
53: Ichiro Shido

"Welcome to my little abode!" - Ichiro exclaimed with a smile, but his expression changed when he saw the leader of the group who had just arrived - "Well, well, I didn't think the beautiful Yuriko Takagi would be the one responsible for coming to pick me up!"

"Ichiro Shido... I should have known you'd still be alive" - Yuriko snorted as she frowned slightly - "I knew a filthy worm like you would still be alive"

"Where is your husband?" - Ichiro asked as he looked around and ignored the woman's insults.

"None of your business"" - replied Yuriko with a frown on her face.

"Oh, he's dead, that's perfect" - replied Ichiro as he licked his lips - "Don't you think fate wants you to be mine?"

"Sure, if you want five bullets in your head" - Yuriko replied with a cold smile - "Although I feel you're misunderstanding something..."

Yuriko's subordinates quickly pointed at the obese politician, who simply frowned - "Tell your dogs to stop barking at me"

"Why should I?" - Yuriko asked as she cocked her head to one side.

"Because I'm your boss" - replied Ichiro neutrally.

"I repeat, I think you're misunderstanding something" - said Yuriko as she felt a huge smile appear on her face.

"What do you mean?" - Ichiro asked as he felt a shiver run down his back.

"Oh, you'll find out shortly" - smiled Yuriko as she ordered a full search of the building - "If they resist, you know what to do."

"What are you doing?!" - Ichiro exclaimed as he looked around furiously.

"Let's just say this is something we've been doing for the last month" - replied Yuriko as a few soldiers were still aiming at Ichiro and Ken, who were listening to the screams of some men from inside the building along with the sound of gunshots.

"You're going to pay for this, Yuriko Takagi" - said Ichiro neutrally - "Do you even remember who I am?!"

"You're a man who doesn't know what the fuck is going on" - snorted Rika neutrally, after all, she knew all the dark secrets of this corrupt politician.

"I hope you won't regret this in the future, Yuriko Takagi, because when we get to Amami base, I'm going to enjoy using your whore bodies as my toys" - Ichiro said coldly as he felt a vein start to mark on his forehead - "I'm going to enjoy using your daughter as a toy until she breaks, then I'm going to give her to the soldiers, so they all get a taste of that delicious body of hers"

The soldiers didn't seem to appreciate this, so they quickly fired a warning shot that hit the politician in the leg, who could only respond with a howl of pain.

"B-Bastards!" - Ichiro roared as he tearfully grabbed his leg.

"I hope that serves as a warning to you not to open your mouth without thinking about the consequences" - said Yuriko neutrally, though her expression changed when she saw how her soldiers were returning with a group of women who seemed to be broken - "Report..."

"According to the words of the women who were still conscious, they had been subjected to constant rape, we have even received reports of Gangbang to break them psychologically" - replied the soldier while biting his lip - "Additional to that, we saw that their physical conditions were not the best, probably due to malnutrition, current psychological state, it could be said that they have developed a clear androphobia"

Yuriko was silent before looking at Ichiro neutrally - "Honestly, I'm not surprised, you've always been a bastard to us..."

"That's your duty, to please men like me!" - Ichiro roared as he continued to cry from the pain - "As a high-ranking politician, I have the right to do whatever I please with them! If I want, I can even make all the men rape them over and over again!"

Shizuka, Rika and Saeko, simply glared hatefully at the corrupt politician, who simply glared at them lustfully, as if he still hadn't recognized what was going on.

"Anything else?" - Yuriko asked as she ignored the man.

"We found a group of corpses hanging in one of the rooms, time of death, between 6 and 8 days" - replied the soldier with a frown - "According to the information we managed to gather from the women, they were the partners of some of the women who were killed because they defended their partners..."

"That son of a bitch raped me while my husband watched before he was killed!" - shouted one woman with hatred, one that could not be contained now that she was seeing how he had been saved - "Then he made all the men who followed him rape me!"

The women who were still conscious quickly began to release everything inside them as they cursed the existence of a monster like Ichiro.

The expression of Yuriko and the other girls in the group was getting darker and darker.

"I think this is more than enough" - Cloud said as he ordered the soldiers to take the girls back to their camp to be with people of the same sex, after all, this was not the first time they encountered rapists or people who enjoyed other people's suffering.

"And who are you..." - Ichiro said with a frown, though those eyes and hair color annoyed him unconsciously.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Ichiro Shido..." - Cloud said as he walked in front of the politician with a happy smile, though people who knew the boy, could sense the huge killer instinct he was radiating behind that smile - "My name is Cloud... Cloud Strife..."

"Strife..." - Ichiro muttered, only to widen his eyes in surprise - "You! You're the son of that bitch!"

The sound of a gunshot echoed in place to be followed after a few milliseconds by the sound of Ichiro's cry of pain, who began to squirm on the ground.

"It's good to know that you recognized me, although I recommend you not to speak ill of my mother, after all, she did her best to leave me in a safe place before meeting my father" - Cloud replied neutrally while he put away the gun and grabbed the man by the hair so that the two of them had the same level gaze - "You don't know how long I've been wishing for this moment..."

"I see fate wants to fuck with me" - Ichiro said as he let out a dark laugh - "I guess I only have a few minutes left to live..."

"Yes, though I'm surprised you accepted your death so quickly" - Cloud said neutrally - "I guess it was something you expected after all the damage you've caused."

"Yes, although there are two things I regret not having done, first, having abused your whore of a mother, and second, not having raped Yuriko and Saya Takagi" - said Ichiro as he let out a laugh.

Cloud frowned when he heard this, though he didn't let anger cloud his judgment, that would only make him kill this bastard, but that would be a blessing for this man because he had something much worse planned for him.

"I guess you wish to quickly reunite with your son in hell" - Yuriko said as she walked next to Cloud.

"Koichi?!" - Ichiro's expression changed, after all, he thought his son was still safe to keep the Shido bloodline, but Yuriko's words signaled him otherwise.

"Yes, that son of a bitch was responsible for my husband's death, that's why I ended up blowing his body into thousands of pieces" - Yuriko replied coldly.

Ichiro was silent when he heard this, though he quickly let out a laugh full of madness - "I knew it, the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree! My son lived and died as a Shido! Fuck you, Yuriko Takagi, I'll see your husband in hell!"

Yuriko's expression darkened because she didn't expect this reaction. She thought Ichiro would snap, after all, she knew he was extremely loving to his son being his only heir.

Cloud didn't say anything else, he simply ordered the soldiers to kill Ken, then walk to the obese politician and put some chains on him.

"What are you doing?" - Ichiro asked apprehensively.

"Let's just say we have a little trip to travel to the meeting point with Amami" - Cloud said neutrally - "And you're coming with us."

Yuriko gave him a confused look, though she quickly understood what the blond boy was trying to do - "Oh, an interesting ending..."

"W-what are you planning to do to me?" - Ichiro asked fearfully, after all, he thought his death would be a simple shot to the forehead.

"Seeing your wheel like shape, I think you can move around quite a bit as a replacement in case we get a flat tire" - Cloud replied while connecting the chains with a hook on the back of his car - "Let's go, we have to meet up with Amami, the rest remember to hurry back after dropping the women off at our base, and make sure to explain the situation well."

"Hai!" - The soldiers exclaimed as they ignored the shouts of the obese corrupt politician.

"Y-you can't do this to me, I'm a senior officer, I'm an elite member of Japan!" - Ichiro exclaimed as he began to scream from the pain of bouncing as he was dragged by the Yakuza leaders vehicle.


Remember, this story is a machine translation and lightly edited with Grammarly of my original story.

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