
[EXPERIMENTAL]Light Novel - "Reincarnated again but on Another World?"

**WARNING** This is entirely experimental meaning many things will change throughout writing this volume so be warned. Also this might have mature content depending if I will add it or not. This is also in webnovel, I post my content there and here. Illustrations, I don't know if I'll add them or can add them, I suck at drawing so it might take a while or if I have enough money, I might hire someone to draw. Kazumi, a "normal" teenager, had already lived two lifetimes and was in the midst of his third when he and his friends were killed in a plane crash. When he awoke, he learned he had been reincarnated once more, but this time into a fantasy world full of magic, skills, and weaponry, rather than his own. He's determined to explore and live his life to the fullest and reunite with his friends, but there's a catch: instead of being born into a normal family, he's born into a royal family, and he'll have to figure out how to live his life as an adventurer rather than being royal. We'll follow his journey from royalty to adventurer to student and more!

Night_Frost_3836 · Fantasía
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51 Chs

Chapter 40 - Isn't this a great birthday?!

'Hey, are you guys ready?!'

'Not yet, we are still making a few adjustments-'

'C'mon now, hurry up, she is coming!'

'Just a moment, Your Highness. We are almost ready.'


'Also Aurelia, ready your magic!'

'Yup, I'm on it.'

I am currently communicating with the rest of my family members and the servants through [Thought Communication]. Though, it is not mine. It is actually my father's skill.

I could have just used my [Thought Communication] but it would be problematic if someone managed to take a peek at our conversation because it wasn't hidden well so we just used our father's skill instead since he is experienced in stuff like this. I could have asked my unique skill to do it for me but my father suggested it before I got to ask.

Of course, they can't hear my conversation with Aurelia since we are communicating through our contract.

Anyway, we are preparing for the main event for my sister's birthday party, which is going to be done in secrecy. I've already done my part with the decorations and the effects are on standby, now it is only the rest of the things that need to be finalized. Though, I still have to get ready since I still have important things to do the moment the event starts.

So what exactly are we getting ready for? Well, it is a lot of things but it can be summarized as a 'wonderful performance'. I also need to get ready too. Even if the preparations are done, it doesn't mean I would be able to do it perfectly. I'm getting a bit nervous.

My sister and I were walking around on specific routes where we talked about various things with the intention of escorting my sister to the planned location when the preparations are done.

"So, how was the party, Nee-san?"

"It was a lot of fun! Though, I didn't really like those men back there…"

"Oh, those guys, man, I was about to punch them if they did something stupid."

"Eh, really? Were you jealous?"

"Eh? Jealous? Nah, never. Though, I was pissed when they were looking at you like that…"

"Aw, thanks. Man, this was my best birthday ever."

"Really? Because it is still not done…"

"Did you say something?"

"Nothing, nothing."

She has no idea what is about to happen soon. We went to various routes to delay the time going to the location since it seems it is still not done.

'Guys, is it done?!'

'Just a moment! We have a bit of a problem with the lighting and stuff and we are about to finish it-'

'We have finished, Your Highness.'

'Oh really? Hey, Tomo, you hear that?! Start going here now!'

'We are so far away from the location, should we run there?'

'Yeah, I think that might work, Onii-chan. Just don't make it too suspicious.'

'And carry her bridal style Tomo-chan!'

'Is that really necessary, dear?'

'Of course!'

'I have to do this huh… Oh well, might as well do it.'

So I have to carry her there in bridal style and not make it too suspicious for her to find out something is up. That is easier said than done. How am I-

"Hey, Tomo-chan. You seem to be troubled about something, is something wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing really. Just thinking about something…"

You know what, screw it. I quickly changed my height again to a 15-year-old, which surprised her a bit, and immediately carried her bridal style. She blushed and got embarrassed when I did that, I mean I would too if my mind is properly thinking right now. I started running towards the location, not too fast but not too slow either.

"A-Ah, what are you doing right now?!"

"Just hold on for a sec. We are just going somewhere. Besides, you wanted this to happen again, right?"

"W-What are you talking about?! I-I…"

"I'm correct, right? You wanted me to carry you again in this style, right?"


She didn't reply and just covered her face in embarrassment the moment I said that. Knew it, I mean I don't really mind it anymore since I've already experienced it more than once. After a while, we finally arrived, just in time as well, the moon is about to be at its highest peak.

"C'mon, Nee-san, over here."

"Eh, where are you taking me?-"

"No questions."

I said while being close to her face, it was so close that my nose touched hers. Which made her silent as she turned completely beet red. Isn't she blushing too much this day? Or is it just me? Eh, no point thinking about it now. Anyways, we headed towards the garden and there we stood behind a large door.

"Are we going in the greenhouse?"

"Not exactly, you will see."


My sister was confused. Of course, she is. We are in front of the door that would lead us to the greenhouse, but for this event, we would go to a different place. How? Well, you will see what I mean in just a moment.

We opened the door and went inside, where a magic circle below us lit up the moment we stepped on it by which it teleported us to a floating island above the clouds.

"W-Where are we?!"

"Haha, welcome to Sky Garden!"

"Sky Garden?! What the…"

Sky Garden, is the name that my brother thought of for this island and we just agreed since it sounded nice. This is a floating piece of land that is floating due to a magic item inside that runs on magicules, granted it is only able to do it until tomorrow morning but this thing would have been on the ground already by the time it is morning.

We could have just used the palace for this event but my brother thought it would be a good idea to plot an entire floating piece of land above the palace, where we are going to celebrate her birthday. We just agreed since it sounded like a cool idea but it took quite a while to do.

"W-What are we supposed to do here?! Also, we are so high up!"

"Haha, don't worry about anything and don't panic, let's just go inside. Oh wait, I should…"

"Hey! What are you doing right now-"

"Just hold on for a sec." I wrapped a blindfold to cover her eyes and we went straight to the door. She still can detect things with her detection skills but she wouldn't be able to detect anything since everyone inside the building is using a cloaking spell that is at least Imperial Rank so even my sister would find it hard to notice them.

The door automatically opened and we walked towards the middle of the room where we would be at the center of the glass roof above us. Any minute now and the moon should be…

'Now! Do it!'

I unwrapped the blindfold and my sister was completely confused about what is happening.

"Tomo, what exactly is going on? Where are we…"

"Say Nee-san, you said today was your best birthday ever, right?"

"Yes? But why are you-"

"Well, let's just say it is going to get better."

"What are you- ah!"

The moon finally reached its highest position where the moonlight was directly shining down at us. Immediately, a magic circle below us illuminated purple light and I started casting spells that would make numerous snowflakes and ice shards outside the building.

All of the snowflakes would then spread apart from each other but would be locked in place while suspending where Aurelia started casting another spell.

Finally, the spell finished and the ground below us disappeared.

"W-Woah! We are falling!"

"Don't worry, we are about to- Oh, it's here."

"What's here- Wait is that a?!"

A bright and glowing purple figure was flying toward us and we landed on top of it just in time. It was something large that would remind you of some mythical creature that you would hear in stories.

'Hey, wasn't that a bit too close for comfort?!'

'Sorry, sorry, just had a little miscalculation but it is all good. By the way, your sister is freaking out.'

'Obviously, she would. I mean, who would expect this?'

"A-A Dragon?! "

It was a dragon, that glowing figure was a large dragon with a size that is comparable to a Dragon King. Or at least something in the shape of an eastern dragon.

"A-Are we riding on a dragon?!"

"Not really, but it is just as cool as one."

It isn't actually a real dragon, this is actually an illusion made by Aurelia. I mean, riding a real one is just near impossible since dragons are mostly hostile and if you want to ride one, you have to tame it, which neither of us has done. Plus, it is mostly Ice Dragons in this place and we defeated quite a lot of them so I don't think we can use them either.

This was done by using high-ranking illusions combined with manipulating highly concentrated magicules to make it feels like we are touching a dragon's body. There are also multiple barriers that are just on the edge of the illusion for us to land on.

I also used [Partial Connected Dragon Body Transformation] which I got from defeating that Glacier Dragon, and made it so that the barrier's texture makes it feels like an actual dragon plus the manipulation of magicules around the illusion to make it more realistic.

Now I never knew I got this skill until I randomly checked my skill list and when I asked my skill what it does, it explained that it lets me coat things outside my body with Dragon Essence as long as I touch it and I have enough magicules to do it.

When I asked why I got this skill from the Glacier Dragon, it explained that most ground-type dragons can do this to make themselves more durable, which doesn't make any sense but let's roll with it.

Also, apparently, due to having eaten and absorbed multiple dragons already, my body is now filled with quite the amount of Dragon Essence, not too much to cause Evolution or drastic changes but I'm technically now a part dragon. Maybe a Dragonoid? Not officially in evolutionary speaking since I need at least 1000x as much Dragon Essence to fully be a Dragonoid but I am now part-dragon, I guess.

We continued to fly around with my sister smiling in happiness and the night around us suddenly shone in numerous blue and white lights as if the stars have descended. It was quite pretty to look at, and it seems my sister agrees as she was amazed by it.

To explain everything, we just used a simple magic circle in the center that automatically gets rid of the floor beneath us the moment it gets triggered by something and goes back to normal moments later, which that something is the moon shining light directly above it, and yes, the floor came back.

The snowflakes and tiny icicles that are floating all around us are shining due to everyone lighting it in secret, good thing my sister didn't notice them because it would be pretty awkward to see people hanging on the edge of the island just to light up these things.

Aurelia cast numerous spells the moment I made those snowflakes and icicles to make this dragon here. To summarize everything, all of the preparations were perfect. Of course, it isn't over yet and the celebration still continues inside the building but for now, let's fly around with this thing.

My sister was very happy with this, so I asked her again:

"So, is this your best birthday ever?"

She looked at me in disbelief until she replied.

"Are you kidding me?! Yes, it is! It already was the best birthday ever and now this?!"

"Haha, I knew you would like it, but there is more."

"There is more?!"