
[DC] A New Life (dropped)

A child that has lived a terrible past life sacrifices themselves for a grown man and you would think that would get some brownie points with whatever God or gods there where but no his life gets turned every which way when he is reincarnated in Gotham City with his parents heads hanging over him literally. by the way this is my first time writing so if you notice any mistakes please do let me know I will try to fix it as soon as I find out and if you have any tips those are also appreciated WARNING:I don't own any of the characters or story this right is reversed for the creators of the DC universe I only own the main character.

Shadow_Fan_9247 · Acción
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8 Chs


Melody pov:

"I would like to adopt you and your brother and to get you guys into therapy" Bruce says while staring right into Melody's eyes.

"uhh what why would you want to do that" melody says with a mixture of surprises, confusion and a tiny bit of hope.

"well I looked into you and your brother and you don't really have the best luck with the system" Bruce says with a slight grimace that is barely noticeable.

"That's true but that doesn't sound like a good reason to adopt two random children in a city with thousands of the same case" Melody says with a bit of skepticism.

"yes well you just kinda reminded me of me a little bit when I was younger"

"alright I l,m not to sure about that story but if it means Nico can be safe then I won't complain" Melody says still a little skeptical

"ok so that settles it I will go and get the paper work done and come pick you up in about 6 days and Nico in an hour"

"wait what why are you picking Nico and me up at different times" Melody says in a concerned tone.

"it was just his hand so he really only needed to stay here for a day but because he didn't have a legal guardian he stayed here" Bruce says.

"ok but he might freak out we've only ever been apart for an hour before" Melody says with a bit of worry clearly in her voice.

"that's fine Alfred will deal with it he has a few years of dealing with kids." Bruce says with a look of reassurance

"ok good luck with that" Melody says sceptical of that

-----------------------------------------------------------Nico pov

"so boring I can't believe they locked me in here I didn't even know that hospital rooms had locks on their doors"Nico says.

he had been locked in his room after trying to escape for the fourth time. It had been over an hour of just sitting in multiple different positions watching TV.

As Nico finished watching an episode of SpongeBob the door opens showing the figure of Bruce Wayne.

"come on we're going home" Bruce

"alwight" Nico says as he gets up and walks to a knocked over glove box (AN: you know those tissue boxes that hold elastic gloves that everyone takes from when they're board at a doctor's office) and takes two and puts them on.

Bruce noticing how small Nico is picks him up and starts walking

"I don't need you to cawwy me I can walk" nico says with slight anger in his voice.

"that may be true but it's faster this way" Bruce says

after about five minutes they reach the car and someone asks "where to mister Wayne"

"Wayne manner"