
"The Fallen Crown: Mourning and Rivalry"

In the wake of the sudden death of King Vistav, the once-stable kingdom of Kivan is thrown into chaos as his four ambitious princes vie for the vacant throne. Amidst political turmoil, familial tensions, and shifting allegiances, a seemingly unassuming prince named Elias emerges as an unexpected contender. Elias, the youngest of the princes, is perceived as lacking in ambition. Yet, as the power struggle intensifies, he finds himself drawn into the heart of the conflict. Determined to navigate the treacherous waters of palace politics and ascend to the throne, Elias must harness his untapped potential and gather allies who believe in his leadership.

cupcakeeat · Fantasía
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20 Chs

"Unforgiving Consequences"

The battle between Count Entha and the formidable leader of the attackers raged on as they clashed along the road that led towards the capital. Each sword strike echoed with the intensity of their skill and determination, a fierce testament to their resolve. Both were aura swordsmen, masters of their craft, but the attacker's overwhelming prowess was evident in every movement he made. Entha, loyal and valiant, defended fiercely, the weight of his commitment to Prince Aldric propelling him forward.

As the battle wore on, Entha's forces dwindled, and the road became strewn with the bodies of fallen soldiers. The relentless assailant pressed on, his movements swift and precise, aiming to break through Entha's defenses. Entha, his brow furrowed with concentration, blocked and countered with unwavering resolve, his heart aflame with the determination to buy Prince Aldric time to escape.

The duel reached its climax along the road, Entha's back pressed against the trees that lined the way. The attacker launched a series of swift strikes, and Entha's skill was undeniable, but he was gradually being pushed to his limits. The intensity of the situation was palpable, a fight not just for survival, but for the safety of the prince and the kingdom itself.

Despite Entha's unwavering efforts, a final, devastating strike from the attacker severed his hand from his arm. Blood spurted from the wound, and Entha's sword wavered as he fought to maintain his stance. With a swift motion, the leader of the assailants capitalized on the opening, striking a fatal blow. Entha's head rolled to the ground, the loyal advisor and protector succumbing to the relentless assault.

As Entha's lifeblood stained the road, his final thoughts were of the prince he had served so faithfully. His sacrifice, his bravery, and his commitment to buying time for Prince Aldric to escape were the embodiment of his unwavering loyalty. With the death of Count Entha along the road, the echoes of his devotion reverberated through the air, a somber reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of the kingdom and the prince he held dear.

Having dealt with Count Entha, the leader of the attackers pressed onward towards the heart of the forest. The mandate from his master was explicit: eliminate the prince at any cost. This leader was no novice; he was a consummate professional with a track record of unwavering success. Failure was simply not in his vocabulary.

As he navigated the dense undergrowth, his movements were calculated and efficient. Every step was taken with purpose, every decision weighed against his objective. His reputation preceded him, a reputation built on a foundation of meticulous planning and precision execution.

With grim determination, he advanced deeper into the forest, his eyes scanning his surroundings for any sign of his target. He reached for his communication device, transmitting a signal to Dexter, his trusted lieutenant. Yet, to his surprise, the signal remained unanswered. A flicker of unease danced across his features as he quickened his pace, urgency lending wings to his steps.

The scene that awaited him was a tableau of death and chaos. His own soldiers lay lifeless, their once-commanding presence now extinguished. A sense of foreboding settled over him as he took in the sight, realizing that the situation had taken an unexpected turn. But it was the sight of Dexter, his fierce and loyal hound, lying motionless with an arrow piercing his side, that sent shockwaves through him.

Sylvester, the unflinching leader, felt a surge of disquiet. His mind raced, processing the implications of what he had stumbled upon. The successful leader who had never tasted failure now faced a conundrum, a puzzle he had yet to solve. The prince's escape had blindsided him, and the hunt had taken a new, unforeseen twist.

With a steely resolve, Sylvester surveyed the scene, his mind calculating the best course of action. He knew that his mission remained unchanged, even as the landscape of his challenge had shifted. Motioning to his remaining comrades, he gave terse orders to search the area, hoping to uncover a trail that might lead them to the prince's hiding place.

As Sylvester's party fanned out into the forest's depths, the leader's determination burned ever brighter. He had faced challenges before, overcome obstacles that seemed insurmountable. He was not a man who backed down, and he was not about to let this setback define him. In the heart of the forest, a relentless pursuit continued, a duel between a seasoned predator and a determined prey, each driven by their own brand of resolve.

The relentless search continued, each step driven by urgency and determination. Sylvester, the unyielding leader, knew that time was of the essence. He had set a time limit, a ticking clock that added pressure to their pursuit. The forest seemed to close in around them, the dense foliage creating an eerie backdrop for their relentless quest.

Amidst the fervent search, a moment of interruption arose. One of Sylvester's subordinates approached, bearing a communication device similar to the one used by the shadows who had followed the prince Elias. The magical device crackled to life, and the heavy voice of their master resonated from the other end. The question was simple, direct: had the mission succeeded?

Sylvester's heart raced as he recounted the situation, his voice carrying the weight of his disturbed state. He explained the challenges they had encountered, the unexpected twists that had thrown their plans into disarray. The pursuit of the prince was ongoing, but success had not yet been achieved.

The voice on the other end remained inscrutable, a heavy presence that seemed to pierce through Sylvester's very being. The question was repeated, and when Sylvester confirmed their failure, the response was a crushing blow. It was as though a sword had been thrust through his chest, leaving him breathless and defeated.

In a voice laden with the weight of his realization, Sylvester admitted their defeat. The connection was severed, leaving him with a profound sense of disappointment and failure. But before the communication ended, a final order was given: continue the search for the prince. The command echoed in Sylvester's mind, a reminder of their unyielding commitment to their objective.

And so, the search pressed on, driven by an unrelenting determination to fulfill their mission. Sylvester's conflicted emotions simmered beneath the surface as he led his group deeper into the forest, their resolve unshaken by adversity. The prince's escape had only heightened their determination, fueling a pursuit that would not relent until their goal was achieved.


In the dimly lit room, the person behind the communication device walked up to the door and paused. The room was illuminated by a few flickering candles, casting eerie shadows. They stood there, waiting for the command to enter. Finally, the order came, and they opened the door, stepping inside with a sense of purpose. They moved gracefully, showing a mix of respect and readiness.

Kneeling down, the person spoke with a sense of submission, "My lord, the mission given to Sylvester has failed." The mood in the room shifted, becoming tense and heavy. The one seated in the chair, with the moonlight streaming through the window but their face obscured, responded with a calm yet firm tone, "Is that so?"

Rising from the chair, the figure approached the person who had delivered the news. The moonlight painted a mysterious silhouette as they closed the distance. With a sudden movement, they lifted the person by the neck, their grip strong and unforgiving. "Then you also failed," they stated, their voice icy and authoritative. Without hesitation, they snapped the person's neck and let their lifeless body fall to the ground.

The room was filled with an unsettling silence as the weight of the consequences hung heavy in the air. The one who had delivered the news lay on the floor, in pain and shock from the brutal punishment. Despite the agony, they managed to leave the room, their pain suppressed as they retreated from the presence of their superior.