
[DXD] A Primordial’s journey in the Multiverse

Watch how our good friend Bael spreads his desire over Loli’s and conquers the multiverse

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30 Chs

The Devil’s Civil War

"The world is finally complete!" Bael said as he saw how many new creatures he had and how his inner world was thriving with all sorts of species and monsters besides humans.

As stated previously the reason why he didn't want humans inside of his inner world was because he felt they would ruin it as there ideas or technology and greed would do something.

The species he did add however were some elves, giants that were mainly outcast from their respective mythologies, a few dragons, lamias, all types of fishes, hydras, neman lions, griffins, harpies, sirens, chimeras, dwarfs, fairies, Cerberus.. and much much more types.

(Just realized that those are all Greek monsters… well damn google searchin time.)

Oh! I also got some pureblooded devils since I'm canon timeline there are hardly none left as they died during the civil wars and Great War.

So I decided well why not take a few and keep them alive? Actually I took like almost hundred from different types of families but oh well they won't miss them since they were deemed inferior to the rest.

Perhaps in the future a beauty will come out of them..

I had a perfect environment for them as well my world has all the energies possible that exist and I can make the world however I wish. So creating a wnvourment like the underworld was a peace of cake.

I also got some angels too since I figured I got devils so why not angels?

I put them on the sky islands is what I like to call them since they are literally floating islands high up in the sky almost like heaven.

It's a great spot for them and some other tribes of flying monsters, mainly harpies dwell with them since they really like the sky.

Also got some good old vampires, went to where the were situated and smoked a few.

Made a island sized continent to put them down where it's nice and gloomy and full of blood for them. Maybe I should settle some dragons their so I can see some dragon-vampire hybrids?

Good idea me!

The elves I put actually near where I live as I'm literally on the world tree itself.. atleast my version of it which will turn into a world tree.

They are a peaceful bunch and don't really disturb us and see us as their gods.

Not that I mind.

The dwarves got located on some mountains on a far off region in the world. Since usually in novels they are in mountains right?

The giants were out in the desert area of the world where they thrived. I told them they could go elsewhere but they didn't want to. There choice, not mine.

The Cerberus obviously since it's a dog that's usually meant for hell is put with the devils since underworld is basically hell. They actually mingled well together and it isn't unusual for them to be a dog pet.

Nemean lions and hydras were out together on that island as I previously told and there are many more now that it's been a few decades.

No hybrid between them yet, but I hope so soon else I will take drastic measures hehehe..

I also added the lamias in that group since why not? Maybe they can mate since they are a bunch of horny snakes.

Fairies also live with the elves since they are like the same damn kind.

Chimeras are a bit cool in my opinion, as they are made from different monsters mating and then a abomination came out.

I put them along with the lions and hydras also since that island will be full of interesting monsters..

The dragons were off in a different types of locations as I didn't just get a singular type.

I got some fire dragons which love the volcanos so that's where they went or to the hottest areas.

A water dragon which thrives in the oceans.

Wind dragons ended up staying in the sky islands along with the angels and harpies and other flying monsters.

Thunder dragons stay where is thunders most of the time (I made a area like that specifically for them)

Good old ice dragons which got put in the continent like Antarctica where it's really friggin cold, thankfully I'm resistant to it but not many fo there unless they are an ice monster.

Then the trash earth dragons which are wannabe dragons but arent, they stay under the earth god knows where..

(No, I did not add any famous dragons.. yet, merely your average dragon with an element. Nothing special)

I got some western and eastern dragons but they are lame to be honest.

Eastern dragons are typically portrayed as serpentine creatures that have long, slim bodies with four legs, and without wings.

Western dragons are a lizard-like creature that stands on four legs, leathery or bat-like wings growing from their backs, and a long, muscular tail.

So yeah wannabe dragons also.

I once went to the underworld and found an evil dragon too. He was killing a lot of devils there for no reason and was going to be killed sooner or later so i took him in and I don't know where he is now.

That's basically it for the monsters and species in the world, I of course will end up adding more once I find some, but I'm looking for special/rare/extinct types since they are more special ya know?

Now that I have done the goal of collecting species I feel like I got nothing else to do so I will continue to travel the world and not got to sleep but stay up.

I will be a trooper in this period of time!

-fast forward some times while Bael travels the world and stuff

"Ahh~ it's been an incredible couple hundred years" Bael said with a smile.

He's been doing quite a lot of stuff during these hundreds of years, such as seeing of his dungeons are doing, which mainly are still thriving with humans.

A couple humans actually got his precious hair or blood and became legends, one such human was named Arthur pendragon, a human boy with beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. He was quite a righteous knight and king.

As soon as he got my blood he of course merged with it becoming the king of (what kingdom was he in? Author forgot hehe, wait isn't it Great Britain?)

And slaying the monsters that were attacking the kingdom and easing peoples fears as monsters still occasionally attacked people during these times.

He actually ended up killing a lesser Hydra, one with only 5 heads instead of nine. It is vastly weaker but it's an ultimate class at the very least. So you could say he gained some pretty good power.

Another was an arrogant brat named Gilgamesh, god I sure did hate him, who did he think he was? Just because he got my blood too he thought he was gods chosen one and made his kingdom too and ruled like a damn prick. He didn't even do anything noteworthy besides collect a shit ton of treasures and a lot of women. The dude had a lot of kids.

There were many others who achieved great things and went down in legends to be passed on.

Some got swords, my hair or blood.

Hell, some even got Ophis's or Akanes gaining powers like them.

If I'm not wrong some were demi gods though so not all humans but I mean they were half so it counts no?

I also managed to find Ddraig and Albion's sacred fears users, none of them were anything special as mainly all them were regular humans and a select few that belonged to a bloodline and know about the supernatural.

I gotta admit I feel bad for them but that's what ya get for being dumb sigh.

And now? Well since it's a special time period in this world I'm going to do what I do best.. Make my self known!

It's currently the time of the devil civil war, it's actually been going on for a good minute and will be over soon so i obviously have to become a known person.

Though, not many devils know me sadly as many died in the civil war or died from other reasons. Mainly newborn devils are lurking in the civil war besides a select few.

I teleport my self to the underworld and the first person I come across is actually grayfia and Sirzechs.

"Oi ya? I wonder what's going on.. is this when they become lovers or something?" Bael muttered watching very closely too see if something Spivey happens..

"Sirzechs.. I-" grayfia tried to say something but he interrupted her by putting his finger towards her mouth.

"I know fia, even though your father hs died and your brother went somewhere else I will protect you like no tommorow." Sirzechs hugged grayfia and told her.

Hearing such a sweet thing Bael really wanted to vomit but resisted the urge.

Hearing Sirzechs say something like that made grayfia hug him back and kiss him.

"Mmph?" Sirzechs was caught off guard by the sudden kiss but responded back with fevor



Bael, seeing such a scene, decided he should leave before he might kill himself.

"Boo hoo such a loving scene, I should go find some wives to do the same waaa!" Bael cried in the shadows.

Next, he decided to join the Satan side as well he still wants canon to happen so he can't let the cast die!

He killed a lot of the opposing factions people and even some pillars.

Naturally he did not disguise himself since it ruins the whole point of it.

Unfortunately nobody really recognized him from the Great War.

-fast forward some years (how long did it last? I don't know so let's just say years since civil wars can't take like a few months right?)

It's been a few years since I've been in the underworld participating in the war and I gotta say my trusty scythe has been loving the amount of devils blood it gotten.

She looks great!


But during these years I ended up befriending the future satans..



Grayfia (technically she's not a Satan but pretty close)



Serafall is a cute girl, very lively and resembles her anime character a bit. Despite having a child like body her boobs are really massive and has a nice bubble butt. Definitely taking her as a wife someday.

Sirzechs is yet to be a sister lover but he's a good guy, I never seen him really get angry and mainly just a chill dudes

Ajuka is a geek. He keeps inventing things and it annoys me with how nerdy he is.

Falbium just sleeps all day.

And last but not least the future maid grayfia is very beautiful, big tits and a huge ass. Lucky Sirzechs damn it!

She is very cold and doesn't really like anyone besides us.

Currently we are discussing around a round table on how to end this war.

"What do you think we should do Bael?" Sirzechs asked.

The others all looked at me awaiting for a answer.

"I think we should kill the remaining Satan bloodlines, if we do the Moral of the enemy will drop since the leaders are dead." Bael said

They all thought it was a plausible idea as they were the ones that started it.

"Good idea, we will go with that." Sirzechs said before they departed to kill them.

After we departed all of us split up and went for the remaining Satan bloodlines and they were very weak.

None of them could even scratch me as they were mainly high class devils and just maybe ultimate. But not really.

Compared to the ancestors of the devil race they were far inferior.

And they couldn't hurt the others either as they are already satan level with true forms.

The war ended pretty quickly once we killed tjem as they didn't have the means to resist us at all.

They all either died or fled somewhere else awaiting the day to strike again.

Naturally Lucifer's first born escaped along with Grayfia brother which I don't really care since I know what will happen.

Thus, Sirzechs, Serafall, Ajuka, and Falbium were labeled there respective satans and became the overlords of the underworld.

And I of course after the war ended left without saying goodbye.

Perhaps when I see them again they will have forgotten me.

-Serafall POV:

Finally the war is over!

It's token such a toll on everyone, even me who is cheerful all the time.

Im just glad it's over so I can spend time with my family.. and maybe Bael.. hehe~

Serafall cheeks blushed with her thoughts.

"Should I confess?" She wondered.

"Yosh! I like him so naturally I will!!" She started pumping herself up and got dressed in a mini skirt and a shirt and went to find him.

As soon as she got to where he lived she opened the door and didn't find anyone.

"Bael?" She yelled but didn't get a response.

She walked over and found a note that said

"Sorry for not telling anyone I'm leaving, but we probably won't see each other for a long time. I'm sorry I hope fate allows us to meet: Love, Bael"

"Bael.." Serafall started to cry knowing she won't be seeing him for a while and went off to tell the others…





another chapter bites the dust.

Poor serafall :( let's hope she still has her feelings for him when canon starts!

Next chapter will be canon timeline.. most likely, or maybe I'll do something else before that.

Tell me what monsters/species I should add into my inner world.. need some suggestions.