
Heart (#1)

[Heart] was an MMORPG that had billions of players worldwide- There were many classes that you could unlock, alongside the subclasses, reputation, and relationship systems that helped the player interact with NPCs. With many status for your character to have, including exclusive statuses one could have depending on their subclasses, achievements, or even luck itself! It was so famous, that it's currency started to circulate in the real world, being traded into real money! Everyone was excited for it, it was such a success that everyone migrated from other RPGs into [Heart] so they could get money.

Well, until some problems surged-


Randomly your character could get reset and you had to start all over again from Lvl 0 with starter equipment! Sometimes you would suddenly die and be logged out, and sometimes you would even just suddenly loose all your money- So people started to leave [Heart] behind, it became a failure and everyone mocked the creator of the game, who no one knew for sure who it was, since the name of the company was [Heart] as well! Slowly but surely, every single player left the game behind- That is, every single player, except one.

His nickname was Asmodeus, the embodiment of Lust- This was a joke that he had with his friends, but now that they don't play [Heart] anymore, he doesn't care about that joke anymore. He still plays this game regardless of the many, many bugs is because he found a bug that benefited him- He dubbed it the [Death Stats] bug, a bug that worked pretty normally: You died and at the same time asigned all your stat points to a status you have, after death you'll have to start from the beginning (Since the game was stuck in this mode, many players left the game forever) at lvl 0 with the [Noob] class, and when you got to lvl 10 you could then choose your own class and get a bonus on some stats for that class as well as three starting skills.

What Asmodeus, let's call him just Deus, would do was the following- He would get to lvl 10, which was really easy to do if you knew how, and then he would kill himself while also adding all his status to [Intelligence]! Why? Because wanted ro see how much mana a character could have, and since from lvl 0 to lvl 10 you received a total of [100] points to put in any stats you liked (10 points per level), he could get a lot of [Intelligence] in a few tries! "Well... Should i try another status?" He whispered as he looked at the screen floating before him:

[You've reached the limit on the INT stat- Congratulations, you received the Skill:

[Genius Mind]

And so, he started repeating the same thing with the other basic stats, and they were [Strength], [Endurance], and [Dexterity] for the physical aspect, while there were [Intelligence], [Wisdom], and [Charisma] for the mental aspect of the 6 basic stats. There were a few hidden stats he knew how to unlock- Without putting any of the stat points he had gained after he became lvl 50 (500 points), he started the quest to unlock the [Willpower] secret status, that deeply helped magic users!

[You've reached the Limit on the STR stat-

Congratulations, you received the skill:

[Titan's Strength]

[You've reached the Limit on the END stat-

Congratulations, you received the skill:


[You've reached the Limit on the DEX stat-

Congratulations, you received the Skill:


[You've reached the Limit on the WIS stat-

Congratulations, you received the skill:

[Sage's Wisdom]

[You've reached the Limit on the CHA stat-

Congratulations, you received the Skill:

[Charismatic Being]

Sighing to himself, he chuckled at the result of his 48 hours of non-stopping grinding! This was an amazing bug, he created the most broken character ever! He had physical and mental strength to be the best at every single class he could ever use, and he has 6 exclusive skills that only he has! And best yet? They Don't go away after he dies! [Genius Mind] increases his magic power (MP) and his magic attack (MA) by 50% his [INT] Stat, meaning half of his Intelligence was added to every single magical damage he ever did! The limit for every stat? [1,000,000] points!

Meaning not only he received [500,000] extra points in MP, he would also deal 500,000 extra damage whenever he used a skill that did magic damage! Plus, his MP is equal to 5× his [INT] stat, so now he has [5,500,000] MP to use skills that would at best consume about [10] of his MP and at worst [1,000,000] of his MP. That skill that consumed a million MP was the only registered attack spell that caused instant death to any target, with the casting time being 1 whole hour! The spells name was simply [Death], and the only player ever known for casting this spell has quit the game a long time ago- Asmodeus can now cast that spell 5 times!

Abd best yet? His physical abilities are not let behind too!

[Titan's Strength:

Increases Physical Damage (PD) by 50% total Physical Attack (PA): Deals extra 500,000 attack damage for any physical attack. This can stack with other percentage attacks.]


Increases Health Recovery Speed (HRS) by 50% total Health Points (HP), meaning you receive 500,000 points to your HP per second.]


Increases Dodge Rate (DR) by 50% your DEX stat, meanjng as long as the damage you receive is below 500,000 damage, you will 100% dodge the whole damage. If the damage is above 500,000 damage, there's a 50% chance you will dodge the full attack.]

[Sage's Wisdom:

Your Magic Recovery Speed (MRS) increases by 50% your WIS stat, meaning you receive 500,000 MP per second.]

[Charismatic Being:

You unlock the (Charm) status, it automatically becomes 50% your Charisma- You receive 500,000 points in Charm!]

Not only did he unlock [Willpower], he also worked hard ro Unlock the rare two hidden stats: [Vitality] and [Luck]! He managed to get [Vitality] up to the maximum amount, but he decided to log out and maximize his [Luck] later! Oh, little did he know, he would one day come to curse his past self for not staying late for a few more minutes before logging out to go to sleep.

Anyway~ He also unlocked another skill with his [Vitality] at the maximum limit! He unlocked the:

[Endless Stamina:

Increases Stamina (SP) by 50% your VIT stat, also Increases Stamina Recovery Rate (SRP) by 50% your VIT- Meaning, you receive 500,000 stamina every second.]

Let's see his status?

[Name: Asmodeus

[♡HP♡ (5× END): 5,000,000]

[○MP○ (5× INT: 5,500,000]

[□SP□ (5× VIT): 5,500,000]

Class: Noob

Gender: Male

Race: Human (?)

Status Condition: None


STR: 1,000,000

END: 1,000,000

DEX: 1,000,000

INT: 1,000,000

WIS: 1,000,000

CHA: 1,000,000

CHAR: 500,000

VIT: 1,000,000


Passive Skills:

[Genius Mind], [Titan's Strength], [Regeneration], [Nimbleness], [Sage's Wisdom], [Charismatic Being], [Endless Stamina]

Class Skills:

[Run Away lvl 1], [Noob's Attack lvl 1]

-Scene Cut-

"Hm..." Asmodeus' player was a 32 year old shut-in by the name of Andrew Kent, a man with severe lack of self-esteem and social skills, who was "kicked out" of society because he could not contribute to it. His mental state spiraled down into the development of a terrible phobia- Of which he could deal with in the game, Agoraphobia, the fear of leaving the safety of his home and being in a crowd. His mental health was slowly deteriorating and becoming worse day by day, but he could still ignore the dread of the intrusive thoughts that sometimes invaded his mind by simply dedicating all his thoughts onto video games.

It was depressing, sure, but it at least kept him from wanting to kill himself.

"What...?" Now, that he had his eyes open wide, he finally noticed one thing- He was naked! Huh. His eyes focused on his body and noticed he was a little buffer than he remembers? It looked more like his Asmodeus character! He waved his hand in the air and tried to access his inventory, which thankfully worked! He looked at it a little and was sure he was in the game, because he had all the items of the game in his inventory- The three items every [Noob] gets: The Starting Weapon of All, which was a wooden long stick that could deal 1 point of both magical and physical damage, it was also indestructible and had no durability, ir could be also used as a casting focus if you didn't have one while being a Magician or a Spell Caster.

Beside this indestructible stick, he also had two other items: The Starting Clothes, a package full of starting clothing, which were plain white clothes that could never get dirty, for some reason. And the last item was the World Map, an item that could be filled by you, the more you walked around and discovered more places, the more your map could be filled with information about places and regions. "This is really strange..." He turned around as he searched for the [3rd Person View] option, and he couldn't find it! He looked for it, and sure enough, there wasn't a [Log Out] option anymore!

"What the fuck...?" He brought his hands closer to his face and slapped himself, it hurt, it really, truly hurt. "Am i fucking dreaming...?" To his utmost dread, not, he wasn't dreaming. His soul almost left his body, but at least- He had the same stats in the game, but this wasn't a game, was it? Because in the game, you can't feel pain, that was what differentiated [Heart] from other MMORPGs was that you couldn't feel pain regardless of whatever option you tweaked around with.

"Status-" He tested the waters, not expecting the screen to truly appear before his eyes, and he was surprised to see-

[Name: ???

[♡HP♡ (5× END): 5,000,000]

[○MP○ (5× INT: 5,500,000]

[□SP□ (5× VIT): 5,500,000]

Class: Noob

Gender: Male

Race: Human (?)

Status Condition: None


STR: 1,000,000

END: 1,000,000

DEX: 1,000,000

INT: 1,000,000

WIS: 1,000,000

CHA: 1,000,000

CHAR: 500,000

VIT: 1,000,000


Passive Skills:

[Genius Mind], [Titan's Strength], [Regeneration], [Nimbleness], [Sage's Wisdom], [Charismatic Being], [Endless Stamina]

Class Skills:

[Run Away lvl 1], [Noob's Attack lvl 1]

Just as he thought, the same. He had the same stats and skills he had in the game- "Wait, doesn't that make me stupidly strong...?" He might've shouted it, which echoed in the empty and quiet forest around him- Too quiet, in fact, he only felt his body move by itself and he knelt down to the ground as a giant wolf flew past his head, landing right in front of him- 'Holy fuck, i could've died if it wasn't for [Nimbleness]!' Asmodeus- No, the only thing that changed in his status was his name, it was a bunch of interrogation marks, meaning he could choose his name if he wanted! "But first i need to stay alive here, damn it!" His body moved on its own once again, he watched in amazement as he dodged another attack from this beast, meaning it dealt less than 500,000 points of damage. "Should i try that?" He equipped the Starting Weapon of All, the Might Unbreakable Stick, and waved it to hit the giant wolf- "[Noob's Attack]!" He said the name of the skill, which was the basic skill every noob had-

[Noob's Attack:

Deals Magic and Physical Damage equal to half your Int and Str stats combined!

After used, all damage done in the next 60 seconds will be Non-Lethal.]


1,000,000 points of damage, plus 500,000 magic damage due to his [Genius Mind] passive, plus 500,000 physical damage due to his [Titan's Strength] passive skill, plus 2 points of both physical and magical damage from the stick itself. Total of 2,000,002 damage in one single attack!

Well, of non-lethal damage, which meant the wolf did not die, it only fainted after taking a *bonk* to the forehead. No visible changes- He simply took a stick to the head and fainted.

[Congratulations, you defeated an opponent 500 levels above yours (Lvl 500 Fenris Wolf)! You've acheived something only 1 person ever did before!

You've received the title: [Legend].]

[Legend: A legend has been born! You are destined for great things in your life, become a hero or a villain in the annals of history eternally. The choice is yours!

Every language that is spoken gets automatically translated, even from different races or completely dead ones.]

Titles? He doesn't remember there ever being titles on [Heart], there were player-given titles, sure, but not system given ones.

"Where in the world am i...?"

-Author Notes-

Here's how i picture our dear [???], also, give me some suggestions for his name- Creativity died in me now.

[Images Here]