
Chapter 37 Ryuiki Tenkai

Chu Yueli frowned. She wasn't used to rejection at all. Every man in the world would want to even be just in her and her sisters' presence.

But the boy? No, the man? Just said to her like she was some kind of an inconvenience in his life.

How could she who had never been rejected by a man or a boy before accept it?

"I am not going to listen to your rejection! You will fight me whether you want it or not!"

Chu Yueli attacked Naruto out of no where. She never believed that Naruto was a kid from the beginning.

Her icy Profound energy invaded the surrounding area very quickly.

"Humph, You are just good at looking but nothing else."

Naruto said that and he was frozen before he burst into a cloud of smoke. 

He was just a shadow clone. The real Naruto was now flying in the sky while observing her like a hawk.

His eyes shone with otherworldly light.

He was actually flying and not just floating like Chu Yueli.

There was a huge difference between flying and floating.

"Follow me then. I don't want to disturb everyone in the clan."

Naruto then flew toward the outside of the city. He didn't want things in the clan to be damaged.

Chu Yuelie saw that and she slowly floated after him… 

She had never been embarrassed of using the Profound Floating Technique before.

'He must use some kind of treasure. No one could fly in the sky like that when they are just in the Earth Profound Realm.'

Chu Yueli was sure of it and she would teach him a lesson to not mess with her.

They reached the nearby forest where there was no one there.

Naruto nodded to himself. This place was good enough for him.

"Can you at least tell me why you want to fight with me. Oh, and why do you think I am old too."

Naruto looked back at Chu Yueli who was about five minutes late. He didn't think that she would be this slow.

'I should fly slower next time.'

"Why are you still pretending? There is no one here, So show your true self this instant."

Chu Yueli was still confident that he was an old monster or something.

Naruto was annoyed. How could she be so self-centered and not care about other people's opinion at all.

'You should teach her a lesson, Naruto-chan.'

Daji spoke to him. Naruto said yes to her. He would teach her a lesson so she would reform herself.

"Whatever, you say old lady."

"O–Old? Me? How dare you!"

Chu Yueli wasn't having it. She wasn't that old. She was still in two digits and that tells people something about how talented she was to have reached the Sky Profound Realm.

She in retaliation for his comment threw her Profound art toward him. She didn't hold back at all.

'This technique…'

Daji who was inside of Naruto when she saw how Chu Yueli's Profound technique works. She couldn't help but think of her old friend.

'Why is her technique so much like that of my old friend's but she lacks her bloodline…'

Daji then understood. The technique that Chu Yueli used must be of the recreated version that mortals could use by exchanging their lifespan for the technique.

It was basically a downgrade version of the Ice Phoenix God Investiture Canon technique that Bing Fenghuang, her friend, had used for billions of years.

Oops, her age just revealed like that. Daji was at least a billion years old.

Naruto dodged her attack effortlessly. He even dissed her while letting her attack him oneside.

"Is that all you can do, I know you can do better if you stop using such a trash technique."


Chu Yueli was so angry that she couldn't find any word to refute him. She tried harder in order to at least hit him once.

'Only once and you will be dead!'

Her frozen heart arts didn't help her this time. It broke like a thin piece of ice. 

She could feel a surge of emotion she had been holding back this whole time and it was unleashed toward Naruto.

They fought for hours and it was time for Naruto to end it.

"Oh, you are really angry. But I don't care. I think we have messed around enough. I will end it then."

The forest around them had turned into a snowfield. Naruto then used fox fire to melt all the snow around them.

Chu Yueli was greatly shocked when she saw that her snow and ice was melted by his fire.

The snow and ice she created with her Profound energy would never melt unless she or someone of higher level melted it.

"You might be confused why I can melt your ice even though my cultivation is lower than yours. Let me tell you something. Cultivation isn't the only thing in life."

Naruto crossed his fingers in front of him.

Chu Yueli could feel the shift in Profound energy around them. 

Naruto was about to unleash something that even made her honed instinct scream at her.

"Genjutsu Ryuiki Tenkai: Muryokusho!"

(Illusion Domain Expansion: Infinite void!)

Naruto's deep ocean blue eyes shine beautifully. His eyes captivated her. She couldn't look away from it.

She then found herself inside an infinite void.

"What happened? I can't feel myself at all… T–This? Isn't this domain!"

Only the throne level could use this kind of power.

Naruto wasn't someone in the Earth Profound Realm but in the Emperor Profound Realm!

And his domain over infinite void was something that might be even more powerful than her sect master's domain.

What had she done? Did she invite disaster toward their sect with her arrogance?

Chu Yueli's frozen heart art was completely destroyed and she felt regret.

She cried for the first time since she was accepted into Frozen Cloud Asgard.

She never would have thought to find a throne level master here in the backwater city like this.

She hoped her big sister would miss her and would be sad for her death.

'What am I even thinking? We can't have any emotions to practice the Frozen Cloud Art. She would just think of me as a weak little sister and would never miss me or saden about my death.'

Naruto who saw her crying couldn't help but feel bad. Did he just bully her too much?

'I have become something I hate… No, this is not bullying but self defense… Ugh I hate complicated things.'

Naruto stopped his Genjutsu and let Chu Yueli go.

She cowered on the ground and was still crying. Naruto felt sorry when he saw how pitiful she was.

"What should I do about her? Daji-Okaa-chan… I don't want to mess with her anymore."

"As it should be, Naruto-chan. Even though she is arrogant and not knowing her place. It was due to her technique that led her to this point. Just let her go."

If she wasn't related to her friend. She would just ask Naruto to punish her more. She wasn't a nice fox from the beginning.

"Why don't you just kill me?"

Chu Yueli was surprised that Naruto didn't kill her. She thought that he would kill her when he showed his true power.

"You want my body right? Please be quick!"

If he didn't kill her that only meant he wanted something from her. And what does she have? Only her look and body.

She got smacked on the head by Daji's foxy tail. Chu Yueli yelped in pain and looked at the fox near her.

"What the—"

"He is just ten years old. Be mindful of your speech, mortal."

Chu Yueli closed her mouth shut. 

A demonic beast that could speak human tongue was at a very high level. She must be throne level at least.

"I am really ten years old. I don't know what gives you the idea that I am old. But now that you lost to me. You have to listen to me at least."

Chu Yueli was about to say something but she was hit in the head by the fox near her again…


She felt like she was being trained by the fox!

www.p@treon.com/dizzme for more chapters!