
Chapter 1

Zhue Zhengfang was a normal kid. For the most part, at least. This was barring the fact that he had 'super smarts,' and a slight control over gravity. This... this was not normal. Zhue was slightly worried people were would find out and exclude him, but not too much. However, Zhue was only able to do things like flipping things like bottles, or crushing beverage cans. He couldn't stop a car, or topple buildings. No, he couldn't do any of that. So he deemed it practically unimportant until someone from his school figured it out, the 'Gossiper.' Every school had a student like her. Her name was Qin Xunlei.

Qin deemed him a freak, spreading the news of his 'freakishness' causing him to lose many of his friends. However, he did not get depressed or anything. He was still trying to figure out how Qin figured out he had powers, but he really did not dare think about it much. The possible scenarios would probably make him die. That was until a college drunk, someone he used to be friends with, got a driving permit for his dads truck and ran him over. News Articles called it a 'freak accident,' and such. The previous 'friend' of his who ran him over, had been deemed a lost person. No one knew where he went.

That was when it happened, right after he felt every single one of his bones break, and searing pain all around his internal organs and he knew it was death. It had to be. What else could be so utterly painful? Zhue felt a massive pain, blacking out. A voice rang out, quietly, but loud against the starkly contrasting void of sound around him. It's voice sound as if they were chains breaking. It was stating something along the lines of Gravity Dao, maybe it was Wizard? It became louder, and clearer. It repeated many times, until he could hear it very well.

'The Gravity Dao has been accessed by Zhue Zhengfang. Cultivator Zhue has been given direct knowledge to God-Class Spell: [Gravity Crush].'

He felt searing pain, and the room morphed into blackness. He wanted to cough blood. Did this Gravity Dao trick him!? He gained a dark expression -- not something a dead guy like him could do, keep in mind. Zhues emotions have always been powerful, though. He still did manage a glower to make even the Law of Dao shiver.

Awhile later, he could hear screaming, and he could feel himself again. Well, not really feel, more like his entire body is numb but he could still tell he had a body at least. This, to Zhue, was a good thing. During his first four years alive, nothing happened except him integrating the knowledge from [Gravity Crush]. He still did not forgive the Dao for putting him in a newborn body, no matter how handsome it was! He would forever be pissed at the mysterious Dao of Gravity!

He had dark blue hair, an athletic build with more power than most adults on Earth, and a mana pool to match it. He had a theory - the more mana you had, he more light blue your hair would get. All the mages his mother would tell him about had magically light blue hair! His mother broke him out of his thoughts.

"ZhueZhue! Come get your diner, mother made it for you!" This was his mother, Qin Zhengfang. She was a pretty woman, at a height of 5"5, about 164cm. She had black hair and green eyes, that were as deep as a fantasy meadow. She did not cultivate, but his late father, Fang Xinfang did. He was a Soul Cultivator, meaning he cultivated his Qi and could cast spells.

Zhue responded to his mother. "I'm coming, mother!" He walked away from his forested cove happily, it was a spot he had discovered was rich in Qi. It was also amazingly beautiful! His mother lived in a small cabin in the Beast Forests that his dad had built when he was still alive. Qin Zhengfang, his mother, never told him what had happened to his dad.

As he walked, a [Thunder-Winged Snake] flew from a small green shrub. He kicked at the nearest tree, sending him flying far enough to use his spell. He smirked, an evil look crossing his face and his eyes turning cold. He recited the spell incantation quickly, as if he were born to do it.

"[Gravity Crush]"

The snake immediately deflated as it exploded from the inside out, blood flying everywhere as an immense gravitational aura began to dissipate from where the snake had previously been alive. He still cringed at the sight of blood and gore.

He had an epiphany. If [Gravity Crush] condensed and multiplied gravity, couldn't he use it to travel? Zhue's eyes widened. He knew this wasn't a good idea at all, but he was extremely bored in this world only having one spell! He cast [Gravity Crush] while he was in mid air, under his feet while he was at a 45 degree angle.

He released the pent up pressure, and he shot forward like a bullet. He instantaneously felt his mama dry up like a leaking balloon. He worried immensely, and puked from the sudden mana drain. He saw his cabin fast approaching, and his eyes widened massively. He shielded his face with his hands as he crashed into it with a loud boom.

"Zhue! What happened!?" Qin rushes into her living room to find a big gaping hole of wooden debris and a small body covered in scrapes and bruises. She wanted to cough blood, why did Zhue think crashing into the wall would be smart!? That... that little brat! She did not care how he did it, but instead for the ZhengFang family home and ZhueZhue himself!

A loud scream echoed throughout the forest. Zhue ZhengFang was beaten within an inch of his life for this, not even thinking about using his gravity magic against his mother. He could suffer a beating, not the loss of his mother. This was also paired with the fact Qin did not know of it, after all. He was forced to repair the hole, an east task considering his body strength from Qi and years of hunting.

"I am heading out, mother!" Zhue ZhengFang shouted this extra loudly so his mother could not scold him for leaving without telling her. He went to his little tree cove, something he discovered a little while ago, and began to meditate. He suddenly felt an immense pressure on his body, his throat constricting and his eyes tightening. He felt as if he was in the presence of a massive imperial door that one could not pass.

Zhue did not give up easily, just like the Old Man who led his pigs from sea to sea. Zhue began to gather all the Qi in his body, and condensed it into a strong and sturdy sword. 'I will pierce even the heavens with this sword!'

Thirteen uneventful minutes past, as he began to dry the last drop of Qi into the sword. He began to get excited. It was solid enough to be considered actual material! He named the sword 'Sword of Infinite Piercing.' Imperial names always go with Imperial items. He finished molding the sword, and with all the mental energy he had, sent it to pierce the door. A loud thump happened, and mental chains broke as a torrent of fire-oriented Qi rushed into him.

He suddenly turned around to get stabbed by the Sword of Infinite Piercing. It puncture into his very soul, and burned itself into his mind. He awoke in the little tree cove, the sky dark. He began frowning until he felt a sensation to imagine a sword made of Qi float out of his chest. A large gust of wind ran through the forest. A sword flew out of Zheng's chest, and pierced into the ground.

It looked imperial, the blade being Of night black and the handle being a dark maroon colour. He picked it up, and it felt weightless in his hands. 'This... I don't understand? Should it not be heavy?' Zheng completely ignored the fire Qi, focusing more on the sword. He moved the sword in his hand near the ground and tried to keep it there with his Qi. He removed his hand, and it stayed in place.

Zheng ZhengFang wanted to cough blood at this very moment. His mother called to him, in a worried and anxious tone of voice. He quickly tried to put it back in his chest to no avail. His eyes widened as he saw his mother trip and stumble into the clearing.

"ZhueZhue... what... what is that in your hand? It looks like an artifact! Where did you get it!?"

^CHAPTER UPDATE NOTICES^ Chapter updates will be EXTREMELY slow. Maybe one chapter per week or two. I'm a very slow writer.