
[EXPERIMENTAL]Light Novel - "Reincarnated again but on Another World?"

**WARNING** This is entirely experimental meaning many things will change throughout writing this volume so be warned. Also this might have mature content depending if I will add it or not. This is also in webnovel, I post my content there and here. Illustrations, I don't know if I'll add them or can add them, I suck at drawing so it might take a while or if I have enough money, I might hire someone to draw. Kazumi, a "normal" teenager, had already lived two lifetimes and was in the midst of his third when he and his friends were killed in a plane crash. When he awoke, he learned he had been reincarnated once more, but this time into a fantasy world full of magic, skills, and weaponry, rather than his own. He's determined to explore and live his life to the fullest and reunite with his friends, but there's a catch: instead of being born into a normal family, he's born into a royal family, and he'll have to figure out how to live his life as an adventurer rather than being royal. We'll follow his journey from royalty to adventurer to student and more!

Night_Frost_3836 · Fantasía
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51 Chs

Chapter 25 - I'm what now?!

What the… what am I doing again? Oh, right. I was looking at the mirror… wait, why though? I can't really remember. I looked in the mirror to find out any clues as to what is happening and I was immediately shocked.

Elegant and fair skin. A pretty but mischievous face with beautiful and piercing eyes, with the colors blue and black. Perfectly arched brows, rosy cheeks, full lips. Silky long black hair with small stripes of white. Great bone and body structure, a very curved and mature body, and a long blue dress with the patterns of white roses, reminded me of winter.

I-Is this… me?! W-What happened?! I look stunning! Not to be a narcissist or anything but I look good, god I'm falling in love with my looks, again I'm not being a narcissist.

I tried to look around to find out what exactly is going on and immediately saw my mother, giggling in excitement. Oh right, she was here this entire time. She was the one who told me to look in the mirror and there seems to be professional people here as well… Why am I doing this again?

Oh wait, I forgot I turned into a woman recently… Oh, now I remember, I was getting ready for something. If I could recall, I carried my sister back into the palace and I was about to ask her what exactly is going on until my mother saw me and immediately dragged me to the girl's dressing room with no explanation whatsoever.

I think she was drooling when she saw my body, which freaked me out a bit and immediately called some servants to help me dress. I was dressed in so many clothes until my mother was satisfied and then they put on some makeup on my face and here we are…

"So Tomo-chan, what do you think? You look very pretty, right???"

She was asking me in a tone that suggests she's been waiting for my response for a long time. I should just respond truthfully and say it is good because I think she might go crazy if I say it is bad. I also need to ask her what the hell is going on.

"Uhh… I look great! Beautiful even! But umm…"


"Umm… Ooka-san… what exactly is going on? A moment ago I was taking an ice bath and the next thing I knew, I not only became a girl but a whole woman!"

"Oh, about that… I think it would be best if we go to your father for an explanation and well, you really need to dress like this because you are going to be a lady for a while."

What the hell does that mean? For a while? So this is not a one-time use or anything? I mean, the ability to switch genders is cool and all but why the hell do I have this?

"So… when are we going to Oto-san?"

"Oh, we are going right now. Just need some few adjustments to your clothing…"

'Oh crap, noooo!'

'I think you will be here for a while. Might as well say some prayers before you die of exhaustion.'

After a while of dressing, again, we eventually finished and started going to the main hall or the throne room. It is a room which I never really went to that much since it is cool and all but it feels empty without people and that scares me a little, might have watched too many movies.

When we got there, I saw both my older siblings and our father in their respective chairs or thrones. I don't know what to call it but my siblings are just sitting down in not as fancy of a chair as our father but it is still quite fancy.

"So Tomo, I see you have turned into a woman…"

"Yes, Oto-san… umm, what is going on? I've never got a proper explanation at all about this and Ooka-san is telling me to wait until I got to you so…"

"Wait, you didn't tell him, dear?"

"I mean, we are just going by tradition here where when this happens, we just ask you directly without saying a word. You know, like what we did for Fuyumi and Miles?"

"It would have been better if you gave him at least a hint to what was about to happen."


So now my mother is doing this? I think this thing runs in the family. Anyway, they mentioned that this already happened before with my sister and brother? So this is a family thing then. What kind of crazy-ass story is my father going to say to explain what the hell is going on.

"Ok Tomo. I assume you have not looked at your [Intrinsic Skills] list, am I right?"

"My [Intrinsic Skills]? Not all of them. I only looked at a couple of them, wait, how does this correlate to what is happening right now?"

"Maybe you should look at it first before we continue."


Why is he telling me to look at my [Intrinsic Skills]? And wait, how does he know that I can get a list of my skills?! Does he know I have a skill for that? Normally, you shouldn't be able to see your status information unless you have a skill for it. If what I'm thinking is true, then I shouldn't underestimate him if he is able to know that. I mean, I guess he wasn't a King or an Ex-Hero for nothing.

'[Knowledge], generate a list of all my [Intrinsic Skills]!'

"Confirmed. Generating a list of [Intrinsic Skills] of the user… Complete."





[Intrinsic Skill: <Rapid Regeneration>, <Royal's Haki>, <Magic Sense>, <Multilayer Barrier>, <Heat Sense>, <Supreme Sense of Smell>, <Thought Communication>, <Snow Cloak>, <Menace>, <Frost Breath>, <Dragon Body Armor>, <Draconic Body>, <Magic Resistance>, <Cryo Sleep>, and <Gender Manipulation>.]





Wait, did I read that correctly? [Gender Manipulation]?! What the hell is this?! I've never seen that skill before. Wait, is this why I turned into a woman? But why do I have it though? It is one of my [Intrinsic Skills] so it means it is part of my race… wait, is this what he meant-

"From your reaction, I assume you found [Gender Manipulation]?"

"W-What is this? Why do I have this? Do all of us have it?"

"Ok, let me explain. So do you remember that we are a descendant of an Archdemon, right?"


"Well, I wasn't saying the whole truth. He… is a Primordial…"

"Wait, what? A Primordial?! An actual Primordial Demon? Which color?!"


Oh my god. So I'm a descendant of a freaking Primordial, the Black Primordial to be exact. Holy shit, that is not something to joke about. But how does this correlates to anything though?

"And… all the other 6 colors as well…"

Hmm? Did I hear that correctly?

"What do you mean the other 6 colors as well?"

"Ok so, our oldest ancestor in the family tree would be the Primordial Black, however, its descendants married and had children with all the other Primordials by chance. We, the Tsukuyomi Family, just so happened to have all 7 Primordial blood or essence inside us."

Woah, Woah, slow down there. You are telling me that not only do we have all 7 Primordial blood running in our veins right now but those demons, the oldest demons in existence, actually had kids? Those demons that are known to be able to destroy entire countries in a matter of minutes without trouble and also known as very uncontrollable creatures had children? And it just so happened that we have all 7 of them?

I had to wrap around what he said just now because my brain is exploding from all of this information. All seven Primordial blood inside of me, inside all of us, making us special among Demonoids. No wonder we were different. I thought it was just because we are Demonoids in the first place but I had no idea it was because of this?! Wait a minute.

"Are you telling me that the reason we are able to manipulate our genders is that the Primordial Demons don't actually have a set gender?"

"Yes. In fact, it is the only thing that has been inherited from all of their descendants so far. All of their descendants that reach the age of 6 and a half, nearing 7, would awaken this very skill. The first time it awakens will force that person to change to their opposite gender for a whole month and can't return back. Only when the month is over would then the person be able to fully manipulate and cycle to 4 genders in total."

"Wait, four?"

"Yes. Male, female, genderless, and both male and female at the same time."

Woah. Now that is unexpected. So it is not 2 genders but 4, that's cool and all but there is something else that is bothering me.

"But why did I turn into an adult woman when I awakened?"

"Oh, that is random. When you awaken, your gender would change but the appearance would just be what you look like if you were that gender, but the age that you look at is completely random. After a month, you could change your appearance to look younger or older or whatever you like, this is what this skill is useful for."

"And that is?"

"Changing identities. I don't know if you noticed but your aura, magic print, and everything about you is completely different from what you used to be. This is very special for us since unless you are a descendant of any of the 7 Primordials, no one would ever recognize us in the slightest unless they have a detection skill in the Ultimate level and even then it would still be hard."

Wow, that is cool. It is strong enough to make it hard to notice even with Ultimate Skill? That is broken. So everything about me changed, huh. I wonder how useful this will be in the future. Wait, hold on.

"But, why were there no records about the Primordials having descendants? I never saw it anywhere in the special library or anything."

"It is because of something strange."

"What is it?"

"The Primordials that we are descended from… are not the 7 Primordials in our world."

"Wait, what?"