
chapter 3: hibernation and birthday

The cold heavy feeling of mana was every where and all Felix could see was darkness, 'where am I... oh, wait that's right I in my mothers womb in hibernation till I'm born'. He sat there waiting for about an hour in a sought of trance not careing about the world, just that the calmness of this place was relaxing, but then a sudden jerk of pain brought him back to his senses

[Host you are being born, it is time to start you me life]

he would have asked the system a pulsation but the pain was growing and every time he tried to talk a scream of pain came out then *Ding* *Ding* a series of notifications rang in his ears

[User has received a message from God ]

[Hey there kid, listen I know that I said that you need to be a better person in this life, but some things have happened in you hibernation and right now this world is in need of a hero, and I want you to be that hero, so your new goal in this life is... get stronger so that you can protect this world and all the people of it, so don't mess up and die because I ain't raising you back to the world of the living so good luck]

[P.S don't let the door hit you on the way out]

that pun was so terrible that Felix face palmed him self and nearly curesed the god and him bad puns but then...

<time skip 30 seconds>

'JESUSE CHRIST, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT' he was screaming in his mind, he knew the answer but he didn't want to accept it 'I. AM. NEVER. DOING. THAT. AGAIN' he continued to scream in his mind as the doctor that delivered him wrapped him in a warm blanket and handed him to his mother.

She was a very beautiful women, or at least Felix thought so, she had long dark auburn curls and warm pink eyes that when Felix looked into them he felt the emotion of love and feeling of warmth wash over his tiny clubbed baby body "mom mom can I hold him" he looked over to a young girl maybe about five or six years old she looks just like his mother, so she must be his older sister, "ok Raven, but be careful not to hurt him" "ok mommy" she said as a big bright smile appeared on her face, 'so cute... WAIT, NO I CAN NOT THINK OF HER LIKE THAT SHE IS MY SISTER I MUST ONLY LOOK AT HER WITH THE LOVING EYES OF A BROTHER, I AM NOT A SIS-CON' he screamed at him self for his inappropriate thoughts, his years of having no friends and hating all of humanity had left him with a lot of time on his hands so he started to watch anime, and he never stopped he watched it all the time and became completely obsessed with it, and in those years he found a love for romance anime's and some of his favourite tittles just happened to be sis-con and bro-con anime .

His sister handed him back to his mother after a while "what are you going to name him mom?" she had asked "I think I'll name him..." the world turned grey and time seemed to stop

[User can now change his first name if he would like]

[But know that his second name will be that of your mother, Elizabeth St. john]

[Would you like to change your first name]

'yes, my name will be Drake St. john' *Ding*

[User states update]

"...Drake" she finished her sentence as she smiled down at her son 'I just wish his father was hear' she thought as a single tear rolled down her check, she wiped it away and looked at her son again "happy birth day Drake".

After all emotions were displayed and Drakes sister sister left to get there mom a drink from the hospital cafeteria Drake check the system to see what the states update was all about.

[Name: Drake ST. John]

[Age: 2 minuets ]

[Mana: 7/7]

[Affinity's: Air, Dark, Energy]

[Strength: 0.2]

[Agility: 0.1]

[Wisdom: 11]

[Stamina: 0.1]

[Magic: 0]

[Skills: Tame, Mana Meditation (basic)]


Drake would look into this later but at first glance he was quite happy with his mana and skill, also with the addition of a inventory he could keep a lot of stuff on him with out it getting stolen 'pretty good system if this keeps up I'll have to praying to you like a god'

[Whats stopping you]