
[QT] Marrying My Master in Another World

Feared by the world for their unrivalled strength, Bai Liang finally lost his beloved master under the 'justice' of the self-proclaimed righteous sects. As he sought blood and revenge, heaven secured him and locked him up before he caused irreparable destruction to his world and caused it to collapse. It was then he was told that his all-powerful master has escaped the abyss of the underworld and scattered his soul to multiple worlds in the lower realm. But just as he thought that his master could live a carefree life, heaven didn't let him rest. His master who forcefully reincarnated himself to the worlds where he wasn't fated to exist had tangled the thread of fate and created instability in the world's trajectory. To prevent the collapse of these worlds, Bai Liang agreed to help maintain them, determined to let his master enjoy his life until he dies of old age without any regret. Bai Liang: Let's focus. Xue 'sword spirit system' Liang: [Yes, Master!] A certain master: Baby, I'm here~ Bai Liang: Master! °˖ \ (///▽///) / ˖° Xue Liang: [Master, stop climbing Grandmaster's bed QAQ!!]

Jira_Kamitsuki · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

The General’s Little Gher 3

Bai Liang looked at his cinnabar mole through the mirror and found its colour didn't fade. On the contrary, it became even brighter.

From the information Xue Liang gave him, a gher's cinnabar mole should fade once they lost their virginity. The only reason he could think of why it didn't happen to him was because he and Huo Zhang cultivated each other's qi in the process–although Huo Zhang himself didn't notice. It was similar to dual cultivation.

Meanwhile, in normal intercourse, it was usually the submissive party who had their qi absorbed by the dominant party. Ghers couldn't be a martial art practitioner in this world, so they naturally didn't know how to replenish their qi. Most likely, the cinnabar mole was an indicator.

Still, he didn't think their first intercourse in this world would be in the woods under the moonlight. It sounded romantic, but the reality was he simply got devoured by a hungry wolf.

'Xiao Xue, can this body get pregnant?'

Xue Liang: [Yes, Master. A gher's fertility is linked to their spirituality.]

Bai Liang touched his mole. 'So, this means I'm very fertile?'

Xue Liang: [Yes, but please don't worry, Master. Xiao Xue has confirmed that Master is not impregnated. But when Master and Grandmaster copulate next time, there is a high chance that Master will conceive. A man's fertility is linked to their vitality, so Grandmaster is also very fertile.]

Bai Liang sighed in regret. It seems that he needed to practice abstinence before he finished his task. Or maybe find a method of birth control? Surely, he could think of something.

After dressing up, he ate his breakfast in his private courtyard. Lan Jing usually ate his meals by himself, but because he went out yesterday, he didn't have any choice but to eat dinner with the whole family.

Xue Liang: [Master, the assassins from last night have been found by the palace guards. As for the one whom Master let go, he has reported back to his employer. He is from the prime minister's faction.]

'In the end, it circles back here.' Bai Liang wasn't surprised.

Xue Liang: [If Master kills the prime minister, won't everything end?]

'It'll only complicate things.' Bai Liang continued eating his congee. 'If the prime minister, as the main antagonist, is gone, we'll have to be wary of any unknown force emerging until Tian Qing-Shen is coronated. It's best to let him be and prepare countermeasures on our side until he fulfils his role.'

Xue Liang: [Xiao Xue understands, Master.]

Once he finished his breakfast, he went to paint in his study. Because Lan Jing didn't want to be fully dependent on his family's money, he had been selling his paintings through a third party. He kept himself anonymous, but his name was already quite popular among art lovers.

As an idle immortal who had too much time, he had mastered many forms of art to kill time and entertain his master. Painting was one of them. He couldn't copy Lan Jing's authenticity, but he could improve it bit by bit to not raise any suspicion. Moreover, before the hunting season, there would be an important event to raise the emperor's favorability towards Tian Qing-Shan. It was why the minister of justice introduced his son to him. Perhaps the real target of yesterday's attempt was Yu Shen-Jia himself.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Lan Qi-Yuan entered the study to see his little brother painting as usual. Remembering their father's order, he inwardly sighed. "Ah-Jing, Father has summoned for you."

Bai Liang glanced at Lan Qi-Yuan from the corner of his eyes. "Why would Father summon me?"

"You will know later." Lan Qi-Yuan noticed Bai Liang's cinnabar mole and frowned. "Is your cinnabar mole becoming brighter?"

"It's the same as always?" Bai Liang feigned ignorance.

He put down his brush and left with Lan Qi-Yuan. They entered their father's study where the prime minister was waiting. Lan Gao-Ye looked up from his desk upon their entrance.

"Jing-Er, your brother told Father that you have been selling your painting and made quite a name for yourself." He went straight to the matter.

Bai Liang glared at Lan Qi-Yuan who looked away with guilt. He denied, "No, Father. It's true that I have been selling them, but I'm nowhere near renowned."

"No matter." Lan Gao-Ye stood up from his seat and showed the unscrolled painting on his desk. "Your brother has shown me your painting, and Father believes you are capable enough to help your family in an important matter."

"I've already said that I refuse to involve myself with any of your matters."

"I am not asking for your opinion. If you still want to have the surname Lan, you must act for the benefit of our household."

Lan Qi-Yuan stepped forward, blocking Lan Gao-Ye from Bai Liang. "Father, you promised you would respect Ah-Jing's choice."

"Yes, I promised him–" Lan Gao-Ye raised his chin and stared down at Lan Qi-Yuan, "–the choice to act as a Lan or leave this house."


"Enough!" Lan Gao-Ye glared at Lan Qi-Yuan. "I already compromised enough by not marrying Jing-Er away as you wish. The least he can do is to be grateful and contribute to his family."

"I was the one–"

"Brother." Bai Liang stopped Lan Qi-Yuan and stepped out of his protection. He favoured Lan Qi-Yuan's fall-out with Lan Gao-Ye, but he couldn't let it explode yet. "It's fine already."

"Ah-Jing…" Lan Qi-Yuan clenched his fists. "…I'm sorry."

Bai Liang shook his head and returned his focus to Lan Gao-Ye. "What do you want, Father?"

Satisfied by Bai Liang's choice, Lan Gao-Ye nodded and answered, "The emperor will carry out a pilgrimage this year to pray for the Sacred Dragon Rite's success. Among the offerings he wishes to give is a painting of a 1,000-petalled lotus. I want you to paint them and bring honour to our family name."

"You're overestimating me. You should just commission a professional painter. I don't remember we're low on money."

"No. The minister of justice who will have his son paints for him as Tian Qing-Shan's representative. Do you want our family to lose face?" Lan Gao-Ye clasped his hands behind his back. "You can buy as many supplies as you need. Of course, all of them must be of the best quality."

Bai Liang almost rolled his eyes. This guy kept yapping about family this and family that when in reality, the only 'family' in his mind was himself. He crossed his arms. "I refuse."

Both Lan Qi-Yuan and Lan Gao-Ye were caught off guard by Bai Liang's refusal. Lan Gao-Ye's eyes turned fierce. "You dare to disobey your Father?"

Bai Liang had considered some things and concluded this was the best course of action. In the original trajectory, Lan Jing never got involved since his brother didn't tell their father about his painting skills. Currently, for some reason, Lan Qi-Yuan leaked that despite knowing their father would want to make use of it.

Since his goal was to deliver the throne to Tian Qing-Shan, he would be going against his own family anyway. In addition, Huo Zhang was in Tian Qing-Shan's faction. It would be easier for him to move once he left the house.

"Go ahead and disown me. Right here right now," he calmly said.


"Ah-Jing, don't be impulsive!" Lan Qi-Yuan rebuked, his expression taut. "Take back your words and apologize to Father!"

"Brother, thank you for always covering for me." Bai Liang turned to leave. "But I'm sick of living in fear in this house."


Lan Qi-Yuan tried to stop him, but Bai Liang avoided his hand and paced out of the room. Fortunately, he had foreseen this outcome and worn appropriate clothes, so he could leave any time of the day. He only needed to grab his parasol.

"Father, you cannot just kick Ah-Jing out! He is a gher! How can he survive outside!?" Lan Qi-Yuan couldn't hold it anymore.

"Exactly." Lan Gao-Ye scoffed. "That ingrate dog will come back on his own."

Lan Qi-Yuan knew it was useless to talk to his father and chased after Bai Liang, but the other already left the residence.

2 bodyguards tailed behind Bai Liang, and he quickly entered a small alley. Following the route he mapped yesterday while 'accidentally' toppling some things along his way, he easily shook them off.

Soon, he reached Blue Moon Pavilion and entered a private booth. He closed the windows and sat down to wait.

Huo Zhang didn't disappoint and appeared 15 minutes later.