
Healer [#1]


Waking up im your body wasn't something unusual, the unusual aspect of what Erik was experiencing was the fact that he woke up on his body, but not on his room. Instead, he was in another room! It was bigger, and his bed was in the middle, his naked body laying on it... He was too used to waking up on his shitty apartment in New York because his roommate woke him up, but now he sees a rather luxurious place, clean white sheets, and of course, his naked body that looks... Bigger? No, healthier! I remember being skinny and not being very muscular due to my childhood, where my family didn't have enough to eat and i was mostly malnourished and starving half of the time- I remember that because of that i developed a disease that slowed by metabolism and made it harder for me to be healthy, so i just kept on living an unhealthy life.

But now i feel strong, i have muscles- Fuck, is that my dick? Damn, okay! The muscles of my stomach are really defined, i still have hair over my body too which is good since i like my hair, my chest and abs are bigger than i expected and my thighs are stroger too! Maybe i can run for more than a few minutes without feeling like I'd die! Also, i don't seem to have asthma? My breathing is fine- More than fine even.

[Healing System Installed]

[Hello, this is an automated message left by the Creator to help you navigate this system. This system has several functions, but some you may learn of right now are the:

Diagnosis - Shows you the target's status and everything you can do to help them.

Treatment - If something cannot be healed instantly, you know the best way to treat it.

Forms - This function shows you all the forms of creatures that can heal, be it self healing or healing of others.

Medicine - This function helps you making potions, medicine, pills, and others.

Eso - This function shows your abilities to use Esoteric abilities, like healing a mind, soul, a bond, a world, a corruption, and more.

Quests - This function gives you tasks, such as heal ]

[Would you like to open the Starter Pack?]

"What?" His dream, or rather, ambition, was to heal others- he wanted to be a doctor when he was young, but his family could barely afford paying his high-school so he couldn't be selfish and bring them even more debt! He gave up that early in his teen years and spent his life working on minimum wage to support his dying parents because he owned it to them! "Healing...?" I mean, it sounds a little like magic to be honest? "Open it." He played some video games when he was younger, so he knew a few things about it-

[Starter Pack:

Healing: You draw energy from within to stimulate the target's body to heal to the perfect condition. This cannot heal lost limbs, scars, or otherwise incomplete or even altered injuries.

Form: Caladrius

A snow white bird from Roman mythology, said to be capable of absorbing other's diseases into itself and flying away to disperse the disease away before healing itself. While having this form equipped, you received the following:

Disease Transference: You can transfer diseases to yourself, absorbing them from others and healing them from such ailments.

Disease Spreading: You can spread diseases you absorbed, be it into nature or into someone else, essentially freeing you from such disease.

Disease Resistance: Your bodily functions will work normally while under several deadly or otherwise dangerous diseases.

Self Healing: You can heal your body from damage, your white feathers will shine while using this ability.]

Automatically, the Caladrius form was equipped and he knew- He felt it within him, and when he flexed his fingers talons appeared where his fingernails should be. "Maybe?" He wondered for a second before he concentrated, and with a ripping sound of muscle alongside the pain of the same happening, he laid there, panting, as a pair of lustrous shining white wings spread around him: "Fuck that hurts." He flexed them, they were sensitive so he could feel the air currents around him, he also felt something at the base of his ass and soon enough, it was a silvery long ribbon-like tail that touched the ground while it glowed snd twinkled unnaturally... "That's so cool!" Like an overly excited kid, he fumbled around until a alarm on his clock blasted- It read: [First Day as a Nurse in Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital! *several emojis*] Oh right, he forgot about it...

Where the fuck is he?

-Scene Cut-

Finding the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital was easier than he thought it'd be! The year is 2010 and he's sure its going be good because it was 2010 and not 2020! He shutters, remembering the pandemic and how it fucked up his already fucked up life- He's pretty sure he died on his sleep after being hospitalized for who knows how long! He met the wonderful lady he came to know as Melissa McCall, she was the Head Nurse of this hospital and assigned him to some patients, at the same time he received quests for the things she asked and one from the system itself:

[Help & Heal:

Help and heal patients (1/5)

Reward: [Emotional Healing] ability]

A simple and vague quest, which gave an even more vague ability that he doesn't know anything about- meaning? Hell yeah he'll do it! He touched some comatose patients while helping them and used his [Healing] ability and he felt it, how it went through his arm to his fingers into the body of the comatose patient, he felt the energy go through their bodies and reinforce something or repair something within them slightly, be it the atrophied muscles or any damage to their cells or organs- He also helped other nurses, because he could and he wanted to pass on the image that he was friendly- which he was of course. His [Diagnosis] also helped him understand what he could do to bring these patients out of their coma, and most of them needed a skill called [Comatose Healing] or an Esoteric [Mental Healing] skill he didn't have. He remembered the harsh days of Costumer Service so he knew when people would start to make him do work he wasn't meant to do, so when a nurse named Jennifer tried to get him to clean her office, he looked her dead in the eye and said: "No, clean your own shit." Before turning around and leaving to talk to Melissa McCall, she was a sweetheart of a woman and if he wasn't gay he'd happily ask her out!

"Hi Miss McCall, I've finished my patients for the day, can i help you with anything?" The moment he found her, he talked to her, all smiles and politeness accumulated from years of dealing with costumer services and Karens everywhere. "Hi Erik dear, yes you can help with another thing, I'm so sorry but could you please check on patient of room 503? Jennifer left early due to an emergency and he needs a spoge bath." Oh, okay! Sponge baths are okay in his opinion, since he doesn't care that most people here are old anyway. He took the elevator to the fourth floor before finding room 503 and entering it- It was a standard coma patient room, except there were two pots with purple flowers, a jar with a slightly purple skin cream, and the window... There was this dust on the window and some on the door making an almost unnoticeable line, he sighed and pondered if Jennifer ever cleaned this room at all...

"Oh, hi." He greeted the man on the bed, half of his face completely burned and hjs eyes open as he stared catatonic to the ceiling, the light of the window was shining into his dry eyes and Erik winced in sympathy. "Damn that bitch." He cursed because Jennifer was so fucking incompetent! He carefully moved the man to the other side of the bed before closing the curtains, he also cleaned the brown dust off of the window and door and threw the dust into the trash before moving to the flowers... "Wait... Aconite? Aren't they like, poisonous?" He whispered to himself before pulling off a single purple petal, he also checked the slightly purple skin cream and turned to look at Peter Hale, patient 503, who was still catatonic with his eyes open. "Oh no." Erik realized maybe something terrible- His hand touched Peter Hale's chest and he used [Diagnosis] on him:

[Peter Hale:

Burns varying in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th degrees over 75% of his body.

Severe Aconite Poisoning

Severe Mental Stress and Trauma

Severe Emotional Stress and Trauma

Trapped inside his own mind.

Severe Pain.



Use the skill [Emotional Healing] every day for 6 months to heal the following:

Severe Emotional Stress and Trauma.

Use the skill [Healing] every day, 3 times per day, to heal all the burns.

Use the skill [Disease Transference] to heal the Severe Aconite Poisoning.]


He formed a plan inside his mind- First off, he checked his [Medicine] section for things he could do to help ease this man's pain, and the few things he could make was a Pain Nullifying Pill, but he'd need some materials he doesn't have. "I'm sorry... I promise, i promise you I'll help you, okay?" The poor man, Erik learned, was one of the surviving members of a family that died in a house fire, and now he was being tortured? He brought it up with Melissa, and she asked for his proof so he took her to the room and showed her the flowers and cream, she said they'd need to analyze the cream to make sure it was made of what he claimed it was: "I know that ingesting Aconite is dangerous, but having it on your skin makes your body absorb it, slowly and painfully Melissa." That was the last thing he told her before she left-

The last thing Erik did, was to use the skill [Emotional Healing] on the man and watched as a giant red aura of anger, pain, fire, hurt, smoke, ash, anger, killing, death, and even a tiny hint of curiosity invaded his senses- He touched the red and there was a small blue dot there now, a "clean" place, meaning it was a place he would start to heal the emotional state of the patient Peter Hale! The more he used the skill, the bigger the blue dot would become, until it became the whole aura of the person and soon they'd be healed of their emotional distress to the peak and desired emotional state! 'Damn, i should be a therapist too.' And would probably work too!

He left the room after, not seeing the flicker of blue on Peter Hale's eyes.

-Scene Cut-

To say it was curious, was a fickle of what it truly was- The man was an enigma, and Peter loved solving enigmas and puzzles, that's what keeps his mind sharp! He also needs revenge, and that guy got the first obstacle that stood on his way, for that Peter is grateful, even if the man unknowingly or knowingly save his life. But the warmth when he was touched by the man was unexpected, because Peter was too used to the cold of Jennifer's hands when she applied the wolfsbane cream to stop him from healing the scars on his face, or the cold of the knife to his throat or chest, or even his dick- That day he swore he'd eat her heart when he gets out of here!

The man smelled of summer- Sunflowers, a warm breeze, rain in the distant clouds that rumbled with lightning- but he also smelled of winter - snow, frozen lakes, the smell of fun as the children throw snowballs at each other- and somehow he smelled... Clean? Yeah, like, people have pheromones all the time, some people smell healthy and others unhealthy, but this guy? He didn't smell neither of them, which was weird to Peter.

But like it was mentioned before- A new puzzle for a curious man with a lot of time to spare.

I'll find your secrets, little nurse~