
[ HIATUS ] Tom Stark-Malfoy (Draco Malfoy centric; HP- MCU crossover)

//Disclaimer: This is a fanfic. Everything you recognize is owned by either JK Rowling or Stan Lee. // Harry lost. He died at the hands of Vol- the Dark Lord. We've been at war for years. The death eaters want my head and those at the Order secretly wish me dead. I've been tasked to go on a suicide mission to retrieve something that could serve as our last hope. The last chance to make everything right again. If you were given the chance to change the past, would you? I know I would but. . . now that I am here, nothing is as I remembered it to be. I don't care if my new adoptive father is rich! In fact I would prefer it if he was just normal. How in merlin's name am I supposed to practice magic with all this muggle technology inhibiting it, and this strange voice named Jarvis watching me 24/7?! I NEVER SIGNED UP TO BE RAISED BY A MUGGLE! //Draco's soul travels to the past and enters his body when he was a baby. MCU and HP universes are in the same universe so the exact year this story takes place is kinda wonky.// . . . Warning: Fanfics are written for pure enjoyment. If at any point while reading my fanfic, you don't like it, then I ask you to stop. I recieve endless joy when writing this. If you recieved the same joy reading my fanfic, then I am super happy to have shared my joy you. But if you do not enjoy this, then stop. I don't wish for you to read anything you don't enjoy. Let's leave those bad experiences for school or work. Now read and have fun!!! Or don't! And have fun elsewhere! Just make sure you are having fun! =) Also, this story is dead. Like dead dead. I have alot of incomplete chapters, but I dont think im gonna post another chapter again. The franchise is dead, HP in my heart was brutally massacred slowly with every Fantastic Beast Movie. Anyone who wants to adopt this story, go ahead.

MoistJuicyLemon · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
85 Chs

D = Q^2 – d(P x V) III

Draco P.O.V.

_____________Flashback of previous chapter _____________

"How do you do Tom?"

I jolt in surprise, spine straightening in the process as my gaze lifts up to the dread of my existence.

"You are?"

Dumbledore jerked back with wide eyes. An unbelievable reaction given that he was the one to randomly enter an 11 year old's room without even a simple introduction.

"I am Headmaster Dumbledore"

_____________End of Flashback_____________

"Truly?" I asked wary of his intentions. My eyes flickered back and forth between each of Dumbledore eyes, trying to catch a hint of what he was truly thinking.

Analyzing what I would have done as a regular muggleborn in my position, I raise an eyebrow in suspicion and inquire. "A Headmaster granting me audience? Why?" My gaze turned down to stare at the letter in his hand.

Dumbledore smiled and reached it out for me to take. "As you may have already guessed, I have come to offer you a place at my school – Hogwarts - your new school, if you would like to come."

"It's seems excessive for a Headmaster to personally deliver letters to each of the new students. Tell the truth!" [1]

I spoke my last words with a ringing force. A command that worked on my subordinates. Holding my glare, Dumbledore continued to smile pleasantly. A dark twinkle flitted past his half-moon spectacles

"I have told you. My name is Albus Dumbledore and I am the Headmaster of Hogwarts - a school for people with special abilities."

Hah- he expects me to believe that's all he came for? Fine. Ill play along just to see what he's planning. Now how would a regular muggle born-kid that was raised by Tony Stark react?

"What kind of special abilities?" I inquired. Thinking of all my father's teammates and enemies who are also of the 'special' kind.


"Prove it!"

Dumbledore's gaze hardened, but before he could open his mouth and try to reprimand me, I spoke first. I changed my tone and expression to the angelic façade I would show my mentor during our lessons in the past.

"I's sorry, I meant - please, Headmaster, would you show me your Magic? I've seen several you see, and I wish to know it is the right one."

Dumbledore drew his wand from an inside pocket of his roes, pointed it at my revolving wardrobe and gave the wand a casual flick.

The wardrobe burst into flames.

I jumped onto my feet in shock and rage madness threatening to consume my mind as the image of Catalypsie helplessly burning on the other side of the wall threatened my sanity. But before I could reach Dumbledore and strangle his with my bare hands, the flames vanished, leaving the wardrobe completely undamaged.

"I think there is something trying to get out of your wardrobe. Tom."

Faint chills ran down my spine as indeed, a faint rattling could be heard from inside it. I didn't know if my fear could be seen on my face as I recalled the things I 'borrowed' which I stuffed in there for future research.

"Open the door," said Dumbledore.

I hesitated for a moment, then walked to the wardrobe. Pulling on the doors, my box of precious research material was shaking and rattling as though the things inside had come to life.

"Take it out" said Dumbledore.

I took the shaking box and placed it on my bed. Unnerved that of all people, I had to be caught by Dumbledore.

"Is there anything in that box that you ought not to have?" asked Dumbledore.

And honestly, that made me want to laugh. Hah he didn't know just how true that statement was. "Yes… sir." I replied, clenching my fist at embarrassment and… fear that he would understand what was inside.

"Open it," said Dumbledore.

I took off the cover and spilled the contents without looking at them. Inside I wanted to cry, for on my bed, was years of effort to collect my research material. Natasha's Widow's Bite (a device capable of emitting highly potent electric shocks with a maximum of about 30,000 volts), Clint's pellet arrows, a piece of Steve's first vibranium shield I nabbed from dad's lab, Peter's web cartridge, and dad's compressed iron glove ballpen, Potter's watch he let me borrow three years ago, and Jack's (college best friend) green colored highlighter.

I can't help it, they're just such good research materials! Well. . . except the watch and the highlighter. . . I just honestly forgot to return those and completely missed the timing.

"You will return them to their owners with your apologies," said Dumbledore calmly, putting his wand back into his jacket. "I shall know whether it had been done. And be warned: Thieving is not tolerated at Hogwarts."

I cast my cold gaze at Dumbledore, venom dripping through my words as I squeezed out a "Yes, sir."

Dumbledore stared at me with a disbelieving gaze. One that was coated in fear and wariness as through he was trying to dissect my mind. . .and I truly felt a gentle trace of legilimency tickle my mind. 'Unbelievable' I exasperate in disbelief. To an 11 year old? WTF old man?!

I harshly turned my head away; breaking eye contact immediately before he could make sense of the barriers I setup around my mind. I don't think fake fragile occulumency barriers nor a fake mindscape could fool the headmaster for even a single second. As barmy as this man has become, crazy and genius often come hand-in-hand.

"You-?" Dumbledore's voice rose in surprise. "No it can't be." He mumbled under his shakey breath.

I shut my eyes, and sensed his magic to get a grasp of him emotions and understand his real intent. His magic was wild. It was swirling around him at uneven speeds and orbits. I felt another kind of magic. It was thin and dark. Like black tendrils of something evil and disgusting, and it was coming from… behind me?!? I've seen this before. But where??

"Tom? Face me."

"Under what pretense would I trust you?"

"I'm very sorry Tom. You have my sincerest apologies. I should never have tried to read your mind. But please, it is important that I know for your own good and safety, how do you know of legilimency?"

. . .

I let a couple seconds of silence pass before I opened my mouth. Dumbledore leaned in, his undivided attention was unnerving. Most would see his curious gaze as that of a kind elderly grandfather, but I knew the devices of this man's mind wouldn't be so innocent. He was trying to see something in me, and whether it was a weakness or a suspicion I can never risk letting him be privy of my thoughts.

I turn my head away - eyes still shut, but let the words flow out of my mouth.

"My mentor. Back when I was in America." I focused on sensing the magic around me once more and saw Dumbledore's magic almost flutter around him in joy and relief. This reaction certainly did not make sense to me. Yet magic does not lie. Is there… Something I'm not understanding???

"And why did he teach you?" He asked with a voice all too familiar to me as that of coercing a pawn to accept their will. But then again… his magic was… careful, almost gentle.

I opened my eyes, and glanced towards Dumbledore. Maintaining my view below his eyes.

"Once in the past, I was desperate to know what my dad was thinking of. So I did and I hurt him." I couldn't tell what emotion his face showed, but I felt his magic tremble and darken as though it had become wary.

My voice dropped as I continued to squeeze my words out. I absolutely abhor having to recall these memories, but for my future plans I needed to understand how Dumbledore thinks – feelings be damned.

"It was a mistake which I deeply regretted. So I asked my teacher to teach me how to control my thoughts and my emotions."

I continued to look at his movements, any micro gestures that would explain why his magic suddenly became so… happy and even caring?

I saw his hand move slightly. If I weren't paying attention I wouldn't have seen it. But I saw a small vial fly into his sleeve with light vapors trailing behind it. . . No. . . This barmy wanker. I concentrated my senses to my nose and took a deep whiff of the air.

It was a light scent, almost untraceably so. Jobberknoll feathers. He dosed the air with evaporated Veratiserum. My lips twitched slightly upwards as I finally caught onto him. Isn't he wary at all that the weapon he used is a double-edged sword?

I raised my gaze and met his eyes in a challenge.

"Why are you wary of me Headmaster?"

I saw his eyes widen in shock. Dumbledore's neck tensed up as though he were trying to hold back. But it was no use, Veratiserum will make him speak.

"I was worried that you were another Tom I knew." Dumbledore replied, his hand slightly trembling as it tightly grasped his knee.

"Was worried? What relieved your worries, and which Tom do you speak of?"

"You are different from the boy I know-. You care for your father, a love I have never seen in him. The boy-. Tom Riddle."

Tom Riddle? . . . Whose that? I opened my mouth to continue questioning him, but before I could, Dumbledore sprung forwards from where he stood. Almost shoving the letter in my hands, but still careful not to accidentally hurt me.

"School starts September 1. Send us an owl with your reply at least a week before then. Enclosed in a list of your required school supplies. Often we would have the professors or the school prefects help new muggleborns with their shopping, however; we know you are already fully acquainted with the wizarding world hence, you have not been assigned a guide. Yet if you still wish so, do include it in your reply. I hoped to stay longer, but my duties keep me a busy wizard. Take care my boy."

And with that he fled. My lips twitched in amusement and disbelief 'I hoped to stay longer, but my duties keep me a busy wizard.'? Indeed that was the truth, but it doesn't mean they are correlated. Even when panicking Dumbledore is still so sly. I'm surprised he wasn't sorted into Slytherin.

Opening the CCTV cams on my TV I watched him flee out of our house before apparating away.

But now I have even more questions. Who is Tom Riddle???

But first of all, I closed my eyes and sensed the magic around me. I could feel my magic reserves rapidly depleting especially since it's already less than half. Then I sensed it, the black threads of magic. . . No. . . soul energy.

I turn around and walk towards the source, stopping just 2 feet away. I tried to recall in my memories where I have seen it before, then I remembered. I saw it from aunt Bellatrix. [2]

I cut off my magic sensing as anymore would have weakened me and opened my eyes. In front of me was the mokeskin bag where I kept my belongings from when I ventured out.

However since I am weak now, I'll deal with it another day. At least I now know something in here is potentially dangerous.

I took the bag and walked towards the wardrobe. Pulling a book, the lock of the wall released and I pushed the wardrobe causing it to turn 90 degrees.

What came into my sight was Catalypsie, slightly confused as to why I suddenly moved her again.

"Hey girl. I'm sorry I keep disturbing you." I whispered as I rubbed her head. She gave an appreciative hiss as she pushed her head towards my hand.

I recalled what Dumbledore said about me having a love that the other Tom didn't. Love huh?

"How do you say 'I love you' in reptile?" I asked her. Catalypsie's blue eyes shone with light as though delighted.

{Took you long enough to ask.} She replied in my mind.

"I love you." Catalypsie hissed.

"I love you." I repeated, copying the intonations of her hiss.

Catalypsie nodded her head and flickered her tongue all serpent-like.

"I love you." I hissed while smiling at her and continuing to pat her head.

Her head is so cool, the fur is so fluffy and kind of warm yet her scales are so smooth and cold. I wonder if she's cold or warm blooded?

I threw my mokeskin bag into the hidden room and pulled on the desk once more so that it was now fully facing my room (and the wardrobe was inside the hidden room).

I walked to my bed and put the research material back into the box. I wonder… should I send them back via FedEx?



Dumbledore P.O.V.

This Tom Stark. So much of him eerily reminds me of Tom Riddle both in his youth and adolescence. The same confidence, arrogance, command, wariness, calculatedness, distrust of others, and even being a kleptomaniac despite being raised in a well-off family. Even his responses were identical to when I first met Tom Riddle, it was as though I were reliving my memories. I have many regrets with Tom Riddle, the boy whom I have failed miserably. But perhaps this time I can right my wrongs.

There is something in him that separates him from the Tom Riddle I know. He cares for his adoptive father- a love that never existed in the Tom whom I had failed. If this boy were a horcrux, or even if he were the reincarnation of Tom Riddle himself. I can believe that this time I can teach him correctly. As long as he has love there is hope.




[1] Anyway I just wanted to mention that the dialogue in this story was HEAVILY based off of Dumbledore's first meeting with Tom Riddle FOR A REASON! I promise ya'll that he's not mindlessly making a re-enactment of young T.M.R. without reason. As for Dumbles, yep he's deliberately re-enacting the past. This is also why I'm doing a double release this week. It is to apologize for the 'copied' part, as well as the science part.

Page 269. Ch. 13 The Secret Riddle. Book 6 - The Half-Blood Prince.

[2] Ya'll this is the Easter Egg I mentioned before in the chapter { All plans ruined by my own Aunt I }. Ahahahaha I plant REALLY old easter eggs, that if they were real my story would stink of rotten eggs lol. Can anyone guess yet why he saw the 'black whisps' on the mokeskin pouch as well as on Bellatrix?

A/N: Also I'm really sorry if some part may be OoC. I usually write a chapter and re-read it the next week for any Draco-innacuracies, but I wanted to release a chapter to ya'll as early as possible. So now Imma just go free style! I hope you can still enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Love ya so much!

I'm so sorry guys. I forgot to update today (Nov 27) cause you know... It's black Friday! But I will upload a chapter tomorrow. Sorry for not posting on time!

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