
[ Naruto The Status Screen Special Edition ]

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3 Chs

3. First C-Rank Mission


Haru Reitsu

HP: 2,610/2,610 (End×10×2.25)

SP: 2,531/2,531 ((Str+End)/2×10×2.25)

CP: 6,953/6,953 (Chk×10×6.75)

Str: 109

End: 116

Spd: 112

Dex: 106

Chk: 103

ChkCn: 74%

Chakra Nature Transformation Control:

[ (Cost of Jutsu) - 0.99Cost of Jutsu ( 0.01Element% × 0.01ChkCn% )]

Earth: 57%

Water: 50%

Fire: 38%

Lightning: 41%

Wind: 36%

Yin: 29%

Yang: 28%

Yin-Yang: 0%


Otsutsuki Heritage (Traces): All chakra natures unlocked. Due to the low amount of Otsutsuki DNA to purify you will not gain the Byakugan or Tenseigan. HP, SP and CP will only get a ×1.5 modifier.

Senju Heritage (Medium): All Senju are born with special chakraallows them to mix their natural chakra types together to make Kekkai Genkai and Kekkai Tota. Due to the amount of Senju DNA to purify you did not gain a Sage's body. CP will get a ×2 modifier. You level up chakra related skills 1/3 easier.

Uzumaki Heritage (Low): All Uzumaki have strong bodies. Due to the low amount of Uzumaki DNA to purify you did not gain any special skills of the Uzumaki. HP, SP and Cp will get a ×1.5 modifier. You level up fuinjutsu and physical skills 1/3 easier.

Uchiha Heritage (Full): All Uchiha have great insight. Due to large amount of Uchiha DNA you have unlocked all capabilities of the Uchiha Clan. You have gained the possibility to awaken the Sharigan. Until you do you level up all skills 10% easier. Your CP gets a ×1.5 bonus.


Strong Fist: Lvl 52 (17%) [ You gain +Lvl% to Str, End, Spd and Dex, when in use while fighting. Can open the 1st gate, getting a +10% bonus to Str, End, Spd and Dex. ]

Kenjutsu Free Flowing Style: Lvl 39 (83%) [ You gain +(2.5×Lvl)% to Spd and Dex, when in use while fighting ]

Hand Signs: Lvl 92 (7%) [ You can do hand signs Lvl% more efficiently. ]

Fuinjutsu: Lvl 5 (73%) [ You can create and research Fuinjutsu Lvl% more efficiently. ]

Chakra Control: Sub Skill List Total:

Leaf Sticking: (max) +5%

Leaf Spinning: (max) +5%

Leaf Floating: (max) +5%

Surface Walking: (max) +5%

Water Walking: (max) +10%

Chakra Coating/Chakra Scalpel: (max) +10%

Shape Manipulation: (Lvl: 75 ) +30%

Medical Ninjutsu: ( Lvl: 20 ) +4%


21 D-Rank: Avg Cost 100 CP

17 C-Rank: Avg Cost 250 CP

11 B-Rank: Avg Cost 500 CP

7 A-Rank: Avg Cost 1,000 CP

0 S-Rank: Avg Cost 5,000 CP


12 D-Rank: Avg Cost 400 CP

4 C-Rank: Avg Cost 1,000 CP

1 B-Rank: Avg Cost 2,000 CP

0 A-Rank: Avg Cost 4,000 CP

0 S-Rank: Avg Cost 20,000 CP


Waking up I took a quick glance at my status screen. The last four years have allowed for massive growth. Now that puberty will start soon I can grow stronger even faster. My stats have passed the beginning of the Chunin mark usually 90-150. When fighting I can break into the low Tokubetsu Jonin have between usually 150-220 in each stat. Jonin have between usually 220-300. Special Jonin have between usually 300-390. Kage have between usually 390-400. Super Kage and perfect Tailed beast hosts have between usually 400-750. Otsutsuki have between usually 750-1,000. The sage of Six Paths has 1000+.

Arriving at the Academy I sit between Naruto and Hinata. Sasuke is still surrounded by his fan girls. Iruka arrives and immediately everyone settles into their seats. Some people are curious how Naruto passed but most people ignore him.

" Congratulations everyone for passing now it is time to announce your teams. Team 7 is Naruto, Sasuke and Haru led by Kakashi Hatake. Team 8 is Hinata, Shino and Kiba led by Kurenai Yuhi. Team 9 is still in rotation. Team 10 is Ino, Shikamaru and Choji led by Asuma Sarutobi. " Iruka told us. He continued telling everyone there teams but I was ecstatic. I would get the Sharigan one day and Kakashi is the best teacher for that. I could keep training with Naruto and Sasuke. The only downside was that I wouldn't be able to Train with Hinata as much.

After everyone left with their Sensei I settled into waiting for a few hours with a book when I was surprised by Kakashi walking into the room only 10 minutes after everyone else left. I was Surprised but left with the guys when he told us to meet on the roof. When we get there he is leaning against the ledge looking out at the Village.

" Usually I would do something different. But I have seen you three train together before. I have a good grasp on most of your capabilities. Usually we would introduce ourselves to each other and tomorrow I would test your teamwork. But you three are special I can already tell you three would kill and die for each other. Instead today I will tell you about myself and my hope for my future team, alright? " Kakashi says all of this ending with an eye smile at us.

" Woah really? Hear that Haru, Sasuke we are already a team. It must be because we are so awesome. " Naruto says excitedly. Sasuke has a small smirk and I am smiling.

" My name is Kakashi Hatake. My father was an elite Anbu agent. He once failed a mission to save a comrade. After that the shame of failing followed him until he committed Seppuku. I graduated at 6 and was assigned to Team 7 led by Minato Namikaze before he was the Hokage. I made Chunin by 7 and Jonin by 12. I lost one teammate on a mission. He gifted me his Sharigan before dying. My other teammate died by my own hand after she was brainwashed by Kirigakure and had the Sanbi sealed in her. After my sensei died in the Nine Tails attack. I felt like I lost everything. I joined the Anbu making Captain. I stayed in for years doing dozens maybe even hundreds of missions an an Anbu. I specialize in Ninjutsu and have a Sharigan transplanted in my right eye." Kakashi said telling us his past and his specialization. I saw Saauke's eye widen when he learned that Kakashi had a Sharigan.

" My thoughts for our squad will be an All Out Assault Squad. This means when shit hits the fan they call us. We destroy the enemy and save our allies. My goal to is to make each of you as strong as I can as fast as I can so you can become mission ready. I won't lie I am pretty usually lazy but seeing your trust in each other and power at a young age. It makes me want to nurture you three until you can become strong enough to walk alone. I have seen to many Shinobi with great potential die young. Including my teammates. Now you shall tell me everything you know and can do. Do not hold back this will be critical in your growth. I know Shinobi usually hide a skill or two as trump card but even tell me those. " Kakashi says releasing a little pressure to make sure we know not to lie.

Considering I don't know how much he has seen of our practice. I tell him all of my skills. I start with my Chakra Control, the fact I have completed the first step of Nature Transformation for every element, nearly completed the second step for Water and Earth, all the Ninjutsu I knew, all the Genjutsu I knew, how far along in Shape Transformation is, my skill in the Strong Fist, being able to open the 1st Gate and handle the backlash safely, my self made Kenjutsu, my level in Fuinjutsu, how we trained with Gravity Seals and how I noticed I had a much larger than average Chakra Pool. I could see he was surprised but he schooled his features quickly. Then Sasuke went he didn't hold anything back not even that he had awakened his Sharigan the night of the attack. We had figured that out when we were training and he activated it once on accident to dodge Naruto's sword. Naruto saw and told him. Then he could consciously activate it. Naruto told him everything. Even about the two new Ninjutsu he learned yesterday. Kakashi seemed especially pleased when he learned about Naruto's talents for Fuinjutsu and Kenjutsu. They were the specialties of his parents after all. It seemed he would need time to think about exactly what to teach us. He told us to meet him tomorrow at 7 A.M. at training ground 7.

I asked Naruto if he could teach me the normal Shadow Clone hand signs luckily I could make 3 clones without any difficulty. It only took me an hour after dinner to learn the Jutsu. The next day we three had breakfast together. Then we went to the training field at 6:45. We got there and waited for Kakashi.

Alright you all each of you follow a clone he said before separating us. He looked at me for a second before talking, " Now Haru you are an anomaly. A very fortunate one for Konoha. You a civilian born. Have first drawn in the Nine Tails Jinchuriki, then the Last Loyal Uchiha and the First Princess of the Hyuga. Not only that you have made them stronger than they would have been. You also managed to get each of them to open up emotionallly. This shows a great leadership capability from a young age. Many on both sides of the Council have taken an interest in you. Now every day we shall report here at 7 A.M., you three will split up for your individual training. Then we will take a D-Rank mission after which we'll have lunch. Training will continue after that as a team. You shall focus on completing Nature Transformation for all the elements not just the second step but also the third step. You shall also learn a Ninjutsu made by my teacher the Rasengan. It should help finish the Shape Transformation Control training you need. During that Time you will continue with your other training and I will see if I can get Might Guy to help you guys with the Strong Fist. He is the only master of the Strong Fist in Konoha. Guy is the most renown Taijutsu user in the world. I will also see if some swordsmen can check out your guys' Kenjutsu Styles. At least that's what you'll do when you aren't sparring with your team against me and each other. "

Thinking it over it aligns pretty closely with what I wanted. I wanted to master those two types of training anyway. I also wanted to dive deeper into Iryojutsu. I wanted to have as perfect Chakra Control as I could get. I don't know if I could every reach the highest level. But I want to try. I'll keep going with Fuinjitsu but even with my bonus it is hard. Did I mention how reality breaking it is. I mean Naruto has a Fox the size of a mountain trapped in a seal on his skin, that he got as a tiny newborn. I mention the idea of training with shadow clones for Fuinjutsu and he say I can do it but I will experience a huge headache afterwards. That's how the day goes I make six Shadow clones 5 work on Nature Transformation on on each element. One starts the training for the Rasengan. I figure this clone can switch between Fuinjutsu and Iryojutsu once I finish the Rasengan. As the original only I can work my body out with Tai and Kenjutsu using gravity and resistance seals. While gravity seals literally multiplies your gravity. Resistance seals don't add weight but make it feel like you are moving through water. This seal adds to your reaction speed and explosive power while moving, once removed. With these I train for Five hours before he go on my first mission as a ninja. Walking dogs. Not even ninja dogs. Just each of us walking ten normal dogs for half an hour. Considering we each make $50 for a D-Rank mission. It is actually pretty good money in a month about $1500. Except I now have to pay rent and utilities which will cost about $1200 a month. Meaning I will only have $300 left against my $500 allowance as an academy student. Luckily I was pretty frugal and managed to save $13,600. Naruto and I pooled money and split our savings after graduating. After dog walking Kakshi walked us through the steps we should take in order to trap and kill them as swiftly as possible. Then he showed us how to work with Naruto's new Shadow clones to swiftly mix jutsu. We could do that before but with Naruto now able to do it whenever we had to make sure that we were better quartinated. We wouldn't want to kill each other. After two hours of training he had us start sparring in different formats. Following that he made us fight him for an hour. It was a fight. Not a spark or training it was a fight. The three if us limped to my place.

That night around dinner at my place Naruto, Sasuke and I told each other what we would be learning. Naruto would finish Nature Transformation for every element, train his Fuinjutsu, learn the Rasengan, learn more jutsu, work on his Fuinjutsu, Taijutsu and Kenjutsu. Sasuke would finish the Nature Transformation for Fire, Lightning and Earth, learn the Chidori, learn the Rasegan, learn more Genjutsu, learn more Ninjutsu, train his Ninjutsu to take less hand seals, learn more in depth on Ninjutsu creation, train his Taijutsu and Kenjutsu. By the end of the week we start training with Might Guy in the mornings four days a week. Three days a week Hayato or Yugao will help us work on our Kenjutsu during the afternoon. Just like that a six weeks passed pretty quickly. I was surprised that Naruto lasted this long before one day when we went to receive a mission from the Hokage, he snapped.

Slamming his hands on the Hokage's desk Naruto yelled, " Enough doing chores old man. How is this supposed to help me become Hokage? Can we please have a real mission? "

" Hhmm, Kakashi what do you think? " Hiruzen asked rubbing his chin in thought.

" My team is ready for a C-Rank. It maybe good for them to get their first blood out of the way. " Kakashi said looking serious.

" That is a good point. Very well. Bring in Tazuna I have a team for his mission. " The Hokage said after another moment of thinking. After he spoke an old man in strawhat, thread bare close and a wine jug walked into the room.

" Hic Is this bunch of brats supposed to protect me? " He asked clearly drunk, underestimating our strength due to our age and size.

" Don't worry. I'll be there to keep you safe. You all have 40 minutes to to gather anything you may need for a three week mission. We will meet at the South gate. We will be heading to Wave. " Kakashi said as he read over the mission, first to Tazuna then us.

" Sensei, we all have enough supplies to last a month. Naruto made the scrolls special for each of us. We are all ready to go immediately. " I say letting Sensei know we are prepared.

" Very well we'll head out immediately. " Following this we led Tazuna on his way back home. It is six hours after we left Konoha, as it gets dark, that I first spot the Demon Brother's Genjutsu Puddle. Seeing this I make some hand signs behind my back. I see that Sasuke and Naruto say they saw. We signal to wait until we confirm the target before fighting back. I'll pretend to be an easy target to see if they target me first.

" Ah man, it's starting to get dark soon. do you think we should set up camp soon, Sensei? " I ask Kakashi pretending to be distracted looking at him, as we pass the puddle. In that moment the Demon Brothers rush by me heading towards Tazuna. Just as they go to strike Tazuna, each is blocked by Sasuke and Naruto. I quickly follow up by slicing there legs making them immobile.

" Still any worries about us old man!? " Naruto yells with a cocky smirk.

" Uh, No. Thank you guys. I thought I was a goner. " Tazuna says as he falls on his butt finally dropping his wine bottle. Meanwhile Kakashi drags the Demon Brothers behind some trees in order to torture them for information. After a few minutes we were some occasional scream and shouts from the brothers. Ten minutes later Kakashi drags back the brothers knocked out and tied up.

" Tazuna. We need to talk. It seems you forgot a few details when filing for a mission. " Kakashi says glaring at Tazuna as he tosses the brothers on the ground.

Immediately Tazuna starts crying, falling onto his knees, " I'm sorry I lied Mister Shinobi. It's just after saving for so long. Even pooling our money we could only afford enough for a C-Rank mission. I'm sorry it all started 7 years ago when Gato came and took over Wave." He continues with his story. Telling us how his son in law, Kaito, tried to lead the people to revolt but was killed by Gato's goons. How he is now trying to build a bridge to free Wave.

" It doesn't matter. You lied. We will need to return to Konoha to update the Hokage of the new information. He will decide how we proceed from here." Kakashi says with a serious face.

" Kakashi Sensei. If I may I have an idea. " I say once he is done speaking. After a few seconds of staring at me with a straight face he gives me a nod. I continue, " Kakashi sensei if you, Naruto and I send a shadow each back to Konoha. You could update the Hokage and receive new orders. We will return the Prisoners to the I.T. department. When we dispell we won't have to waste time travelling if the Hokage decides to save Wave. Furthermore, I believe the Hokage should agree. We could set up a strong foothold and partnership with Wave. Perhaps recruiting or even making a Ninja Training school for the country as an extension of Konoha. Or we could use this as a way for financial security. After we topple Gato and restore Wave. His businesses will need someone to run them. Why not Wave with the backing of Konoha. We take from Gato's money for the mission and split his business 35% for Konoha and 65% for Wave."

" Hhmm. Very well. You three should know the Demon Brothers are known to work with Momochi Zabuza. The Demon of the Mist an A-Ranked missing Nin from Kiri." Kakashi says warning us. After that the three of us send off our clones carrying our prisoners. 30 minutes later my clone pops. All I learn is we rushed to Konoha and gave the prisoners to the gate guards before dispelling. We let everyone know the clones reached Konoha, 70 minutes after that Kakashi's clone pops and he tells us to pack up.

" The Hokage has decided to go forward with this Mission. It will now be classified as a Special A-Rank Mission. This is due to the multiple tasks we must accomplish.Team 8 should be here in the next 30 minutes,. They will carry the new paperwork, Tazuna shall have to read and sign, and then join us for the mission. This shall be the new agreement between Wave and Konoha. Tazuna you shall become the new leader of Wave. Wave shall become a sub-division of the Land of Fire. Your new bridge shall connect Wave and the Land of Fire. Wave shall maintain its freedom mostly but shall pay a 10% tax to Konoha for protection. Gato's businesses shall be taken over by officials of the Konoha and the citizens of Wave. Konoha has decided to only take 30% of the profits in perpetuity. Protection missions for this New Company, Wave Shipping, shall get a 40% discount. As long as you agree to this. Not only will Konoha protect you until your bridge is finished. We shall eliminate Gato and his illegal organization. Then a team from Konoha shall come to help repair your Country and help you set up the new company. Once a year all children of age and willing shall be given the opportunity to journey to Konoha and join the Academy. They shall be given an apartment and funds. The same as an orphan of Konoha would. " Kakashi says this all looking at Tazuna seriously the whole time.

Gulping due to nervousness Tazuna replies tears streaming down his eyes, " This is so generous. Thank you mister Shinobi! I accept. I'll have to read over the paperwork. But this is a blessing for us, thank you."

Packing up our camp it is only about 25 minutes later that we see Team 8 moving through the trees towards us. Jumping down Kurenai greets us with a grin, " Wow Kakashi. You're teams first C-Rank mission turned this crazy. At least you only ran into a couple of Chunin and were able to inform the Hokage of the situation. "

" Yeah yeah. You know the situation. We have a mission to carry out. Let's get into a double triangle around Tazuna and move out. " Kakashi says and we move into positions. Kakashi and Kurenai will watch over the group. The front left if Naruto, front center is Kiba, front right is Sasuke, back left is Shinl, back center in Hinata and I am in the back right. Usually Hinata and I would be in each other's place but with her Byakugan she is better suited for center positions.

Moving out it only takes us two more days to get to the coast. It is the morning of the fourth day after leaving Konoha that we came to the coast and bought three boats to go over 3 Genin in 2 boats and the Jonin with Tazuna in the other. It takes us six hours to sail to dock at a port a few hours from his house far from his village. Getting off the boats we tie them off and I notice that the fog is a bit thick. We get into formation and move towards Tazuna's home after thirty minutes of walking Sasuke throws a kunai into a bush. A few seconds later a white bunny hops out of the bush.

" Hehe, a bit jumpy Sasuke? " Jokes Naruto.

" Everyone get down now! " Kakashi and Kurenai yell together pulling down Tazuna. Immediately we feel a huge amount of blood lust and I can hear a faint whistling sound as I pull Hinata down with me.

* Ding. Due to the psychological pressure you have faced. The Sharigam has been unlocked. Uchiha Heritage and subsequent multipliers have been updated. Please look at Status Page to see the updated screen. *

In that moment I can read the message. I see the blade spinning above us. Thinking I have enough time I move. Using hinata who is now squatted down as a hand stand. I flip upside down holding her shoulders. and manage to kick the Kurobuchi into the air. It spins away. Notice everyone's surprise I spring into motion. With a quick shadow clone I launch up at the sword and directly seal it. Keeping my guard up as I land next to Tazuna, between Kakashi and Kurenai. Everyone is keeping their focus on the lookout for the enemy but I can clearly see everyone's every move. I can even see the wind it seems.

Kakashi unleashes his Sharigan whispering to me before and shouting out, " Haru that was reckless. He will definitely target you now to get Kurobuchi. Stay near Tazuna. Come out Zabuza! The Demon Brothers are known to travel with you, we captured them not to long ago. Now my Genin has even taken the Kurobuchi. Do you really think you can take on 2 Jonin and 6 Genin of Konoha with just you and your partner? If you to come out now and surrender. I shall put forward word to the Hokage personally to allow you join Konoha on a trial basis. If you don't you shall be killed along with your teammate. Make your decision quickly or we will attack. " Kakasgi said staring at a specific spot before looking at a certain spot on our left.

After a few seconds Zabuza and Haku ( maskless & a girl ) walk out of the forest their hands raised with their ninja pouches in hand. seeing this Kakashi doesn't let down his guard and Sharigan until they are under seals and as weak as civilians.

" Thanks for the easy cooperation. Now I just need your partner's name and information. After accomplishing our main mission. We shall send Team 8 to escort you two back and report what we have accomplished. " Kakashi says with an eye smile. Taking down the information and sending it to the Hokage with a summon of his. Naruto leaves a few shadow clones to watch over Zabuza and Haku and we all head out to take down Gato. Before we leave Kakashi pulls me to the side and tells me not to activate my Sharigan until we are back in the village, and I get the Hokage's approval. Going town to town we kill any of Gato's goons we can find. Everyone has some trouble with the first kill. Especially Hinata, she threw up and cried a little. She cried until I hugged her and calmed her down. After she rinsed her mouth out, I gave her a kiss on forehead and we continued on the mission. By the time we got to Gato's compound we had each killed at least 10 goons. We calmly walked towards Gato's final compound and main base. When we were near the gates Gato and the 90 minions he had left all came out behind him. He tried to bargain and bribe us but Kakashi turned him down flat before turning to Team 7 and saying, " Team 7 it is time to fulfill your purpose as an All Out Assault Squad. Show your capabilities to your classmates. JB1. ( Junior Blaze 1 ) "

Like that we ran making clones to surround the group until we were ten meters away from them. Sasuke'a and my clones immediately rushed through a two seal Great Fireball Jutsu. Naruto and his clones, which outnumber Sasuke and my clones 3 to 1, used a two seal Great Breakthrough Jutsu. As his Wind Jutsu hit our fireballs they grew until they were all touching. They moved in fast and burned everyone in their paths. Before all exploding when they hit together in the center. We were already back with Kakashi. A quick Earth Ninjutsu from all three of us and the bodies and flames were buried deep underground. Team 8 was shocked, even Kurenai couldn't hide her surprise. This was seen without my Sharigan.

" Wow Kakshi. It looks like I need to step up my team's training a few more notches. You weren't joking when you said you wanted to make an all out assault squad. What did JB1 stand for?" Kurenai says truly surprised by Team 7's speed and strength before recovering and asking about our code.

" Oh that was actually Haru's idea since Team 7 doesn't intend to leave survivors when called upon as an All Out Assualt ( A.O.A.) Squad. They have dozens and eventually will have hundreds of these type of combos ready to use in a moments notice. Their purpose when called upon to act as an A.O.A. Squad is to destroy their enemies and save their allies. That move was actually one of there weaker moves. It is called JB1 it stands for Junior Blaze 1. It is where they surround their opponents using Shadow Clones and combine Fire and Wind Ninjutsu to kill their enemies. This combination is one of the weakest they have mastered. It is named Junior due to its low attack field coverage. A normal combination covers at least four times the area and a large combination covers an area at least sixteen times bigger. Most of these combos were made by Haru after planning for various situations such as trapping and destroying the target. " Kakashi reveals this is only the smallest limit of Team 7's combined power. How we are all powerhouses and j was a theoretical genius. Kakashi thinking about this and my new Sharigan could only think of Shisui and Itachi Uchiha. Looking shaken her team leads Zabuza and Haku back to Konoha.

We spend the next two weeks training near the bridge in case of any accidents. I got to train my Mystic Palm Technique a bit when some of the crew fell from a beam. I was able to fix all their broken bones in only three days. Saving months of rehabilitation for them. My Medical Ninjutsu leveled a lot because of that. Other than that we just trained I'm peace until the bridge and the officials from Konoha came. The bridge was named the Union Bridge due to the new bonds between Wave and Konoha After that it only took us a full say of running to return to Konoha. We immediately all reported to the Hokage. Once we were done and everyone got their pay we went to leave but Kakashi put his hand on my shoulder. I knew this was coming but I am still a bit nervous.

" Naruto, Sasuke I need you two to leave. I need to speak to Haru and Kakashi alone about something involving Haru's heritage. " The Hokage said his face half serious. Looking back at me. they wait for me to nod at them before leaving quickly.

" Haru as you know. You have awakened the Sharigan. This is an S-Rank secret starting today. Until your blood screening is verified as an Uchiha Clan member and I give you approval you may not use the Sharigan in front of others. " The Hokage says with a serious expression. Every since I walked into the office I could feel his trace amounts of malice for me.

" If I may Lord Hokage. Even before my blood results. I wish to tell my teammates about this. I feel there should at least be no secrets among us teammates. " I ask him with a formal bow.

" Hhhmmm, very well. What you say is true. Very well you may they tell them when you are alone. Cat come take a blood sample from young Haru. " As Sarutobi said this pressure around me slowly released. The next moment Yuguao came, in her Anbu outfit and quickly filled a blood sample bottle, then disappeared. After that we left the office. I kept Naruto and Saauke busy until we had dinner.

" Something happened when we were in Wave due to the stress from Zabuza's attack and Killing Intent. I woke up my bloodline limit but it is pretty special. I woke up the Sharigan. The Hokage made this a S-Rank Secret. I am only allowed to tell you two. Because you are my teammates. I may need to use them one day to save you and I don't want you to misstep ping because of me. " I say to them

After I activate my Sharigan I can see Sasuke crying and smiling. Naruto looks a little confused but happy I have the same power as Sasuke. Now we are even closer as a family. Dinner and dessert go by quickly. That night we all slept happily, feeling closer as a family. Our first ' C-Rank Mission ' was a success.