
[Origin: Reboot]

Machine Translation of my reboot story, [Origin]. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the worlds in which my story is inspired [Except OCs and original plot]. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Many people have asked questions about how everything started. What came first, the chicken or the egg, did god create everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome to Origin, here you can discover the answer that so many scholars have sought, but it will be a hard road full of dangers at every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end, are you brave enough to take the first step? Will you be able to get the strength you need to keep moving forward? To move forward or to give up Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Origin... Do you want to start your journey? * * * * * *

GenoXX · Cómic
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86 Chs

83: New Classmates

"The prank didn't go the way I wanted it to, though..." - Tatenashi muttered as a huge smile appeared on her face. She quickly ran to her office and printed out a flyer that she put on the bulletin board - "Well, this will do..."

"Huh?" - the girls began to gather around the bulletin board as they noticed the new flyer that had appeared, only to be surprised at the contents.

"Is this true?" - asked one girl excitedly.

"It's signed by Tatenashi-sama, so it has to be official" - replied another girl as they felt something inside them begin to burn with the intensity of a thousand suns.

* * * * *

"You already heard, but today two new students will be joining the class" - said Chifuyu as she looked at her students.

A new day had arrived at the academy, time when the girls for some strange reason were excited.

"You may come in" - said Chifuyu as a pretty silver haired girl and beautiful blond boy entered the classroom.

"My name is Laura Bodewig from Germany" - said Laura neutrally as she folded her arms - "That's all."

"My name is Charles Dunois from France" - Charles said as he smiled slightly, immediately winning the hearts of his new classmates - "It's a pleasure to be here with you."

"Kya ~!" - the girls squealed with excitement at the sight of the smile of the new class prince while Laura simply shook her head.

The girls were thrilled, they now had a new addition to the boy's group.

Ichika was a friendly boy and was easy to talk to, which gave him the personality of a neighbor.

Cloud was usually stoic and cold, which the girls classified as Kuudere.

Charles, on the other hand, seemed like he was polite like a fairy tale prince.

"Strife, Charles will stay with you" - Chifuyu said as she looked at the young blond - "That's why you'll have to explain the general situation of the academy to him."

"Understood" - Cloud replied boredly as he looked at his new roommate - "I hope we'll get along well."

"Etto... Same here" - replied Charles as he scratched his cheek - "I'm going to count on you from now on."

Cecilia and Houki frowned slightly as they felt that there was something wrong with this boy because they were unconsciously feeling jealous.

"Bodewig, for the time being you will stay with Huang, later I will give you the relevant information" - Chifuyu continued as she looked at her former student - "In the future we will organize the rooms more efficiently."

"Understood" - Laura answered simply, although after saying that short word, she walked in front of Ichika and looked at him carefully from head to toe.

"Is something wrong?" - Ichika asked, confused with the situation, though his expression changed drastically when he noticed how the girl frowned and turned around - "What's wrong with you?"

"You're not like I thought" - Laura answered while giving him a cold look - "I thought you'd be as skilled as Cloud Strife because you were the instructor's younger brother, but I see I was wrong... You are weak"

Ichika froze at the cold words of the girl from Germany, only to feel his blood start to boil thanks to his hurt pride.

"Do you really want to deny my words?" - Laura asked while raising an eyebrow - "I'm going to give you the chance, we will fight soon, so I hope you use your time wisely to train because I will show no mercy."

Ichika was silent as he watched the girl from Germany ignore the hostile stares of the other girls in the class and walk in front of Cloud's desk.

"Strife..." - Laura said as she looked appreciatively at the young blonde - "I hope our next fight won't be interrupted."

"Anytime" - Cloud replied simply.

Laura smiled wildly as Cloud went back to reading his book.

"I think I'll go sit down too" - Charles said with a bit of discomfort as he saw how the air in the classroom was a bit heavy.

"Do it Dunois" - nodded Chifuyu as she slammed her book down hard on the desk - "I know you're excited to fight, but we're in class, Strife, Bodewig, so I hope you're paying attention."

"Sorry, instructor" - Laura replied as she walked to her designated seat and slowly closed her eyes, mostly because taking classes wasn't necessary, due to the fact that she had studied all the necessary information until reaching the university.

"When classes are over, I want you to show the facilities to Dunois, Strife" - said Chifuyu as she looked at the young blond - "Is that clear?"

"Ok" - Cloud nodded as he shrugged his shoulders. He would take this opportunity to investigate a bit because he felt that this guy was hiding something, although he didn't know what, due to the fact that he had never read or seen [IS: Infinite Stratos].

"Well, now that we got that settled, it's time for us to talk about the tournament between classes" - Chifuyu said while looking around, though after a few seconds he looked in his younger brother's direction - "Orimura, I hope you'll give your best."

"I will, Chifuyu Nee" - nodded Ichika, only to feel a piece of chalk hit his forehead - "Ouch!"

"It's Orimura sensei" - sighed Chifuyu as she grabbed the bridge of her nose - "Seriously, you have to understand that I'm on working hours, I'm not your big sister here, I'm your instructor"

Ichika was silent before nodding, the truth is he understood the difference, it's just that he was used to calling his sister by her name.

"Instructor!" - Laura exclaimed as she raised her hand.

"What do you want, Bodewig?" - Chifuyu asked as she frowned.

"Permission to replace that weak man" - Laura replied simply - "If the goal is to get the strongest participant, I think I am more than enough to win this tournament."

"I'm sorry, but that's impossible" - replied Chifuyu while shaking her head - "The participants have been decided and the matches assigned, now all that's left is to wait"

"I understand" - nodded Laura while frowning slightly - "Then I ask for permission to test this boy's military power."

"I feel that you are extremely hostile against Orimura, Bodewig" - said Chifuyu with a frown.

"It's because I don't feel that he is worthy of being the reason for your departure from Germany, instructor" - Laura replied neutrally.

"Bodewig, I left Germany because my contract ended" - Chifuyu replied as she let out a long sigh - "Seriously, after class we need to talk."

"Chifuyu Nee, I want to accept Laura Bodewig's combat proposal" - said Ichika seriously, surprising all his classmates, including the two teachers - "I'm sick and tired of her treating me like I'm trash"

"Hmph! At least you've got your balls in the right place" - Laura snorted as she nodded - "Maybe you're not trash like I thought you were"

"This isn't bad for me" - thought Charlotte as she looked at the duo - "If I had come a week later, then I wouldn't have had the chance to watch Ichika Orimura fight against a pseudo-representative..."

* * *

Time flew by and classes were already over.

Maya and Chifuyu had taken Laura to talk, while Cecilia and Houki had decided to go train together.

Ichika was "kidnapped" by Rin to train for his match, while the girls had gone to the cafeteria.

"This is the Academy's cafeteria" - Cloud said calmly as he walked past the notice board because he honestly didn't care about the student council's announcements - "Here you can order all variety of dishes from different parts of the world"

"Interesting, this seems perfect to me because I'm not a person who likes to eat things that are not from his country, mostly out of habit" - Charles replied as he tilted his head - "Although I would like to try some things from Japan now that I have the chance... just out of curiosity..."

"You don't have to make excuses, if you want to eat something, just ask for it" - Cloud said as he shrugged his shoulders, ignoring the conversation of the girls who were having lunch.

"Don't you think the two of them look good together?" - muttered one girl as she blushed.

"Now that you mention it, Charles-sama's feminine appearance" - muttered another girl as she felt steam escaping from her ears.

The girls' conversation was getting more and more heated, which made Charles uncomfortable.

"Do you want us to go somewhere else?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I'd appreciate it" - sighed Charles as he shook his head. She really wasn't used to this kind of situation, much less interacting with such perverted girls.

"We'll eat after we finish the tour if that's okay with you" - Cloud said as he looked around and noticed how the looks of the girls changed drastically.

"Sounds perfect to me, let's go" - Charles said as he shook his head with a slightly red face.

"Seriously, those girls should use their time better" - muttered Cloud as he shook his head.

"Doesn't it bother you?" - Charles asked with surprise.

"Not in the least, I'm confident in my sexuality, not to mention that we're not doing anything wrong, we're just having a conversation" - Cloud replied simply - "Just ignore them and go on with your life"


Remember, this story is a machine translation and lightly edited with Grammarly of my original story.

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