
"A Day To Die, A Day to live"

My name is Timothy Brown and today is my last day on earth. 

I have a heart disease and I had been struggling every second of my 15 years life in this hospital bed as long as I remember. 

"God why did you give me this life?" I had asked a million times in my mind this question each time I wake up. All that I know is that God is unfair. He gave me a body that is defective and a family that gave up on me from the start. 

All my relatives had given up on me and today I will finally be set free from this pain. 

As I count the seconds of this day I slowly closed my eyes and slumber away with no pain in my heart. The despair that all I felt was washed away with the last drop of my tears as I breath my last. 

"When you die where do you go?" 

This is the question that I can answer myself. "when you die you don't go to heaven or to hell but instead you go into reincarnation" 

And that is what I found myself in. 

"where am I?" as I look around all I see are people floating in a line towards a bridge. 

There was a sign that says *Bridge Of Reincarnation* and there were also guards with blue skin that has horns keeping the line proper and In order. 

A guard close to me that has glasses on keep taking the names of the dead around me and writing it on a book in his hand while announcing their deaths and lifespan. 

"John wellis died by suicide lifespan 38 years"

"Sarah brinks died of rape lifespan 21 years" 

"Timothy Brown died of heart disease lifespan 15 years" 

When it was my turn in the bridge, the gatekeeper with the body of a minotaur gave me a bowl with water in it.

"Drinks this before you go inside" 

Before I drank the water in the bowl, a sudden commotion erupted behind the line that all the guards had ran to the place where it began. I took a look around to see if there are guards watching me and when I saw that there were none, I threw the water in the bowl down the bridge to the river. I silently wet my lips and gave a blank look in my face to show and lie to the guards. I did all that because I had read before what that water was, it was "the water of forgetfulness" souls who want to reincarnate had to drink this to forget their past lives. 

"I will live my life as I remember the day that I die" I vowed to myself and entered the gate.