
Chapter 29 Little midget

Tsunade then asked Hiashi to follow her as she had something very important to tell him.

"Naruto-chan, I will talk with him for a bit. You should go and play with Hinata-chan first."

The elders heard that she called Hinata with such honorifics. They couldn't help but be satisfied.

Tsunade secretly smirked.

With this Hinata won't be punished by them and they might even try to treat her better as she had become a very precious asset.

Maybe she could help them with the crisis they are facing right now.

"Yes, shishou! I will go and wait for you with Hinata-chan in her room!"

"M–My room?"

Hinata was surprised that he wanted to go to her room. However, she couldn't say anything when Naruto held her hand and asked her to show the way.

Hinata shyly brought a man(young boy) to her room for the first time.

"This is good. We can use this situation to our advantage!"

"Yes, with that useless girl becoming friends with Tsunade-sama's disciple. We can gain the help of Tsunade-sama. We will not have to worry about our business anymore."

The elders didn't understand why Tsunade called Hiashi to talk with him alone. That because their clan had f*ck up many things and was going to pay the price of their arrogance soon.

Hinata let Naruto inside her room.

With his enhanced sense of smell. He could smell her room very clearly.

"Hinata-chan, your room smells very nice, I like it!"

Hinata was embarrassed when Naruto said it like that.

"P–Please don't smell it too much okay."

Even though she felt embarrassed. She couldn't bring herself to stop him.

"Okay, I will just smell them a little bit. It smells like yours so I like it very much. Lavender isn't it?"

"Really, Yes, it's Lavender. I like it because my mother used to help me press the flower. And purple is my favorite color."

Hinata talked about her mother and lavender. Naruto kept listening without interrupting her.

He knew that her mother should have gone to a very faraway place. She was motherless like him.

"Is that so? You should teach me how to press flowers some time."

Hinata nodded and promised him that she would teach him when they had a chance.

And when they were happily chatting with each other. The door to the room was opened by someone.

"Onee-sama! Where have you been? I was very worried about you!"

Hinata was hugged or crushed by a little midget. She fell onto her bed.

The little midget then glared at Naruto and said.

"Who are you? Why are you in my Onee-sama's room?"

Naruto looked at her and then he thought of something. He smirked.

"Why? Of course, I have come to your Onee-sama's room because I want to kidnap her!"

"No! I won't let you do that!"

The little midget attacked him using gentle fists but she couldn't touch him at all. He just parried her with his finger and it made her feel frustrated.

"Are you looking down on me! I will show you the true power of the Hyuuga clan!"

She began to attack him more viciously but it still did nothing to him. It looked even more cute when she was angry.

"What a fierce warrior we have here. You are very good, Little midget!"

"I am not a little midget! I am Hyuuga Hanabi!"

Little Hanabi might look angry but she was very happy to be praised. She just didn't know how to express her emotions properly.

One was too shy, and one was too messed up.

Hyuuga Hiashi really failed as a father.

Naruto played with Hanabi for a little while before he ended her with a flick on her forehead.

"Ouch! Why are you doing that for!"

"Next time, Hanabi-chan. Hinata-chan is really going to cry now."

Hanabi immediately looked at her big sister and found that really was going to cry.

She then looked at Naruto as she didn't know what to do.

"Hehe, live it to your Onii-sama then."


Naruto patted her head a little and then went to tell Hinata that they were not really fighting and just playing around.

Hinata thought that her first friend and little sister didn't like each other so she was so sad. However, when she heard him. She looked at Hanabi.

"Y–Yes, Onee-sama, We are just playing."

Hanabi didn't want to see her big sister cry so she tried to do everything she could.

"Is that so. I am very happy that my little sister and my friend are getting along."

Hinata smiled. It made both Naruto and Hanabi sighed in relief. They nodded to each other.

They came to understand that they must protect Hinata's innocence at all costs!

Hiashi's face was very serious after the talk with Tsunade. He bowed his head toward her and he thanked her very deeply.

"You don't have to be thankful. But from now on, You have to send her to my clan everyday. I will personally teach her myself."

Tsunade won't teach her like Naruto but she would give her some advice. She was like a trainee rather than her disciple.

But that was enough for Hiashi and the elders to be satisfied. And they even got some of their business back.

They didn't know what Tsunade was planning.

'That girl is good for Naruto-chan.'

Tsunade thought about Hinata. She could tell that she would become a beauty in the future. And as a Master and a godmother. She had to look for his potential partners.

He needed to marry more women if he wanted to restore the Senju and Uzumaki clan to its glory once again.

"Naruto-chan, let's go back home for today."

Naruto nodded his head and he said goodbye to both Hinata and Hanabi. They became a bit sad when Naruto had to go back home so quickly.

"We will see each other again soon. So don't be too sad!"

With that said, Naruto left the Hyuuga clan with Tsunade.

Hiashi had talked with the elders and they were satisfied. They gave so much praise to Hinata.

Hiashi then called Hinata to his office as he had something he wanted to tell her.

She would be taught the clan secret martial arts and Tsunade was going to be her mentor. Her position as the heir to the clan was solidified.

Now, something will have to happen to Hanabi.

Hiashi felt heavy. He really didn't want to put the cursed bird seal on any of his daughters but as a patriarch. He could not do whatever he wished to.

'Maybe sending Hanabi with Hinata could change that.'

Next morning. 

Naruto woke up and did some cultivation again like usual. 

With the primordial Qi that Daji gave him. He could reach the Earth Profound Realm in just five years.

With Daji, the Nine-tailed True Demon Fox's guidance.

He became very strong and his foundation was also very good.

"What should I do for today? I really don't have anything to do anymore."

He learned everything he could learn from Tsunade and Kakashi. And even the forbidden ninjutsu inside the scroll.

"Naruto-chan, I think it is time for me to tell you something."

When Naruto reaches the Earth Profound Realm. Daji could materialize herself outside the seal.

She was in her beautiful and sexy form. Naruto was at the age that his body developed hormones. So he couldn't help but be attracted to Daji.

And it made Daji very happy.

"What is it, Daji-kaa-chan?"

Daji successfully made him call her what she had been dreaming for. She smiled beautifully every time that he called her that.

"There is something in your Yang Seal called the Sky Poison Pearl, your biological parents' souls are in there. You can go and meet them the way you meet me inside your mindscape."

Naruto's eyes widened and asked if what Daji told him was real or not.

"Yes, It's real, they are absolutely your parents but because you are not strong enough to use the Yang Seal yet. I haven't told you about them. I don't want you to be distracted"

Naruto thought about it a little bit and he found that if he knew about them before. He would drop everything he did to try and open the seal.

"I understand. I had a lot to learn back then. But I can use the Yang seal right now, right?"

"Yes, I will go back into the seal first and you can do whatever you like with that seal."

Naruto nodded and after Daji went inside the seal. Naruto body's lit up with a golden flame. He even had a Nine tails on his backside.

Naruto went inside the Sky Poison Pearl. He could do it like when he went into his mindscape.

When he arrived inside. He saw the 4th Hokage and a redhead woman. They were waiting for him.

"It can't be real, My father is Namikaze Minato and The Red Hot Habanero Uzumaki Kushina!"

Naruto knew every famous Shinobi and Kunoichi in history.

And he never would have thought that his biological parents would be them. His idols!

"My son!"

Kushina hugged Naruto tightly. She had been waiting for five years just so she could hug him like this.

Minato looked at them and smiled. They had a lot of things to say to each other.

www.p@treon.com/dizzme for more chapters!