
"The Enchanted Masquerade"

In a small town on the outskirts of a bustling metropolis, there lived Ronnie, a cross-dresser with a penchant for extravagant outfits and a heart full of dreams. In a world where conformity was the norm, Ronnie stood out as a beacon of individuality. However, life in this mundane world had never quite felt like home. One fateful evening, while attending an extravagant masquerade ball in their most dazzling ensemble, Ronnie stumbled upon an antique mirror tucked away in a dusty corner of the ballroom. The mirror, surrounded by flickering candlelight, seemed to beckon to Ronnie, promising something beyond their wildest dreams. Unable to resist its allure, Ronnie touched the mirror's surface and, in an instant, was consumed by a swirling vortex of colors and lights. When the chaos subsided, Ronnie found themselves in an entirely different realm, a world of magic and mythical creatures. As they adjusted to this new environment, Ronnie noticed their reflection in a nearby pond, which revealed their appearance had changed completely. They now possessed an otherworldly beauty, and their clothes had transformed into an elegant gown fit for a royal court. It seemed the mirror had not only transported them to a different realm but had also altered their very essence. In this enchanting realm, Ronnie discovered that they were in the land of Eldoria, a place filled with diverse lifeforms, from graceful elves and wise dwarves to majestic dragons and mischievous fairies. Magic flowed through the very air, and the land was divided into various kingdoms, each ruled by a different race. Desperate to return home, Ronnie set out on a quest to find the legendary Seer, an oracle rumored to possess the knowledge of traversing between realms. Along the way, they formed unlikely friendships with beings they had only read about in books, including a gentle giant of a treant, a cunning rogue sprite, and a loyal griffin companion. Their journey was fraught with peril as they encountered dark forests, treacherous swamps, and cunning sorcerers who sought to use Ronnie's unique abilities for their own gain. But with their newfound friends and an indomitable spirit, Ronnie continued their quest, learning valuable lessons of courage, acceptance, and the true meaning of identity. Throughout their adventures, Ronnie found that their cross-dressing, which had once been a source of insecurity, became a symbol of strength and resilience. They inspired others to embrace their individuality, challenging the rigid norms of Eldoria and fostering unity among its diverse inhabitants. As their journey neared its climax, Ronnie finally stood before the Seer, who revealed the secret of returning home. But with the newfound wisdom they had gained, Ronnie faced a difficult choice: to return to their old world or to stay in Eldoria and continue their adventures, forever challenging the boundaries of what it meant to be true to oneself. "The Enchanted Masquerade" is a tale of self-discovery, acceptance, and the magic that lies within each of us. It reminds us that it's our uniqueness that makes us extraordinary and that the journey to find oneself can lead to the most enchanting of places, even if they are in realms beyond our imagination.

Misty_Ellaine · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
47 Chs

381 - 390

Chapter 380: Fight! . . .

In the bustling square, Lei Junyan's exclamation pierced through the chatter, drawing the attention of his cousin Han Feng. "Isn't that the fat man and the thin man?" he exclaimed, his curiosity piqued.

Han Feng leaned in, intrigued. "Cousin, do you recognize these two?"

Lei Junyan hesitated momentarily before nodding and shaking his head. "I know a bit about them, but I'm not certain which empire they hail from."

"A few days ago, some cocky geniuses in Beidu City encountered these two," Lei Junyan continued, "but they ended up getting a thorough beating without even knowing what hit them."

"That's how the legend of the fat man and the thin man began," interjected Jiangda excitedly.

"However, these two masters tend to keep a low profile," Lei Junyan added, "so there hasn't been much news about them lately. It's quite surprising to run into them today."

Jiangda couldn't contain his excitement. "I wonder what their cultivation levels are."

Lei Junyan shrugged. "I'm not sure. The arrogant geniuses they faced before were mostly at the first or early second tier. Rumor has it that the fat and thin masters defeated them without even tapping into their true power!"

Wang Qingcang gasped. "They managed to take down first and second-tier stars using just their physical strength?"

"If that's true," Jiangda exclaimed, "then their physical prowess must be at least three-star level, if not higher!"

Han Feng rolled his eyes at Jiangda's enthusiasm, finding his cousin's excitement a tad excessive.

Meanwhile, Liu Yuer pointed to two other figures nearby. "Who are those two? Haven't they heard of the fat man and the thin man?"

Lei Junyan furrowed his brow, scanning the newcomers before shaking his head. "I'm not sure. They might be newcomers who arrived just recently."

"That would explain why they're challenging the fat man and the thin man," Liu Yuer mused.


In the center of the square, surrounded by a crowd of eager onlookers, the man with the fan suddenly ignited his true crystal, revealing his formidable power as a Terrestrial Samsung.

Gasps rippled through the crowd. Most of the geniuses from the Northern Capital City were only at the first-tier level, with a few second-tier elites. To encounter a third-tier elite was a rarity indeed.

Wang Qingcang smirked. "No wonder he's so arrogant. He's at the initial stage of the third-tier level. But that fat master doesn't seem ordinary either. I wonder how this will play out."

The man sneered at the fat man. "Fatty, if you bow down now and hand over the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo, I might spare you."

But the fat man remained unfazed. "You think you can make me kneel with those puny arms and legs? Dream on."

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted as the fat man unleashed a burst of power, causing the ground to quake beneath him.

Even Han Feng, who had been observing from a distance, couldn't help but take a step back in awe.

As the man launched his attack with his fan, the surrounding geniuses scrambled to create distance, knowing the destructive potential of such a battle.

But despite the ferocity of the wind, the fat man stood his ground, his expression unchanged. With a smirk, he uttered two chilling words: "How naive."

In a breathtaking display, the fat man's body expanded rapidly, absorbing the impact of the attack with ease. His belly, seemingly impervious to harm, barely showed a dent.

The onlookers watched in disbelief as the fat man defied expectations, his sheer resilience leaving them dumbfounded.

The origin of the Fat Master's power remained a mystery, yet his command reverberated with authority: "Go!"

In an astonishing twist, the ferocious wind unleashed by the man was abruptly repelled! 

"It's impossible!" The man's eyes widened in disbelief as he witnessed his own attack being effortlessly deflected.

His assault, potent enough to severely injure an ordinary Earth-level four-star powerhouse, was effortlessly nullified by the seemingly ordinary fat man.

"Oops!" The man exclaimed as he hastily retreated, summoning the power of his magic weapon, the fan, to unleash another tempestuous gale.

Rumbling echoes filled the air as the two powerful winds collided, unleashing a storm-like fury upon the surroundings. Weaker individuals were swept into the sky by the sheer force of the clash.

Meng Yaqing effortlessly dispersed the gusts before they could reach Han Feng and his companions, demonstrating his mastery over the situation.

Observing from a distance, Han Feng marveled at the thin man's ability to discern Meng Yaqing's actions, recognizing his extraordinary perception.

"These fat and thin masters must be at least at the five-star early stage," Han Feng surmised, realizing that in Beiducheng, he had encountered geniuses rivaling even Wang Qingcang in prowess.

Meanwhile, the thin man paid no heed to the battle between the fat man and the newcomer, his attention fixated on a woman nearby.

"Ugh, thin man, you're the most detestable," the thin man remarked disdainfully, his words cutting through the air.

Liu Yuer and her companions overheard the exchange, with Liu Yuer feeling a mix of dissatisfaction and amusement at the woman's behavior.

Sensing the tension, the woman shifted her approach, coyly insinuating her desires to the thin man, her suggestive gestures leaving little to the imagination.

Liu Yuer couldn't help but mutter under her breath, appalled by the woman's shamelessness.

As the situation unfolded, Han Feng and Wang Qingcang were equally repulsed by the woman's brazen advances.

Meanwhile, the fat man chimed in with a taunting remark, prompting the thin man to express his disdain.

But the woman's demeanor quickly turned icy as she brandished a weapon, revealing a darker aspect to her character.

Chapter 381: The legendary sun . . .

As soon as the provocative melody filled the air, a palpable shift rippled through the gathered geniuses. Faces once composed and focused now betrayed hints of arousal and confusion.

Flushed cheeks and bewildered gazes became commonplace among the assembly. It was as though a mesmerizing beauty stood before them, alluring and enticing in her half-dressed state.

Those with stronger wills fought desperately against the seductive influence, their expressions contorted in a struggle against the primal urges stirred within. Beads of cold sweat dotted their foreheads as they battled to maintain composure.

Meanwhile, the weaker among them succumbed more readily to the music's suggestive sway. Groins swelled with desire, revealing their vulnerability to the potent allure.

Among them, Han Feng's faction felt the impact swiftly. Jiang Da and Lei Junyan, in particular, found themselves ensnared in the melody's sensual spell.

A former slave girl materialized before Lei Junyan, tantalizingly shedding her garments in a provocative display. Lei Junyan's breath hitched as desire surged within him, while Jiang Da, only fourteen and inexperienced in such matters, blushed furiously, his innocence stark against the tide of temptation.

Yet, just as the seductive trance threatened to overwhelm them, Meng Yaqing intervened. Through some mysterious means, clarity washed over the affected individuals, dispelling the ensnaring influence and restoring them to lucidity.

Han Feng observed the scene with a knowing air. Even without Meng Yaqing's intervention, the Nine Flame Skyfire Tower stood ready to counter any deeper incursion of influence.

Gratitude flooded Lei Junyan and his companions, their relief palpable. Among them, Liu Yuer, once ensnared in the throes of temptation, now felt a mix of thankfulness and embarrassment at her earlier vulnerability. Witnessing the scene involving Wang Qingcang only intensified her chagrin, solidifying her belief in the protective curse woven around their thin master.

However, Meng Yaqing's aid extended only so far. The fate of others hung in the balance, their breakthroughs contingent upon their own fortune.

Jiang Da's gaze shifted suddenly, his expression one of shock and disbelief. Han Feng followed his line of sight, only to witness a fellow genius succumbing to the music's sway, his clothing discarded as he succumbed to base desires.

Wang Qingcang, seizing the opportunity for amusement, taunted Jiang Da with a smirk. Jiang Da, overcome with embarrassment and confusion, could only retreat, his cheeks burning with shame.

Liu Yuer, rolling her eyes at Wang Qingcang's antics, ushered Jiang Da away from the scene, shielding him from further exposure to the indecent display.

Meanwhile, across the hall, the music crafted by a woman named Qiao wove a different kind of enchantment, one of sensual allure and seductive charm.

Yet, amidst the thrall of her melody, one figure remained unaffected. Shou Ye stood stoic and unmoved, a bastion of resistance amidst the sea of temptation.

The woman named Qiao's expression faltered at this unexpected defiance. Could it be that this lone individual was immune to her wiles?

The thin master, ever the enigma, sneered in response. This ploy might ensnare others, but against him, it was futile.

With a sudden surge of unyielding resolve, the thin master unleashed an aura so potent it seemed to cleave through reality itself. Wang Qingcang, recognizing the unmistakable presence of Sword Intent, found himself astounded yet perplexed.

Meng Yaqing, ever the voice of reason, suggested the possibility of a unique physique at play. Wang Qingcang, nodding in agreement, conceded that this explanation seemed the most plausible.

Han Feng, no stranger to encountering extraordinary talents, found himself increasingly wary. With each encounter, the challenges posed by these exceptional individuals grew ever more daunting.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a showdown unfolded between Shou Ye and the woman named Qiao. The air crackled with anticipation as the clash of wills reached its climax.

In a dazzling display of power, Shou Ye effortlessly deflected the woman's desperate onslaught. His unwavering resolve stood as a testament to his indomitable spirit, unyielding in the face of overwhelming odds.

As the woman named Qiao recoiled in shock and desperation, she unleashed a final, desperate gambit: the Phantom Thunder Kill.

But against the might of Shou Ye's unfaltering resolve, even this formidable technique proved powerless. With a single decisive stroke, he shattered her defenses, leaving her trembling in defeat.

With a scream that pierced the air, Han Feng and his companions witnessed a breathtaking display of power. Countless thunder and lightning blades materialized around the woman surnamed Qiao, crackling with ominous energy. Such a barrage, if unleashed, would undoubtedly wreak havoc even at the four-star level.

In a desperate bid for defense, the thunder and lightning swords coalesced into a formidable barrier, encasing the woman surnamed Qiao in a protective cocoon of crackling energy. It was clear that she, too, was an elite-level genius, possessing remarkable defensive capabilities.

Yet, in the face of such overwhelming power, the thin master's response was swift and decisive. With a simple motion, he effortlessly dispatched the woman surnamed Qiao, sending her hurtling through the air as the lightning barrier shattered around her.

In the aftermath, shreds of fabric scattered in the sky, revealing a shocking sight. The woman's chest, once adorned with flesh, lay exposed in tatters, the absence of blood a surreal detail amidst the chaos.

A grotesque scar marred the woman's chest, a stark reminder of the violence inflicted upon her.

Han Feng and his companions were left reeling, grappling to comprehend the events unfolding before them. The thin master's abrupt revelation elicited a visceral reaction, his expression contorted in horror as he uttered words of disbelief.

"My day, it turned out to be a fake mother!!" he exclaimed, his revulsion palpable. "You are a fake woman!!!"

The realization dawned upon them all, a collective shock rippling through the group. Wang Qingcang and his cohorts stood dumbfounded, while Liu Yuer voiced the incredulity shared by many.

A woman surnamed Qiao, or so they thought, lay exposed and injured, her true identity unmasked before their eyes. The nearby geniuses, initially brimming with indignation, found themselves at a loss for words as they beheld the truth.

Yet, amidst the confusion, a grim realization set in. The woman surnamed Qiao's chest, once assumed to be a symbol of femininity, now lay flat and featureless, betraying her deception.

Meng Yaqing's expression twitched in discomfort, while Han Feng struggled to find words to articulate the absurdity of the situation. Such revelations were unprecedented, even in a city teeming with extraordinary individuals.

The woman surnamed Qiao, now exposed and humiliated, faced a grim future of shame and scorn. Meanwhile, the man surnamed Ao, locked in combat with the fat master, remained oblivious to the unfolding drama.

The fat master's laughter echoed through the tumult, his amusement evident as he mocked the unfortunate man surnamed Ao. In his anguish, the deceived man's cries rang out, a tragicomic spectacle that elicited a mix of sympathy and bemusement from Han Feng and his companions.

Indeed, amidst the chaos of battle and revelation, the human comedy played out in unexpected and absurd ways, leaving its witnesses with a sense of bemused disbelief.

Chapter 382: Sign up! . . .

Qiao's pseudonymous figure lingered momentarily, devoid of expression, before swiftly making their escape while the group remained in a state of sluggish bewilderment. Even the thin master, known for his sharp reflexes, was caught off guard by the sudden turn of events.

In truth, nobody could have anticipated such a bizarre outcome from the confrontation.

Shou Ye, initially inclined to pursue the fleeing figure, reconsidered. Although he had dealt a minor blow earlier, it seemed a more substantial lesson was in order to dissuade the fat and thin brothers from future mischief. However, upon contemplating the adversary's true identity, the thin master recoiled, opting to retract his leg rather than give chase.

Meanwhile, the fat master, ever the pragmatist, suggested calling off the fight in light of the deception that had been uncovered. However, the deceived man surnamed Ao, consumed by grief and fury, refused to yield.

"Fight on! Keep fighting!" he roared, his resolve unshaken by the revelation.

To the fat master's astonishment, the intensity of the opponent's attacks surged, surpassing all expectations in both power and skill.

"Blast it all, can a broken heart really unleash such ferocity?" the fat master mused, his spirits dampened by the unexpected turn of events.

"If you insist on a fight, don't blame me for taking drastic measures!" the fat master declared, a sinister gleam in his eye. "When dealing with pretenders, I have only two tricks!"

With a sly grin, the fat master invoked his extraordinary ability. His belly, seemingly ordinary, rippled like a stone cast into a pond, absorbing the onslaught of the man surnamed Ao's attacks.

"What...what manner of ability is this?" gasped onlookers, their eyes widening in disbelief.

Meng Yaqing, ever insightful, discerned the true potential of the fat and thin masters. "If these two pass the selection, they will undoubtedly earn the title of Inferior Battle Kings," he remarked, his assessment sparking renewed interest among the spectators.

Han Feng, though familiar with their capabilities, found himself taken aback by Meng Yaqing's estimation. The implications of such praise hinted at greater prowess than he had previously realized.

Yet, even as the man surnamed Ao recoiled in shock, his desire to flee palpable, the fat master's determination remained unyielding.

"You thought to escape after ignoring my earlier warning? Dream on!" the fat master thundered, his form condensing into a spherical mass before hurtling towards the fleeing adversary.

The ground quaked beneath the force of impact as the sphere collided with the man surnamed Ao, sending shockwaves rippling through the surroundings.

As the dust settled, the fat master reverted to his original form, lifting the battered man surnamed Ao from the debris. Blood stained the man's lips, eliciting a pang of sympathy from onlookers.

However, any semblance of pity evaporated as the fat master's grin turned malevolent. "You chose to deceive, now bear the consequences," he sneered, delivering a final, brutal blow to the man surnamed Ao's vulnerable area.

The air echoed with agonized screams as the man surnamed Ao collapsed in anguish, his torment mirroring the depths of his earlier deception.

The sight prompted a collective recoil from the onlookers, their sympathy tainted by a mix of discomfort and revulsion. As they gazed upon the pitiful figure writhing in agony, they couldn't help but ponder the consequences of deceit in the face of such merciless retribution.

The Fat Master wasn't content to merely let the man surnamed Ao go. Instead, he reached into his own belly, extracting a piece of flesh that squirmed and transformed into a phallic object. A few of the women present couldn't help but giggle, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the crude spectacle.

With a mischievous chuckle, the Fat Master waved his hand, and the object pierced the man surnamed Ao's posterior. This time, the man surnamed Ao's screams were stifled, his body convulsing in silent agony, foam bubbling at his lips like a stricken animal.

"Utterly despicable!" Wang Qingcang grimaced in disgust, while Liu Yuer and Meng Yaqing's faces burned with embarrassment.

Jiang Da, however, watched in awe. "I've made up my mind," he declared. "I want to be a disciple of the Fat Master!"

Wang Qingcang recoiled in horror, mentally resolving to treat Jiang Da with utmost respect in the future to avoid any potential retaliation.

Lei Junyan, with a solemn expression, remarked to Han Feng, "Finally, you've found a kindred spirit."

Han Feng's face darkened. "Nonsense! How are we kindred spirits?"

Lei Junyan's gaze turned mournful. "Have you forgotten about the Lei family child you exploded?" he reminded Han Feng.

Wang Qingcang's eyes widened in shock. "Han, you... you have such dark inclinations!" he exclaimed, taking several steps back involuntarily.

Meng Yaqing and Liu Yuer exchanged baffled glances, unsure of how to react to the unfolding absurdity.

Jiang Da, however, remained undeterred in his admiration. "Truly remarkable, Brother Han!" he enthused.

Despite his protestations, Han Feng couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. He hadn't intended to cause harm—it was all a regrettable accident. He certainly wasn't cut from the same cloth as the Fat Master.

Before the conversation could progress further, the Fat Master's keen ears caught Lei Junyan's remark. His eyes lit up with recognition, and he turned his gaze toward Han Feng and the others, sending a shiver of dread through the group.

"Haha, brother, I've found my kindred spirit!" the Fat Master exclaimed gleefully, advancing toward Han Feng with a wicked grin. "Let's celebrate! I'll treat you to three thousand rounds!"

"Three thousand rounds of what?" Han Feng retorted, panic rising in his chest as he backed away.

Wang Qingcang, stunned by Han Feng's sudden retreat, protested, "Han, that's not fair! How can you leave us behind?"

In an instant, several figures vanished from the scene, leaving only Jiang Da behind, still pondering the Fat Master's offer of three thousand rounds. Eventually, he too abandoned the notion and fled after his companions.

As the chaos unfolded, the Fat Master licked his lips with anticipation. "How intriguing," he mused.

Shou Ye, observing the scene with a mixture of exasperation and amusement, couldn't help but shake his head. "Who could tolerate your eccentric tastes? You may find yourself unwelcome at Beidu Academy if you continue this behavior."

The Fat Master shrugged nonchalantly. "No worries. I'll just lay low," he quipped.

Shou Ye sighed inwardly, lamenting the transformation of his once-handsome brother into the eccentric figure before him. It was a tragic consequence of their newfound powers—a price paid in exchange for strength and vitality. Yet, despite the physical changes, the Fat Master remained unrepentant, driven by a singular desire born of rejection and loss.

And so, two peculiar hobbies—egg popping and chrysanthemum bursting—were born amidst the bizarre and colorful tapestry of their world.

"Hey, Skinny," the Fat Master interjected, poking fun at his companion. "Have you noticed something?"

Shou Ye rolled his eyes. "You think I wouldn't notice, Fatso?" he retorted, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "There's a formidable individual among them. I can't quite make out the others, but there are definitely two who pose a significant threat. Despite their apparent lower cultivation levels, they exude an aura of danger."

The Fat Master grinned with intrigue. "Ah, finally someone takes an interest in me," he remarked playfully. "Plenty of time to discuss it at the final stage of the selection."

Both men shared a knowing smile, their anticipation mounting.


Han Feng found himself dogged by Wang Qingcang's presence as they continued to sign up for the selection. Wang's insistence on staying close to Han Feng prompted eye rolls from the latter, who couldn't shake off his persistent companion.

Meanwhile, Jiang Da remained persistent in his inquiries about the "Three Thousand Questions of Bursting Chrysanthemum," much to Han Feng's exasperation.

As they reached the registration location, Han Feng felt a surge of relief, eager to escape Jiang Da's incessant questioning.

The group reported their names and were assigned to the tenth slot—the final selection.

With nearly 100,000 geniuses participating, the selection was divided into ten groups of approximately 10,000 each. Only about a thousand would ultimately pass the assessment.

Scoring 500 or below meant exclusion from further consideration, while those ranking between 501 and 1,000 would be subject to further selection, with only the top thousand making the cut.

In essence, each selection would admit a maximum of 1,000 candidates, ensuring a rigorous and competitive process with no room for leniency.

Chapter 383: Jiang Feng! . . .

"Huh? Cousin, you're here so early, and you're actually in the last slot," Lei Junyan remarked as he spotted Han Feng.

Lei Junyan nodded in agreement. "Everyone who signed up in the last ten days is almost in the final group."

"It's said that the selection is divided into two rounds—the first five rounds and the last five rounds," Lei Junyan explained further.

"Five rounds? That's nearly 50,000 people. Is Beidu Academy really that busy?" Han Feng wondered aloud.

Wang Qingcang chimed in with a smile. "The Northern Capital Academy boasts many experts, and the Great Sanctuary houses numerous masters. For them, inspecting 50,000 people isn't too time-consuming. Plus, the inspectors from Beidu Academy are divided into five groups, each responsible for one round, which saves a lot of time."

Meng Yaqing raised an important question. "What about the Mirror of Death and the Celestial Tower? With so many people entering, won't there be chaos? The test won't be easy with almost 50,000 participants."

Wang Qingcang hesitated before responding. "Well, the Mirror of Death is divided into four areas—south, east, north, and middle. Similarly, the Celestial Tower and Pandora's Dream each have five entrances. So, there's no need to worry about clashes between warriors from different fields during the selection."

Just then, a voice from the right side caught their attention.

"Are you?" Han Feng inquired, curious about the newcomer.

The man wore a green shirt and robe and exuded a genial demeanor that put everyone at ease. He smiled warmly, his presence akin to a gentle spring breeze.

"Big... Big brother!" Jiang Da exclaimed before the man could respond, quickly retreating into the crowd.

Understanding dawned on Han Feng as he realized the man's identity.

The man in the green attire bowed slightly. "I am Jiang Feng, Jiang Da's elder brother," he introduced himself.

"Thank you for looking after your brother these days," Han Feng acknowledged gratefully.

Jiang Feng's smile faltered as he glanced at Jiang Da. "You should come back home soon. Do you realize how worried Father is with you leaving like this?" he scolded gently.

Jiang Da mumbled, "I just wanted to experience the Beidu Academy selection."

Jiang Feng sighed, realizing he couldn't simply pull Jiang Da away from Han Feng and the others without showing disrespect. He had received a message from his father, warning him about an eight-star super master among Han Feng's group. Offending them would be unwise.

"Do you think the selection is that simple?" Jiang Feng's tone turned serious. "Many geniuses have lost their lives during the Northern Capital University's selection process. With your current strength at ten stars in the Profound Stage, you're too weak."

Jiang Da remained unfazed. "If I activate that, I could easily surpass one star at the ground level," he retorted confidently.

Jiang Feng's expression shifted as he glanced at Han Feng and the others, noting their unchanged expressions. He couldn't help but feel surprised and wondered, "Could Jiang Da have divulged his trump card to these people?"

"This brat is cunning at home, but dumb as a rock when he's out. How could he casually reveal such a crucial secret?" Jiang Feng pondered, shaking his head.

But then he reassured himself, "No, Jiang Da isn't that foolish. Apart from the eight-star master, the others aren't simple either. They're all exceptional geniuses. Perhaps they've noticed something peculiar about Jiang Da's physique."

Satisfied with his reasoning, Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He believed that Jiang Da wouldn't act recklessly. Despite his apparent foolishness, Jiang Da was actually quite shrewd.

"Even if you can contend with a one-star tier one, many geniuses at that level have perished in previous Northern Capital selections," Jiang Feng continued, trying to dissuade Jiang Da. "Listen to your elder brother and return home. With your talent, you'll surely pass in three years."

But Jiang Da remained silent, hiding directly behind Han Feng and the others.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but feel exasperated at Jiang Da's antics. Meanwhile, Han Feng and the others exchanged awkward glances, realizing they were being used as shields.

"He's quite sly and cunning. It seems he foresaw this situation when he approached us," Wang Qingcang muttered, shaking his head.

Jiang Da grinned, oblivious to the subtle dynamics at play.

Liu Yuer pinched Jiang Da's cheek gently and addressed Jiang Feng, "Since Jiang Da enjoys our company, please don't be too hard on him, Brother Jiang."

Jiang Feng looked at Liu Yuer incredulously before shooting Jiang Da a fierce glare. "You little rascal, pretending to be cute and pitiful," he muttered under his breath.

Jiang Feng then suggested, "You guys are in the tenth group, right? I'm also in the tenth group. Let's form an alliance for the Mirror of Death. Not only will it provide protection against other warriors, but it'll also allow us to hunt higher-level monsters and earn more points."

Han Feng and the others readily agreed, understanding Jiang Feng's underlying motive of protecting Jiang Da.

As Jiang Feng left, he cast a stern glance at Jiang Da. "Behave yourself," he warned before departing.

Jiang Da waved nonchalantly, his expression full of pride.

Jiang Feng, representing the Manyun Empire, had 29 geniuses accompanying him besides Jiang Da. He knew that not all of them would be keen on forming an alliance with Han Feng's group. Thus, he planned to separate from the Barbarian Cloud Empire group and join forces with Han Feng later on.

From this perspective, Jiang Feng truly cared for his younger brother Jiang Da's well-being. He understood that inexperienced individuals like Han Feng's group posed the greatest danger in the Mirror of Death and could potentially impact his results.

After registering their names, Han Feng and his companions returned to the Beidu Inn, unaware of the malevolent gaze directed at them by a nearby youth.

"Those fools from the Wang family are still meddling around even after their downfall," the youth muttered bitterly. "I knew I'd find those two by watching the registration office."

"Long Lie, follow them discreetly and report back on their whereabouts. If they head to Beidu Inn or any other location, let me know," the youth commanded.

"Understood, San Shao!" a one-eyed youth replied obediently, stepping forward to carry out the task.

The Third Young Master of the Long Family nodded in agreement, taking another sip of wine before responding, "Indeed, having a strong backer like my older brother gives us a significant advantage. We'll be able to establish ourselves firmly in the outer courtyard without fear of harassment."

The evil young man chuckled, swirling the wine in his glass thoughtfully. "Well, it seems we're both fortunate to have such formidable siblings. With their support, we'll rise quickly in the ranks of the newcomers."

As they continued to enjoy their drinks, they shared plans and strategies for their future endeavors in the outer courtyard. With their powerful older brothers backing them, they felt confident in their ability to navigate the challenges ahead and carve out their place in the hierarchy of the academy.

Chapter 384: trouble . . .

The revelation left the Third Young Master of the Long Family unsettled. He had assumed that Wang Qingcang and Liu Yuer were residing in standard accommodations at the Beidu Inn. Learning that they were actually staying in a third-class pavilion was a shock.

Realization dawned on him: "If they're in a third-class pavilion, they must have significant backing. It's not something we can easily meddle with."

Long Lie nodded solemnly, affirming his master's assessment. "Yes, San Shao. It seems they have powerful allies supporting them. It would be unwise for us to confront them directly."

The Third Young Master's expression grew darker as he contemplated the implications. "We'll need to tread carefully. We can't afford to provoke forces beyond our capabilities. But we must find a way to deal with Wang Qingcang and Liu Yuer. They're potential threats."

Long Lie agreed, understanding the urgency of the situation. "I'll continue to monitor their movements and gather more information. Perhaps we can find a weakness we can exploit."

The Third Young Master nodded in approval. "Do that. We need to be prepared for any eventualities. And if we can't confront them directly, we'll have to find other ways to neutralize them."

With a plan in place, the Third Young Master and his subordinate resolved to handle the situation strategically, aware that their opponents were not to be underestimated. They would need to proceed with caution and cunning if they were to emerge victorious in the power struggle within the Beidu Academy.

Long San Shao's contemplation of the situation continued, his mind swirling with possibilities. The abnormality of the situation intrigued him, but he was cautious in his approach. Meanwhile, Xie Shao's indifference towards the woman in question revealed his ruthless demeanor.

However, the matter wasn't to be taken lightly. If the third-class pavilion did indeed house a Sanctuary powerhouse, it could complicate matters significantly. Yet, both Long San Shao and Xie Shao remained undeterred, strategizing their next move carefully.

As the morning sun illuminated the room, Han Feng's spirits lifted upon hearing Lin Qingshan's breakthrough. His excitement was palpable as he entered the soul search space.

Upon confirming Lin Qingshan's advancement, Han Feng expressed his joy and offered to refine more Spirit Venerable Flower Source Liquid for her. Meanwhile, Lin Huipo and Hua Wenlong prepared to venture out to acquire spirit fruits to enhance their strength.

The morning held promise, but beneath the surface, unseen forces were at play, setting the stage for future conflicts and revelations.

The encounter with Long Lie caught Lin Huipo and Hua Wenlong off guard. Despite their attempts to avoid conflict, Long Lie's aggressive demeanor left them with little choice but to defend themselves.

Realizing that they were being targeted, Lin Huipo and Hua Wenlong prepared to fight back. Though Long Lie's strength was formidable, the two were determined to stand their ground and resist his attacks.

As the confrontation unfolded, the surroundings remained unaffected due to the protective barrier maintained by the sanctuary powerhouses. Despite the intensity of the battle, the structural integrity of the Beidu Inn remained intact.

Chapter 385: Skyfire Fighting Fist VS Fox Flame Flurry! . . .

Caught in the heat of battle, Hua Wenlong and Lin Hui found themselves up against a formidable opponent in Long Lie. Despite their best efforts, they struggled to match his strength and were forced to defend against his relentless assaults.

With each exchange, Long Lie's power seemed to grow, his attacks becoming increasingly ferocious and difficult to counter. Hua Wenlong and Lin Hui fought valiantly, but it was clear that they were outmatched.

Just as it seemed they were about to be overwhelmed, Lin Hui unleashed a powerful counterattack, channeling all his strength into a devastating blow aimed at Long Lie's nine flame foxtails.

However, Long Lie was not one to be taken lightly. Enraged by Lin Hui's interference, he unleashed a deadly technique, "Jinxuan Kills with Ten Blades," intending to eliminate them both in one fell swoop.

The situation grew increasingly dire as the battle reached its climax. With Long Lie's overwhelming power bearing down on them, Hua Wenlong and Lin Hui faced their greatest challenge yet.

Despite their valiant efforts, Hua Wenlong and Lin Huipo found themselves overpowered by Long Lie's formidable strength. Just when it seemed they were on the brink of defeat, three powerful allies intervened, launching a coordinated assault that momentarily halted Long Lie's onslaught.

Seizing the opportunity, Yu Henfei quickly escorted the injured Hua Wenlong and Lin Huipo to safety, allowing them to regroup and recover from their injuries.

Meanwhile, Xuan Shentong and Lin Huixuan unleashed their bloodline transformations, revealing their true power as profound-level martial artists. With their enhanced abilities, they delivered a devastating blow to Long Lie, forcing him to retreat and putting an end to the confrontation.

As they stood together, Xuan Shentong and Lin Huixuan reassured their companions that Lei Junyan and Lei Yuru were on their way, ready to lend their support and ensure their safety.

With their allies by their side, Hua Wenlong and Lin Huipo faced the challenge with renewed determination, confident that they could overcome any obstacle that stood in their way.

As Han Feng hurriedly left to address the urgent situation, Lei Yuru stayed behind to inform Meng Yaqing of the troubling developments. Meanwhile, outside the pavilion, tensions escalated as Long Lie unleashed a formidable attack imbued with alien fire.

Lin Huixuan and his companions braced themselves for the onslaught, preparing to counter the overwhelming power of Long Lie's attack. With a resolute determination, they launched their own devastating assault, merging their Canglan Profound Fire with a Sky Fire Fighting Punch.

To their astonishment, the combined attack effortlessly pierced through Long Lie's defenses, closing in on him with unstoppable force. Caught off guard, Long Lie's expression turned to one of horror as the powerful blue flame fist bore down upon him, leaving him no escape.

Chapter 386: Before selection! . . .

The swift and decisive victory of Han Feng over Long Lie left everyone stunned. Long Lie's defeat underscored the vast difference in power between him and Han Feng, highlighting Han Feng's exceptional strength and skill.

As Han Feng's companions looked on in disbelief, they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for his abilities. Despite their own considerable talents and achievements, they couldn't deny the overwhelming superiority Han Feng displayed in battle.

For Lin Huixuan, Xuan Shentong, and Yu Youcai, Han Feng's victory was a stark reminder of their own limitations. Despite possessing formidable abilities such as the Ice Emperor Body Intermediate and the Golden Dragon Transformation, they realized that they still fell short of Han Feng's level of mastery.

The realization of Han Feng's superiority left them humbled yet inspired. It served as a reminder of the heights they still had to reach in their own cultivation journeys, motivating them to continue striving for excellence and pushing their limits further.

As they contemplated the implications of Han Feng's victory, they couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination to hone their skills and become stronger martial artists in their own right. Han Feng's triumph served as both a humbling lesson and a source of inspiration for their future endeavors.

As the tense situation unfolded, Meng Yaqing and Lei Yu arrived just in time to witness the aftermath of Han Feng's swift resolution of the conflict. Meng Yaqing couldn't help but smirk at the sight, relieved that her intervention wasn't necessary after all. Lei Yu, on the other hand, was left speechless by the speed with which Han Feng had put an end to the altercation. If he had known it would be over so quickly, he wouldn't have bothered Meng Yaqing in the first place.

Meanwhile, an ominous figure emerged from the shadows, catching everyone's attention with his chilling presence. This man, who exuded an aura of malevolence, fixed his cold gaze upon Han Feng, prompting a defiant snort from the latter. Han Feng wasted no time in challenging the stranger's motives, suggesting that his actions might have led to bloodshed if not for Han Feng's timely intervention.

In response to Han Feng's question, the mysterious man remained cryptic, refusing to disclose his identity or motives. Instead, he expressed a keen interest in engaging Han Feng in what he ominously referred to as a "discussion." The sinister undertones in his tone made it clear that this was no ordinary exchange of words, but rather a confrontation with potentially deadly consequences.

It soon became apparent that this enigmatic figure was none other than the evil young man, whose presence signaled a deviation from the original plan involving Long Lie and Wang Qingcang. Despite their seemingly ordinary appearances, Han Feng and his companions possessed formidable strength, capable of rivaling even peak one-star martial artists.

As tensions continued to mount, the stage was set for a high-stakes showdown between Han Feng and the evil young man, with the outcome hanging in the balance and the specter of violence looming ominously overhead.

As the dust settled and the implications of the confrontation sank in, it became clear that Han Feng's decisive action had rendered the original plan involving Long Lie and Wang Qingcang impossible. The unexpected power wielded by Han Feng had forced the evil young man's hand, prompting him to engage earlier than anticipated.

However, beneath the surface, there was another reason for Xie Shao's premature appearance: Han Feng himself. Xie Shao, possessing a similar fire attribute and wielding his own unique abilities, recognized Han Feng as a potential threat and felt compelled to act.

Upon Wang Qingcang's arrival, tensions escalated further, with Long San joining the fray and exacerbating the already fraught atmosphere. The expressions of Wang Qingcang and Liu Yu'er darkened, their past grievances weighing heavily on the present moment.

In the midst of the turmoil, Young Master Xie and Young Master Long exchanged taunts and threats, each vying for dominance in the unfolding conflict. However, their bravado was short-lived as a commanding voice, that of the Master of the Great Sanctuary, intervened, reminding them of the consequences of their actions.

With the weight of the Great Sanctuary behind them, Young Master Xie and Young Master Long quickly realized the futility of continuing the confrontation and chose to retreat, albeit reluctantly. Their departure signaled a temporary reprieve, but the underlying tension remained palpable.

As the dust settled and the adversaries dispersed, Wang Qingcang expressed regret over the turn of events, apologizing to Lin Huixuan and the others for the turmoil they had endured. Despite the turmoil, Wang Qingcang's words carried a sense of determination, hinting at his resolve to navigate the challenges ahead.

As the day of selection at Beidu Academy approached, Han Feng and his companions found themselves reflecting on their recent experiences and the challenges that lay ahead. Despite the setbacks and confrontations they had faced, they remained resolute in their determination to overcome adversity.

With a sense of acceptance, they acknowledged the gap between their current abilities and those of the ground-level powerhouses. Han Feng's decision to intervene on behalf of Wang Qingcang had been made with full awareness of the potential consequences, yet they were still taken aback by the speed at which events unfolded.

Han Feng reassured Wang Qingcang and the others, emphasizing the importance of facing challenges head-on and using them as opportunities for growth. His confidence and unwavering resolve helped to ease their concerns, instilling in them a sense of determination to persevere and surpass their limitations.

Back at the pavilion, they immersed themselves in their training and recovery, channeling their frustrations and doubts into their cultivation. Remarkably, Lin Huixuan and Xuan Shentong found themselves on the verge of a breakthrough, their determination fueled by their recent experiences.

As the day of selection arrived, Han Feng and his companions joined the ranks of the candidates, ready to prove themselves in the eyes of the sanctuary inspectors.

Meanwhile, in a pavilion at Beidu Academy, Wang Qingcang harbored feelings of resentment and vindictiveness towards those who had crossed him. Determined to assert his superiority and exact revenge, he vowed to make his adversaries pay dearly for their perceived transgressions.

With his sights set on the future, Wang Qingcang remained steadfast in his resolve to demonstrate his dominance and assert his authority in the outer courtyard of Beidu Academy.

As the time for selection at Beidu Academy drew near, various factions and families made their final preparations. Among them, Jiang Feng and the other geniuses of the Jiang family held a crucial discussion. Recognizing the importance of their mission, they decided to split up, with Jiang Feng taking on the responsibility of meeting with Jiang Da alone, while the others would follow the Yun family and other influential families.

With a solemn nod, the Jiang Family geniuses understood the gravity of their task and pledged to ensure Jiang Da's safety at all costs.

Meanwhile, in another pavilion, the fat man and the thin man shared a moment of quiet anticipation. Their eyes gleamed with determination as they reflected on the significance of their journey to Beidu Academy.

After more than ten days of anticipation, the first round of selections finally concluded, leaving behind a mix of emotions among the participants. Some were elated at their success, while others felt disappointment or resignation.

Gathering beneath the Beidu stage, Han Feng and his companions stood ready to embark on their journey to Beidu Academy, a place that existed in a realm beyond the ordinary. With determination in their hearts and anticipation in their souls, they prepared to step into a new chapter of their lives.

Chapter 387: Brother Taixu! . . .

As the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation, a few figures pushed through the crowd towards Han Feng, their voices filled with joy. Recognizing them as Jiang Feng and his companions, Han Feng greeted them warmly, acknowledging Jiang Feng's presence with a smile.

Jiang Feng, sensing the inevitable, approached Han Feng, seeking comfort and companionship. Despite his earlier reluctance, Jiang Da affectionately patted his younger brother's head, teasing him for his sudden change in behavior. Jiangda responded with a playful giggle, enjoying the attention from his elder brother.

Beidu Terrace, a vast square spanning nearly 30,000 square meters, loomed before them. As the sky above distorted and formed a massive hole resembling a black void, nearly twenty sanctuary masters emerged and descended upon the Beidu Terrace, their powerful auras permeating the air. Under their overwhelming presence, the once bustling atmosphere fell into a hushed reverence, with onlookers displaying a mix of fear, awe, and envy.

Announcing their names, the sanctuary masters summoned more than nine thousand geniuses to the stage, prompting a collective gasp from the crowd. In a breathtaking display, the geniuses were lifted into the air and disappeared into the black hole, escorted by the sanctuary masters.

The scene left the spectators in awe, as they marveled at the scale of the phenomenon. While some had experienced similar occurrences in their own realms, none had witnessed such a mass transportation of individuals. The sheer number of people entering the void was staggering, surpassing anything they had ever seen before.

As the process repeated, with more geniuses called to the stage and escorted into the void by the sanctuary masters, the spectators watched in wonder. Each group was led by a varying number of sanctuary inspectors, ranging from three to four, signifying the importance of the selection process.

Amidst the excitement and anticipation, Han Feng and his companions braced themselves for their turn, ready to embark on their journey into the unknown depths of Beidu Academy.

Han Feng observed with a discerning eye, noting the pattern of the sanctuary inspectors' rotation: three in one game, four in another. When their turn came around for the tenth time, they were once again met by three inspectors.

During the ninth game, Long San Shao, a figure brimming with hostility, was among the inspectors. As he departed, his gaze clashed with Wang Qingcang's, each harboring their own festering enmity.

"The vendetta of genocide knows no bounds!" Wang Qingcang seethed with clenched fists, swearing to one day annihilate the Long family in retaliation for their past atrocities.

A sudden voice pierced Wang Qingcang's consciousness, sending shivers down his spine. "Hey, Wang Qingcang, beware in the Death Mirror. The Third Young Master has given the order. And relay this message to your companions; we have our sights set on them too." The ominous message reverberated within Wang Qingcang's mind, transmitted by a powerful earth-ranked individual capable of spiritual communication.

"Who dares to threaten us?" Wang Qingcang bellowed, his voice tinged with fury.

Concerned, Han Feng and the others rushed over. "What's happening, Brother Wang?" Han Feng inquired, sensing the tension.

Wang Qingcang's expression darkened as he relayed the threat. "Someone from the Long family is plotting against us. They seek our demise."

Han Feng scanned the surroundings, spotting two young men who seemed to exude malice from afar. As the Sanctuary continued its proceedings, the two brothers vanished into the crowd.

"The specter of danger looms," Liu Yu'er lamented, her frustration palpable.

Han Feng's lips curled into a wry smile. "Let them come. Their prowess will determine our fate."

Jiang Feng's grave tone interrupted their discussion. "Brother Han, we mustn't underestimate them. Those two are likely the infamous Taixu brothers."

"The Taixu brothers? It can't be!" Lei Yu and Lin Huixuan exchanged concerned glances, recalling tales of the Taixu brothers' formidable reputation.

Lei Yu, being privy to some insider knowledge, shared, "Their strength is not to be trifled with. They once vanquished a five-star genius on the ground."

All eyes turned to Jiang Feng, expecting further elucidation. As a scion of one of the Barbarian Cloud Empire's three prominent families, Jiang Feng was well-versed in such matters.

"These Taixu brothers hail from the Taixu Empire," Jiang Feng began, delving into their history. "While once a second-tier empire on the brink of ascension to the first tier, the Taixu Empire has a legacy shrouded in power and prestige, dating back tens of thousands of years."

"The Taixu Empire traces its origins to two brothers who possess the blood of Tai and Xu, collectively known as the Taixu bloodline," Jiang Feng elucidated. "While individually, the Taixu bloodline may not rank highly, when combined, it yields a unique and formidable lineage, considered first-class across the North Continent."

"For millennia, only the two founding ancestors of the Taixu Empire have inherited this bloodline," Jiang Feng continued. "Sadly, despite its prestigious lineage, the Taixu Empire has regressed to a Fourth Tier status."

"In this generation, the imperial family of Taixu consists of the two brothers who bear the Taixu bloodline," Jiang Feng emphasized.

"Don't underestimate the Taixu brothers just because they're initially only four-star cultivators," Jiang Feng warned. "Their combined Taixu bloodline confers upon them extraordinary combat prowess. Without Long San's support, they might have struggled to fend off the Third Young Master."

The revelation left everyone stunned. The prospect of being targeted by such formidable adversaries cast a pall over their spirits.

Lin Huixuan and his companions wore expressions of bitter resignation, lamenting their misfortune at being singled out by such formidable foes.

Wang Qingcang, feeling responsible for the predicament, apologized once more, his guilt palpable. "Perhaps it's best to sever ties now. With any luck, the Taixu brothers may spare you from their gaze," he suggested.

Lin Huixuan's voice dripped with indignation as he rejected the notion. "Brother Wang, while our strength may pale in comparison, we're not the type to abandon our comrades for the sake of safety. Even if the odds seem daunting, together, we can face any challenge that comes our way."

Han Feng offered reassurance, placing a comforting hand on Wang Qingcang's shoulder. "We pledged to stand united and confront whatever challenges arise in the outer courtyard together," he affirmed. "Retreating now would only embolden future threats. Trust me, if the Taixu brothers do come, it won't be us who cower."

Chapter 388: Enter, Unreal Plaza! . . .

Wang Qingcang's eyes sparkled with excitement, his confidence buoyed by his companions' banter.

Lin Huixuan chuckled, playfully teasing Han Feng. "Han Feng, you're quite the enigma. Should we even be concerned?"

"Since the days of Xuanjie, Han Feng has been surpassing expectations," Lin Huixuan continued. "Now that he's reached the ground level, perhaps we have less to worry about?"

"Even if Han Feng isn't available, we still have Miss Meng," Lin Huixuan added with a mischievous grin.

Meng Yaqing shot Lin Huixuan a bemused glance, choosing to ignore his jest. Lin Huixuan's expression froze, realizing he'd overstepped.

Their light-hearted banter seemed to dissipate much of the tension brought on by the presence of the Taixu brothers.

Jiang Feng, relieved to see his companions in good spirits, chimed in with a smile. "Seems I've been overly anxious. As long as we stick together in the Mirror of Death, we needn't fear those two."

As the strong sanctuary continued announcing the names of geniuses, Shi Tai and Shi Jun, Han Feng and the others watched in surprise as the Fat Master and the Thin Master took to the Beidutai.

"These two are Shi Tai and Shi Jun, but who's who?" Han Feng mused quietly to himself.

Shi Tai and Shi Jun were merely monikers given to them due to their distinctive physical attributes. Their true identities remained largely unknown.

Moments later, the sanctuary announced the names of the Taixu brothers, Yuanzheng and Yuanan, eliciting a wave of hostility from Han Feng and his companions.

The appearance of the evil young man from the previous encounter further fueled their animosity.

Han Feng smirked, anticipation gleaming in his eyes. "Looks like the showdown's happening sooner than expected. Let's see what you're made of."

Xie Shao, also known as Xie Anshan, met Han Feng's gaze with a provoking glare, brimming with disdain and contempt.

But Han Feng remained unfazed, refusing to give in to Xie Shao's attempts to rile him up. This only seemed to deepen Xie Shao's irritation, finding Han Feng's indifference disrespectful.

"What an arrogant brat, disrespecting me like this!" Xie Shao muttered under his breath, his expression darkening.

"Let's see if you can maintain that attitude in the Mirror of Death," Xie Shao sneered as he ascended the Beidutai.

As the strong sanctuary continued, they eventually called out the names of Lin Huixuan and his companions, including Jiang Feng, who had been waiting anxiously for his turn.

"Lin Huixuan, Yu Youcai, Xuan Shentong, Lei Ruwen, Zangqinghu, Lei Junyan, Yu Henfei, Hua Wenlong, Lin Huipo, Lei Yulu...and others, step forward!" 

"And finally, Ou Xian, Wen Mei... Han Feng, Meng Yaqing, Wang Qingcang, Liu Yuer, Jiang Da... Xiao Suying!"

With more than nine thousand geniuses now assembled on stage, the tension in the air was palpable.

More than nine thousand individuals congregated on the Beidu platform, their anticipation palpable as three imposing sanctuary powerhouses hovered in the air. The central figure, Elder Cao, addressed the gathered crowd with a casual air, introducing himself and his companions, Elder Lu and Elder Wei.

The revelation that these figures were not mere protectors but esteemed elders of Beidu Academy sent a ripple of astonishment through the crowd. What they had initially perceived as a routine selection process now took on a weighty significance with the presence of these revered elders.

In addition to the students, the academy's ranks included deacons, law protectors, and elders, each holding a position commensurate with their formidable abilities. Elders were especially revered, representing the pinnacle of sanctuary mastery, their presence typically reserved for moments of grave importance or crisis.

The distinction between elders in charge of various affairs and those serving as a deterrent underscored the multifaceted role they played within the academy's hierarchy. Their authority was unquestionable, their wisdom and power unmatched.

The appearance of such esteemed elders at a selection event underscored the gravity of the occasion. For many geniuses, it was both a source of excitement and trepidation—a testament to Beidu Academy's commitment to excellence.

As Elder Cao explained the proceedings, the sanctuary masters ushered the geniuses into a black hole, transporting them to a vast, dreamlike square enveloped in a serene blue light.

"This is the Illusory Square," Elder Cao's voice echoed in their ears. "It serves as the nexus between Beidu Academy and the outside world, as well as the gateway to secret realms like Pandora's Dream."

The revelation left many in awe, realizing they stood at the intersection of two worlds—neither fully within the confines of Beidu Academy nor entirely outside it.

Some, already grappling with self-doubt, found themselves further disillusioned by the realization that they were not on Beidu Academy's hallowed grounds. However, Elder Cao paid no heed to their fleeting concerns, focusing instead on the task at hand.

With a solemn gesture, the three elders joined forces, channeling their formidable energies into a dazzling display of light. As the energies converged, a powerful wave rippled outward, signaling the commencement of the selection process.

The trio formed a circle within the vast expanse of the Illusory Square, creating a mesmerizing scene reminiscent of a celestial sky strewn with countless stars.

As the geniuses marveled at the spectacle, a colossal machine descended from above, its imposing presence dominating the square.

Jiang Feng's voice cut through the awe-inspired silence. "This is the aptitude tester," he declared with a hint of uncertainty.

Han Feng, ever the inquisitive one, voiced his curiosity. "An aptitude tester? Haven't we undergone qualification tests before? Why use something different now?" His past experiences with qualification tests had never involved such elaborate machinery.

The sight of the machine triggered a distant memory in Han Feng's mind, reminiscent of the contraptions he had encountered in the laboratories of eccentric scientists in his past life.

Jiang Feng proceeded to enlighten his companions. "External qualification tests often lack precision. Even among individuals possessing high-quality qualifications, there exists a spectrum of aptitude. It's challenging to accurately gauge these subtle differences."

"The standard testers employed in routine assessments may yield relatively accurate data for average candidates, but they fall short when assessing top-tier qualifications like ours."

"In aptitude tests, the distinction between each level hinges on minute differences in scores. For instance, individuals with first-class qualifications may exhibit scores ranging from 96 to 97 at the upper end, while those at the lower end may score only two or three points less."

Unbeknownst to Jiang Feng, Han Feng's expression betrayed his mounting apprehension. The prospect of undergoing an aptitude test in front of a crowd of peers, especially if it revealed him to be merely average despite his lofty expectations, was enough to elicit a subtle twitch in his demeanor.

Han Feng couldn't help but envision the scrutinizing gazes of his peers as they observed his performance during the test, a scenario he found increasingly disconcerting.

Chapter 389: Qualification test! . . .

Elder Cao, along with Elders Lu and Wei, descended gracefully from the air, their presence commanding the attention of the gathered warriors.

Elder Lu's voice rang out with an air of indifference. "Next, step forward for testing when your name is called."

"Zhang Nianbo!"

A young warrior stepped forward, his demeanor confident as he approached the towering machine. Moments later, the test results were announced by Elder Lu in his characteristic calm tone. "Sixth-Class Qualification, Best Score: 36 Points!"

The assessment revealed Zhang Nianbo's commendable aptitude, earning him a respectable score among the sixth-class qualifications. Unfazed by the outcome, Zhang Nianbo accepted the verdict with equanimity.

"An Shi!"

Once again, Elder Lu called out a name, summoning the next warrior for assessment. This time, the results were even more impressive.

"An Shiyou, Fifth-Class Qualification, Best Score: 49 Points!"

An Shiyou's score placed him on the cusp of achieving a fourth-class qualification, a testament to his exceptional aptitude and potential.

As the succession of tests continued, warriors of varying aptitudes underwent scrutiny, each outcome announced with measured detachment by Elder Lu.

The highest score recorded thus far was a fourth-class qualification, a rarity even among the elite families of the Great Jin Kingdom. However, Elder Lu's demeanor remained unchanged, betraying no hint of astonishment at the remarkable achievement.

Amidst the evaluations, the time arrived for the two brothers, Shi Tai and Shi Jun, to undergo testing.

Han Feng finally grasped the identities of the enigmatic duo: Shi Tai, the portly younger brother, and Shi Jun, the slender elder sibling.

Stepping up first was Shi Tai, or Stacey, as he was known among the geniuses.

Upon receiving Stacey's results, Elder Lu's countenance underwent a subtle transformation. "Holy Qualification—105 Points!"

A flicker of genuine warmth and approval flashed in Elder Lu's eyes as he addressed Stacey, a departure from his usual stoic demeanor. It was the first time during the assessments that Elder Lu had offered words of encouragement to a participant, acknowledging the exceptional nature of Stacey's sacred aptitude.

Envy and admiration rippled through the crowd at Stacey's remarkable achievement, yet there was a collective understanding that his accolades were well-deserved.

A sacred aptitude, signified by a score of 100 points, held the promise of facile advancement to the sanctuary realm. Stacey's score of 105 points, exceeding the benchmark by five points, indicated his standing as a highly promising individual within the realm of sacred aptitudes.

As the results were announced, confirming Shi Jun's sacred aptitude of 105 points, the crowd erupted once again in astonishment. The consecutive display of sacred aptitudes was nothing short of legendary, a testament to the unparalleled caliber of the candidates selected by the Beidu Academy.

Following the extraordinary achievements of Stacey and Shi Jun, the subsequent tests returned to more commonplace outcomes. Most aptitudes hovered between the upper echelons of the best grade seven or eight and the lower tiers of the best grade four or five, with occasional exceptions showcasing top-tier third-class aptitudes.

Then, it was the turn of the Taixu brothers to undergo evaluation.

Yuanzheng and Yuanan, embodying the legacy of the Taixu bloodline, underwent testing with eager anticipation. While both displayed first-class qualifications, Yuanan's score of ninety-five points surpassed Yuanzheng's ninety-three, underscoring his marginally superior aptitude.

Jiang Da expressed bewilderment at their seemingly unremarkable performance, prompting Jiang Feng to clarify the distinction between aptitude and the influence of their unique bloodline. Jiang Feng emphasized that while the Taixu bloodline enhanced their cultivation speed, it did not directly impact their aptitude. Despite possessing a special ability, their fundamental qualifications remained unchanged.

Suddenly, a wave of commotion rippled through the crowd, catching everyone's attention. Han Feng's expression turned grave, indicating that the development warranted serious consideration.

Elder Lu's voice, tinged with excitement, resonated across the Unreal Square, announcing an unprecedented achievement: "Hu Xiaodie, Sacred Aptitude—One hundred and fifteen points!"

Jiang Feng's shock was palpable, his disbelief mirrored by the incredulous expressions of those around him. The magnitude of Hu Xiaodie's aptitude, nearing the mid-level sacred tier, was virtually unprecedented. It promised effortless ascension to the pinnacle of the Great Sanctuary and held the potential for unparalleled greatness in her lifetime.

Such a prodigious qualification had not been witnessed in the Beizhou mainland for centuries, let alone in the North Continent. The emergence of Hu Xiaodie as a singular talent was nothing short of miraculous.

Beside the three revered elders, Hu Xiaodie exuded an aura of enchantment, her radiant smile captivating all who beheld her. Even the stoic countenances of the elders softened in her presence, their responses marked by warmth and affability.

As Hu Xiaodie gracefully descended from the platform, her demeanor remained as captivating as ever, drawing admiration and reverence from all quarters.

As the unprecedented aptitude of Hu Xiaodie reverberated through the Unreal Square, Elder Lu couldn't contain his satisfaction. With a gentle stroke of his beard, he remarked, "One hundred and fifteen points... such an aptitude. I can assure you, this batch of candidates will undoubtedly be the finest in our ten tests."

Elder Cao nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting a mix of admiration and astonishment. "Indeed, it's nearing the mid-level of qualifications. Such caliber is a rarity even within the Northern Capital University. It's been a decade since we last encountered such a remarkable qualification."

"Yes, I've heard that the young prodigy has already ascended to the Ninth Heaven of the Sanctuary. His rapid ascent from the mid-stage in just over thirty years is truly astonishing," remarked Elder Wei with a hint of lament in his voice.

"It's a shame that such a talent refuses to remain at Beidu University and instead chooses to return to his hometown," lamented Elder Cao.

"If he had stayed, he could have easily reached the pinnacle of the Ninth Heaven in the Sanctuary by now, perhaps even..." Elder Wei's voice trailed off, his regret palpable.

Elder Cao's tone turned stern as he gently reprimanded, "Have you forgotten the ethos of our academy? It is their prerogative to choose whether to remain here or return to their roots. We cannot compel them."

"In truth, the influence of our university extends beyond our walls. Those students who choose to depart are equally vital. The alliances they forge serve as a bulwark against the machinations of the ancient families," Elder Cao elaborated, his words carrying a note of sagacity.

Elder Wei humbly bowed his head, acknowledging his misstep. "I misspoke. Let us proceed with the tests."

In times of uncertainty, it's natural to seek solace and reassurance. Amidst the ebb and flow of emotions, it's important to remain steadfast and extend blessings to oneself in moments of joy.

Chapter 390: Fight Fu Yu! . . .

As Elder Lu continued to recite the next batch of names, the group of genius warriors remained unaware of the conversation among the three sanctuary powerhouses, as they utilized sound transmission.

Soon, it was Xie Shaoxian's turn to step forward. As Xian'an Mountain cast a sneer towards Han Feng, the latter understood that their rivalry had already begun, extending beyond the confines of the Death Mirror.

Han Feng felt a sense of helplessness. In the first test of aptitude, he knew he would rank at the bottom. Amidst numerous geniuses, Han Feng's qualification was likely among the highest, possibly even teetering on the edge of perfection. However, compared to the top-tier qualifications that may exist, his own aptitude was only a fraction.


"Xian'an Mountain, ninth-grade best qualification—ninety-seven points!"

With a smirk of triumph, Xian'an Mountain blended back into the crowd.


"It's finally my turn, Han Feng, I'll go ahead," announced Lin Huixuan, exhaling audibly before proceeding to the front.

Jiang Feng observed with keen interest. Despite knowing that their strength might not be exceptional, he was curious about their aptitudes.

It was important to note that similar qualifications could lead to vastly different cultivation levels due to varying resources.

"Lin Huixuan, top five qualifications—forty-five points!"

Lin Huixuan returned with a glint of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Top five qualifications? It seems that resource limitations are at play. In higher-tier empires, even the fourth and fifth tiers, ten people of your age could easily reach the ground level," Jiang Feng mused, stroking his chin.

Meanwhile, Wang Qingcang marveled, "Is there truly such a technique?"

Jiang Da's eyes gleamed with anticipation, wondering if he could also enhance his aptitude through similar means.

Han Feng, sensing Jiang Da's thoughts, promptly delivered a sharp knock to his head. "Don't even entertain the idea. That's a unique technique, exclusive to Lin Huixuan."

Jiang Feng concurred, adding, "It's only natural. If such a technique were widely available, it would have been renowned across the mainland by now."

As Yu Youcai's inspection concluded, it became evident that his aptitude paled in comparison to Lin Huixuan's. With an eighth-class qualification and a mere 24 points, Yu Youcai fell far short of the top-tier rankings.

The surprise stemmed from Yu Youcai's earlier success in the Qingyun ranking contest, where he placed third. However, his ascent was largely facilitated by the unique Huopo Zhenyuan technique, honed through extensive familial cultivation.

Upon Xuan Shen's completion of the qualification test, he too emerged with a fifth-class qualification, scoring forty-four points—just one shy of Lin Huixuan's result.

Amidst the ensuing assessments, Lei Ruwen secured the lowest seventh-class qualification with a score of 32, while Zangqinghu matched him with exactly 30 points. Yu Henfei mirrored Yu Youcai's eighth-class qualification, albeit with 29 points, edging remarkably close to seventh-class standards.

Lei Junyan and Zangqinghu shared the same score of thirty points, attaining seventh-class qualifications.

Hua Wenlong's qualification, however, proved to be a stark contrast—a mere top-grade aptitude, akin to a "big duck." Though Hua Wenlong sported a crestfallen expression, his spirits inexplicably lifted as his peers regarded him with bemusement.

They speculated that Hua Wenlong's fortuitous discovery of an illusion-based technique, complementing his unique physique, propelled his rapid ascension. Their curious gazes soon turned to Han Feng, given his analogous trajectory of strength augmentation.

Admitting defeat with a shrug, Han Feng humorously remarked, "Looks like I'm joining the ranks of the ducks this time."

Strangely, Hua Wenlong found his mood inexplicably brightening, despite the unexpected outcome.

Lin Huipo's aptitude was revealed to be eighth-class, earning him 27 points.

However, it was Lei Yurui's turn that truly astonished everyone.

Lei Yurui's qualifications surpassed all expectations, landing him in the third class of the best with a remarkable score of 78 points. This placed him among the elite, nearly reaching the pinnacle of second-class qualifications.

His peers, Lei Ruwen and Lei Junyan, were dumbfounded by this revelation. They recalled Lei Yurui's modest beginnings and marveled at his extraordinary ascent. His recent breakthrough to the local level, second only to Han Feng, now made perfect sense.

Grateful for his mentor's guidance, Lei Yurui silently expressed his appreciation to Fu Lao.

In response, Fu Lao expressed confidence in Lei Yurui's potential, affirming that with continued dedication, Lei Yurui could potentially reach the realm of sacred qualifications, which, by Northern Capital Academy's standards, would equate to a perfect score of one hundred points.

As Lei Yurui pledged to honor his mentor's teachings, the attention shifted to the next candidate—Zhan Fu Yu.

Han Feng's senses immediately tingled upon sighting the black-robed figure. A foreboding sense of danger enveloped him, akin to the sensation evoked by Meng Yaqing.

Yet, Han Feng dismissed the notion as improbable. Meng Yaqing's presence alone would have already sent shockwaves throughout the world; the idea of another such individual was inconceivable.

Nevertheless, the atmosphere grew tense as Elder Lu's trembling voice echoed through the crowd, announcing Zhan Fu Yu's staggering qualification—a sacred level, scoring an unprecedented 120 points.