
[HP X DXD] Master of a Universe

[A Harry Potter X Highschool DXD Fanfic] A child beaten, broken, and abused arrives unexpectedly in the Underworld and gets a new chance at life. Death wasn't the end of his Journey. Where will his new life take him? Will he rise from the ashes and conquer these new challenges? How will Harry Potters life turn out after such major Changes? — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — For more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Thank you for your Support — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — Disclaimer: The Wizarding World and the Universe of Highschool DXD are the property of their Creators. I only own my Original Plots and Characters.

Ashmodai · Derivados de obras
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134 Chs

Chapter 16: Diagon Alley and Gringotts

Harry enjoyed his Birthday tremendously, not only were all his Friends there, he made new ones too. First, he met Sona's two new Peerage Members, Momo Hanakai and Reya Kusaka which she met through her Sitri Family connections. He instantly hit off with the two Girls and formed a positive first impression.

Another Person present during the Birthday was Sairaorg Bael whom he previously met during Rias' Birthday Party in April. He is a nice enough guy if he just would stop challenging him for a Fight, a real muscle head. Sairaorg was accompanied by his Queen Kuisha Abaddon a polite blonde Girl, who somehow manages to keep Sairaorg in control.

On Friday after this Party, Rias' whole Peerage met up with Lord Gremory, who was already waiting for them, "Are all of you ready?" asked the over a thousand-year-old Devil.

"Yes, how do we get to London? With the Devil Train?" asked Rias as she knew that warping between Worlds was illegal, only with special permission from one of the four Satans it was allowed.

"No, your brother allowed us to directly teleport to the Hotel in London owned by Gremory Large Enterprise." Replied Zeoticus, "From there we will take a car, the Driver is already waiting for us."

Gremory Large Enterprise is the main business Enterprise owned by the Gremory Clan, Zeoticus is the current CEO. They owned various business ventures in the Underworld as well as the Human world. In the Human world, the Gremory Large Enterprise operates several travel agencies and hotels in various countries including the Hotel in Britain they were currently teleporting to.

"Yeah, that's better for such a short trip to the Human World." Agreed the group as they stepped into the red-glowing teleportation Circle Lord Gremory had created.

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Once the car arrived on Charring Cross Road, they stepped out of the Vehicle, "We will call you once we are finished. Please take a break since it could take a few hours." Told Lord Gremory the Driver before closing the Door.

"So is here the place where we can get my School things?" asked Harry as he looked around the crowded Street.

"Almost! The entrance is here." Said Lord Gremory as he began to look around, until he spotted an old pub a bit down the road, giving off the feeling of magic, "That has to be it!"

"The Leaky Cauldron…" read Akeno out loud as they halted in front of it. All of them could feel the magic, some kind of Illusion, but it didn't affect them since they were magical by nature, "looks a bit old and run down."

"Well, it was built in the 1500s. Wizards are a bit backward, possessing Magic and a longer lifespan, which made them progress slower in many aspects of Culture and Technology. You could say Magic is a curse and blessing for the Wizarding World." Explained Zeoticus as he remembered the investigation Reports Serafall sent him, "Let's head in."

The inside it was very dark and shabby. A few old women were sitting in a corner, drinking tiny glasses of sherry. Behind the Counter stood an old bartender, who was quite bald and looked like a toothless walnut.

They walked directly through the Bar, out into a small, walled courtyard, where there was nothing but a trash can and a few weeds. "Empty." Said Koneko who looked confused around, she currently hid her ears and tails with magic so she wouldn't get any unpleasant attention.

"Not quite, the entrance is behind this wall." Explained Zeoticus as he observed the Wall, "You just have to touch it with magic in a specific Pattern. Wizards usually use their wand since it gives off a tiny bit of magic by default, but we can just coat our fingers in magic and do the same. Watch carefully Harry and remember it since you will come here often."

As Lord Gremory touched the Wall three times in a specific Pattern, a small hole appeared growing wider and wider as it formed into a stone Archway, an archway onto a cobbled street that twisted and turned out of sight, "This is Diagon Alley!" he introduced as he himself also looked curiously at the sight.

The Group quickly stepped into the Alley as the Archway closed behind them, all of them were looking around interested, one shop close by sold Cauldrons in different sizes, there was an apothecary with different ingredients, and so on.

Harry wasn't sure whether he should be disappointed or excited, for one the architecture and technology of the Wizarding World seemed to be at the level of the middle ages, on the other hand, there were many unique magical sights. Alternative Solutions for problems other Societies solved with technology. Even the Underworld used rather Technology for most of the things here, Magic was instead more combat-oriented.

"So what should we get first?" he asked as he pulled his shopping list out, in preparation for this visit he exchanged his monthly allowance for British pounds.

"Not so fast. We need money first." Chuckled Lord Gremory as he saw the eager boy, "Did you forget already that they use a different Currency here."

Remembering what he was told about his Vault last year, he looked a bit sheepish having forgotten that in his excitement, "Right, Galleons wasn't it? So we need to go to that Goblin Bank?"

"Oh, Goblins. Aren't there different Goblin tribes in the Underworld?" asked Rias interested as she remembered having read of them, "They are supposed to be excellent Black Smiths."

"That's correct. Centuries ago there was a big split between the different Goblin Factions. Some of them live in the Underworld now, under the Glasya-Labolas Clan." Explained Zeoticus, as the rest of the Group remembered Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas from a branch family of that clan that was currently a possible Heir.

'Did that particular branch even reproduce with Goblins?' thought Harry as he remembered Zephyrdor's unique features, while the current Lord Glasya-Labolas looked completely normal.

"The Goblins living in Asia joined the Youkai faction. While the European ones became part of the Wizarding World." Continued Lord Gremory as they headed down the street, looking at the many magical Sights. Books, Flying Brooms, different Magical Artifacts, and more, on their way Koneko got attracted by an Ice Cream Store called Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour.

"Don't worry we will try some later." Said Harry with a smile.

"Nn." Nodded the white-haired Girl happily.

Soon they arrived at a snow-white multistoried marble building, which had Gringott's Wizarding Bank written on it. The entrance was guarded by two armored Goblins in Scarlett and Gold, at each side of a massive door.

As the Group approached the entrance, the Goblins tensed as they felt the Power of Zeoticus. It was clear that different from Wizards, Goblins were far more sensitive to supernatural Powers they would be wary if someone with Ultimate-Class reserves approached.

The average strength of most Wizards was mid-class, with a handful of weaker high-Class signatures mixed in, children were mostly low-class Level in their magical reserves, that's what Harry observed as they walked down the street. So it was no wonder that they were nervous if someone so powerful approached. It's more impressive that they were able to keep so calm, they were excellently trained in discipline.

As they passed through the massive door, they were greeted by another silver door, with a warning for thieves written on it. After reading it for a moment they headed on into the Bank. They arrived in a big marble Hall, filled with Wizards waiting in rows for different parts of a long counter. About a hundred more goblins were sitting on high stools behind these long counters, scribbling in large ledgers, weighing coins in brass scales, and examining precious stones through eyeglasses. Behind them were hundreds of different doors leading to different parts of the Bank.

Lord Gremory led the confidently to a Goblin with a Golden Nameplate in front of him, which nobody was standing in front of, clearly meant for a different kind of clientele. Feeling the massive Power, in front of him the Goblin looked up from his work. Most impressively was that the teller didn't flinch like the guards, and just politely greeted them, "How can I help you, Lord?"

"Lord Gremory. I have two pieces of Business with your Bank today, Mr. Gornuk" Replied Zeoticus equally politely after reading the name from the Plate.

The Goblin clearly had an Idea after hearing the name of whom or what he was dealing with, "Ah, Welcome. What can I help you with, Lord Gremory."

"First I would like to open a Business Vault under the Gremory name with your Bank and exchange some valuables into local Currency. Meanwhile, young Mr. Potter here would like to Access his trust Vault." Explained Zeoticus, as he was planning to expand the Business of the Gremory Large Enterprise into the Wizarding World. Having access to more Markets never hurt.

Recognizing the Name Potter, the Goblin searched the Group and spotted Harry as he was the only boy amongst them, "Does Mr. Potter have his Key?" asked the Goblin, not shocked that Harry was still alive. The Goblins had ways to know whether their Clients died and were aware that the boy was still alive. Of course, they never shared that fact with the arrogant Wizards.

"Unfortunately not. I never received it. It must have been amongst the belongings of my Parents." Answered Harry.

"Then we will have to test your Identity and create a new Key. There will be a small fee of 5 Galleons, transferred from the Family Vault for that." Nodded the Goblin as such cases weren't unusual, "Be aware that the next time you lose your Key it will cost you 100 Galleons."

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AN: It's never clearly stated how strong Zeoticus is, since I don't believe that the head of the Gremory clan is less than the Ultimate-class level, I choose that for him. On his Wiki Page under Ranking is written High-Class Devil but I interpret it more as his official social Standing. To become Ultimate Class you have to show off your strength in Rating Games for example, and as a Clan Head he never did, since he is older than the Rating Games and never must have felt the need to participate. That's at least my interpretation since High-Class Level Strength later on in the Novel becomes pretty much Cannon Fodder.

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AN: Leave some Power Stones. Thank you all for reading and your support!

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