
"The Machiavellian"

Ryota is a cunning and manipulative high school student who has always relied on his charms and wit to get what he wants. When he is accepted into the prestigious Arcanum Academy, a school for the most gifted and powerful individuals in the land, he discovers that his skills are put to the test. As Ryota navigates the cutthroat world of the Academy, he quickly realizes that the only way to get ahead is to outmaneuver his rivals. Using his charms and cunning, he manipulates his way to the top, making enemies and allies alike. But as he ascends the ranks, he begins to uncover dark secrets about the Academy and its true purpose. Can Ryota maintain his grasp on power, or will his Machiavellian ways ultimately be his downfall?

TubezGamer · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: The Offer

Ryota sat at his desk, staring at the envelope in front of him. It was the letter he had been waiting for, the one that would determine his future. He had always known he was special, and now he had the chance to prove it.

He had applied to the prestigious Arcanum Academy on a whim, never truly believing that he would be accepted. But as the weeks passed and the acceptance letters went out, Ryota found himself growing more and more nervous. He had always been a good student, but he knew that the Academy was looking for the best of the best.

With a deep breath, he tore open the envelope and pulled out the letter. His eyes scanned the page, taking in the formal language and the seal at the bottom. It was official - he had been accepted into the Academy.

Ryota couldn't contain his excitement. The Academy was the most elite institution in the land, a place where the most gifted and powerful individuals were trained. It was a place where he could truly shine.

As he packed his bags and said goodbye to his friends and family, Ryota knew that this was just the beginning. He was ready to take on the challenge to prove himself, and rise to the top.

But little did he know, the road to the top would be paved with manipulation and deceit. The Academy was a cutthroat environment, where only the strongest and most cunning survived. Ryota was determined to be one of those survivors, no matter what it took.

He arrived at the Academy on a crisp autumn morning, his bags packed and his heart racing. The campus was even more impressive than he had imagined, with grand marble buildings and sprawling gardens. Ryota could feel the power and prestige emanating from every corner.

As he was shown to his dormitory and introduced to his fellow students, Ryota couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed. These were the cream of the crop, the most gifted and talented individuals in the land. Ryota knew he had to step up his game if he wanted to stand out.

But he was nothing if aren't determined. Over the next few weeks, Ryota threw himself into his studies and his training, working harder than he ever had before. He was determined to be the best, to prove that he belonged at the Academy.

And as he excelled in his classes and impressed his professors, Ryota began to realize that he had a certain charm, a certain charisma that set him apart from the rest. He was a natural at manipulating people, at getting them to do what he wanted. And he knew that this would be his key to success.

As he ascended the ranks and made his way to the top, Ryota began to uncover the dark secrets of the Academy. He discovered that the true purpose of the institution was not to train the next generation of leaders but to create the ultimate weapon. And Ryota knew that he was the perfect candidate - cunning, manipulative, and ruthless.

The Machiavellian had arrived, and he was ready to take on the world.