
[Day Whoever Fucking Cares]

Waking up from my awkward position in the hollow tree, I popped my neck, back, hips, shoulders, fingers, wrist, the area where my thighbone joint connects to my pelvis, knees, toes, and elbows.

[AN: Those are the areas where I actually pop in real life.]

Now feeling relaxed, I went through everything that happened yesterday, or whoever many days, as all my injuries have been cured already.

As I went through my memories and cross-referenced them with some other stuff I clarified a few things for myself.

1. When I was given Light from the Traveler, I'm pretty sure they messed up and gave me too much. Normally one would be happy with a lot, well not me.

My current body was unable to handle the amount of Light it had so I assume my subconscious fused it with my Aura and then boosted my Aura levels temporarily, which in turn boosted my physical and mental capabilities.

While it was only temporarily, it had allowed me to fight Grimm that would've been able to kill actual Huntsmen and Huntress.

I also assumed that all of my Supers were also temporarily boosted in power and that was what allowed me to kill them.

As currently, I would find myself hard-pressed to fight a single Beowolf. That was without Supers.

With Supers, then I could easily kill a pack or two with enough planning.

The real problem was actually using my Supers. I realized that I had too little Light to be able to use the Supers.

I could luckily use the grenades, dodge, and stuff like that, but the actual power in them was weaker. For grenades, the power was weaker and for dodge, it was a lower range and well you get the idea.

2. I had yet to secure fire, food, and a water source.

The only reason I realized this was because not too long ago, my stomach practically ate itself.

The fire part was easy. Food was also easy as long as I found animals. But the water was the hard part.

If I didn't find a water source in a few days, then I might dehydrate myself to death.

And while I had Aura and Light to help me survive, I knew that it wouldn't help much with these types of injuries.

A 'camp' you could say was already secured, which was this hollowed tree. Although I really need to find a better 'camp'.

A cave would do wonders.

Finally, the most important one to me.

3. I lost the Knife.

This Knife I lost was the one gifted to me by Mother. The real reason why this is so important to me is that it was the first gift given to me and by Mother nether the less.

The knife was a simple Bayanet design one would find in CSGO but without the guard.

And while I was able to feel a psychological pressure on me for losing the knife, the pressure was actually so great that I felt it physically too.

Actually thinking about it, I depended and anchored myself on Mother way more then a usually baby would.

Thinking about it, I felt whole around Mother, like my entire chest would warm up and the baby side that is hidden beneath tens of others sides of me would erupt and take over.

I felt conscious of trying to get myself to be spoiled on by Mother.

I- I was so much different around Mother.

Anyways! Moving onwards.

I grabbed a bunch of dry branches and stacked them on one side outside the tree.

I continued to do that until I was confident the pile could last me over a week.

So with that, I built a campfire and used what little Light I had and converted to Solar Light and lit the campfire.

After leaving that on, I went out and looked for animals to hunt, while simultaneously looking for my Knife-chan.

Actually *facepalms* I realized that I had my [Scans] and could easily find out where everything was.

I used [Complete Scan] and was given information about everything around me.

And while I still bled from my eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, it was a lot less compared to my earlier uses of it.

With Knife-chan in my 'sight', I walked towards her.

[AN: Calling the guardless bayonet Knife-chan cause why not.]

As soon as I picked up Knife-chan, I cleaned her up as best as I can. Later, when I find a water source, I would wash Knife-chan with water to make sure she stays clean.

Next, I used [Grimm Scan] and then when there weren't any Grimms nearby, I used [Soul Scan] to look for nearby animals.

After finding a dear, I stalked it for around 5 minutes before realizing something really important and also realizing I'm dumb.

Instead of waiting for hours for the dear to get to a water source, as all animals would need to drink water at some point, I used [Soul Scan] again, but this time put around 25% of my Aura into this, to help expand the radius.

From this, I located an area with a large number of animals nearby.

After that, I used [Basic Scan] to find an area that looked semi like a river and cross-referenced that to see if the above-mentioned group of animals were nearby it.

And since they were, I was about 85% sure this was a water source of some sort.

After hearing the rushing sound of the river, I looked for a nice open spot where no animals would be disturbed by my presence.

After making sure the water was clean, I drank a few handfuls and then washed Knife-chan. After Knife-chan was dripping wet, but yet clean, I used my shirt to dry it so Knife-chan wouldn't rust.

[AN: Get your mind outta your gutter when I said dripping wet!]

Afterward, I stripped myself and cleaned my clothes.

While I hung my clothes to dry, I washed my body.

Looking around my body I could see countless small scars around my body that I recognized were the cuts from running and climbing the tree.

There were also various sizes of scars too ranging from large to small. I most likely got these from fighting the Grimm pack, as I don't recognize where I got these from.

So that confirms that during my temporary power buff, my Aura wasn't actually strong enough to protect the hits fully, but was at least able to heal the wounds afterward.

[AN: If you think I'm leaving scars to make Quail look cool, I ain't. Every injury leaves a scar actually, it just depends on the which type of injury and if it's visible or not.]

After I was doing bathing and was standing out of the river butt naked wet, I used Solar Light to flare up my body and evaporate the water.

I did the same thing with my clothes, but I used a lot less in case I burned my clothes. I then just did the drying of my clothes in a small burst of Solar Light.

Afterward, I made my way back 'home' to the oak tree, by using my [Soul Scan] to find the Aura imprint I left there.

The Aura imprint, was just me sending a good chunk of Aura into a specific area. The imprint last longer depending on the amount of Aura I put.

And the reason I didn't look for my campfire's smoke trail was that I used a pit type campfire that helps reduce the smoke by loads and the smoke wouldn't be visible.

On the way back, I used Nightstalker's smoke grenade to hide and hunt a dear.

I then brought said dear back and skinned it and cooked it for dinner.

Although most of the dear is unusable as I currently suck ASS at skinning a dear.

So I cooked and ate what I could, and dragged the dear off into the distance and buried it to help prevent the smell, and then I went to sleep in my hollow tree.


AN: Boring chapter I know, but this is just showing what a daily day would look like in the month forest trip without being hunted.

Next chapter is the introduction of someone interesting! ;)