
Second Arc 1.19

"You okay now?"

Xianyu closed his eyes and leaned on the trunk of the tree. He felt the cold breeze of the chilly night under the shining moon. 

The man sitting beside him nodded his head. "I'm fine," Yuan replied, still with his swollen eyes. He felt like his chest turned light and free. After confessing to Xianyu the way he felt, he finally felt at peace. 

Meanwhile, the bushes around them rustled like there was someone hiding in there. The two became alert. Scared who it might be, Xianyu opened his palm and struck the bushes with a glowing light. 

A figure was exposed to them. But they were both surprised when they found out who it was. 

"Hawk?!!" Both exclaimed in unison. 

The man wearing a dark blue robe shakes off the dust and leaves from his clothing. "I apologize if I disturb your moment but---"

Before Hawk can continue, the two butt in and exclaim. "We are not doing anything!"