills, which led him to making an antidote, poisoning himself, and drinking the Antidote to prove the effectiveness of the product! Hey, he knew he wouldn't die the moment he ate the flower because his HP was lowering very slowly, the poisoned effect also had a time limit of 2 hours too.



Name: Antidote for Aconite Poisoning

Creator: Mieczislaw Genim Stilinski

Effects: Removes the [Poisoned] condition, is 200% more effective if the cause of poisoning is a flower of the genus aconitum.]


See? Easy to use and it works perfectly. He switched clothes and wore new ones before bathing in his lilies perfume, it's strong, yes, but it still had a tender scent to it so it would probably mask the blood scent- He made a list of a few plants on his mind, fungi and flowers, such as Mistletoe that he wants, maybe a few accolades? Or maybe some beautiful roses, his mother always wanted roses, gardenias too, poppies and dandelions also seem to be a great idea: "Dude your perfume... it smells really strong." Stiles was broken off of his thoughts by Scott, who sat beside him on class since Chemistry and Physics were both momentarily paused thanks to Stiles Stilinski getting Harris kicked out of the school! Seriously, no one liked this guy, people spread how cool his roasting of the guy was and how savage he could be if he wanted to- Even fucking Jackson Whittemore praised him, even the douchest of douches to ever douche praised his performance, like, he was in heaven!

Strange was, though, the fact that Lydia congratulated him and invited him to seat with them which would've made him livid- but now it seems trivial and slightly boring, so as he sat down beside Scott and Allison, with Danny, Jackson, and Lydia before them, he got lost in thought for a few seconds before: "So, Stiles, i heard that your dad's working on with the guy who was almost killed by a cougar today on the bus?" Stiles blinked and looked at Danny, who was smiling at him- clearly fishing information, but he didn't mind: "Name's Garrison Myers, divorced but father of two children who live with their mother, bus driver, previous work is with insurance policy before he lost it, he's in the Beacon Hills Hospital room 305 on the left side, Melissa McCall is the one taking care of him, he was attacked by an animal. Possibly mountain lion, but the gashes are too... close which implies a smaller paw, roughly the size of a human hand if it had claws if i could guess." He stopped chewing when he heard the absolute silence on the table, lifting his eyes he just stared at everyone around who heard him give details about the guy: "Wah?"

"What? Seriously? If i ever knew you had so much information on so many people I'd ask you to help me blackmailing some people." Danny chuckled and Stiles knew for a fact that he wasn't kidding, in fact, he was dead serious about this: "I mean, you never ask for anyone's information so why would i give it? Plus, there's a fee too, but I won't ask for money, more like... Favors." He winked at Danny, who huffed as Jackson made a clear 'Are you seriously flirting with my best friend?' face as Stiles grinned: "So wait, what do you know about... Me?" Allison, oh sweet Allison, Stiles grinned and looked over at Scott before saying: "You sure? A favor y'know? You'll own me a favor if i give you any information about yourself that you might want."

"Just kidding." Alissom chuckled, of course she knew everything there was to know about her family! "Then what about me?" This time it was Lydia Martins, the goddess, who he knew the most about and even more thanks to his special abilities: "Ah, Lydia... goddess among men, smarter than she actually looks like, strawberry blond hair, limits herself due to her insecurities and family has a case of mental health issues-" She looked at him with a hardened face: "Just like mine actually, i could go deeper if you want? Like you Danny boy, best friend of Jackson Whittemore for some reason, gay boy- Which is amazing by the way, I'm bisexual myself so i can be rejected twice - and has a little dirty secret he keeps from everyone!" Stiles felt empowered for a single moment, drunk on the fact that he knew things others didn't: "Isn't that right, Heavenly Haze, or rather, Hazy?"

"Wait... SOG?"