
"Spiritual Walker in a Mystical Realm"

Throughout the ages, there have been legends about mystical realms. Scholars and poets across dynasties have offered various accounts. A poem records: "From the Qi to the Tang dynasty, this mountain remained desolate; the mystical realm was silent, rarely visited." Another verse states, "The mystical realm is indescribable, beyond the reach of mortal craftsmanship."

470345006 · Fantasía
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4 Chs


"Kangyang District Security Bureau investigators? My cousin's workplace. Are they here for me?"

Zhang Yuanqing's heart raced. He started towards the bedroom door to eavesdrop but suddenly remembered something. He quickly grabbed his phone and deleted his chat and call records with Bing. Then he folded Bing's letter and tucked it under the flowerpot on the windowsill.

Feeling somewhat reassured, he opened the door slightly to observe.

From the hallway, he heard his grandmother's voice, guarded and questioning:

"What do you need him for?"

She blocked the doorway, not letting the investigators in.

"We need to ask him some questions. Here are our credentials."

The speaker was a woman, her voice smooth and sultry.

His grandmother glanced at the IDs briefly before reluctantly stepping aside.

Zhang Yuanqing opened his door wider, scrutinizing the investigators as they entered the living room.

Leading the group was a slender man in a black suit, white shirt, and black vest, leaning on an ebony cane. His face was sharp, with a neatly trimmed mustache and slicked-back hair, giving him a refined, old-world charm reminiscent of a 1920s expatriate gentleman.

To his left was a striking young female investigator with pronounced features suggesting a mixed heritage. She had a playful smile and vibrant eyes. Standing about 175 cm tall, her long legs and model-like proportions were accentuated by her well-fitted business attire.

The last investigator, a serious-looking man with disheveled hair and thick-rimmed glasses, had a distinctly scholarly air.

"I'm Zhang Yuanqing. What do you need from me?"

As Zhang Yuanqing assessed them, the investigators sized him up too.

The mixed-heritage female investigator smiled warmly:

"We're investigators from the Kangyang District Security Bureau. We have some questions for you and would appreciate your cooperation."

"Of course..."

Zhang Yuanqing led them to the living room sofa. His grandmother, puzzled and concerned, brought water for the investigators and then stood by, watching her grandson closely.

The young, disheveled investigator took out a notebook and pen, ready to write.

The man with the mustache sat on the sofa, hands on his cane, and spoke formally:

"Do you know Lei Yibing?"

So it's about Bing... they came so quickly... Zhang Yuanqing responded truthfully:

"We've been friends since childhood. Why do you ask?"

A question crossed his mind. His cousin was a squad leader at the Kangyang District Security Bureau. These investigators would have checked his background and known they were visiting a colleague's family. Shouldn't they have given him a heads-up?

The mustached man lightly tapped his polished shoe and said calmly:

"Lei Yibing has gone missing. The Security Bureau in Hangzhou, Jiangnan Province, contacted us. They discovered that he sent a package to you the morning before he disappeared."

His deep-set eyes seemed to pierce through Zhang Yuanqing as he asked, "Is this true?"

Zhang Yuanqing feigned shock and confusion: "Missing? That can't be..."

The scholarly investigator reminded him:

"Please answer yes or no."

"Yes, I received a package earlier, but it didn't have a sender's name. I was wondering who sent it." Zhang Yuanqing nodded, his expression heavy.

Denying it wouldn't help. The police could easily verify the package and check the surveillance cameras in his neighborhood.

The mustached man nodded and asked:

"What was in the package? Please be honest; this could be a crucial clue for us."

His grandmother, relieved but worried, glanced at Zhang Yuanqing. She had seen Lei Yibing grow up and couldn't help but feel concerned.

Zhang Yuanqing replied:

"There was nothing in the package. It was empty."

"Empty?" The mustached man narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing Zhang Yuanqing.

Even though I'm lying, the black card vanished. It might as well have been empty... Zhang Yuanqing maintained eye contact, appearing sincere:

"When I opened it, I found it was empty, just packing cushions. You can check the package in my room if you don't believe me."

If Bing's disappearance was as he suspected, it was best to keep quiet for now and explain everything to his cousin later. Discussing this with family first seemed the safest course of action.

The mustached man signaled the female investigator with a glance.

She smiled and entered the room, returning shortly and nodding to her colleague.

The mustached man pondered for a moment and said:

"If you don't mind, we'd like to check your room and computer. Also, could you show me your phone?"

Checking the computer is fine, just don't open the browser history or the study materials on the hard drive... Zhang Yuanqing, calm and collected, unlocked his phone and handed it over.

The mustached man briefly scrolled through the phone before returning it and waiting patiently.

A few minutes later, the female investigator came back, shaking her head.

The mustached man nodded slightly and said warmly:

"Thank you for your cooperation. We won't take up more of your time."

Zhang Yuanqing quickly asked:

"Can you tell me more about Lei Yibing's situation?"

This was both genuine concern and part of his act. It would be suspicious not to inquire about his missing friend.

The mustached man replied patiently:

"Lei Yibing disappeared from his dorm room. The hallway surveillance didn't capture him leaving. A roommate reported seeing him in bed when he got up to use the bathroom at night.

"But by morning, he was gone. After 24 hours with no contact, the advisor notified the school, and the school immediately called the police.

"For more details, you should contact the local Security Bureau."

This matches what Uncle Lei said. It seems the local bureau has made no progress... Zhang Yuanqing nodded:

"I understand."

The mustached man led his subordinates to the door but turned back halfway, saying:

"If you find any clues, please inform us immediately. Do not withhold any information."

Zhang Yuanqing was about to nod when the man added with a meaningful smile:

"Otherwise, you might be the next to disappear."

The next to disappear?

Is he threatening me? If I don't hand over the black card, will I vanish like Bing?

But the card disappeared on its own... even if I wanted to hand it over, I couldn't.

"Thank you for the warning!"

He forced a smile.

In any case, I'll wait until my cousin comes home.

Bing wouldn't want the card in the hands of the Security Bureau; otherwise, he wouldn't have sent it to me.

As his childhood friend and best buddy, Zhang Yuanqing trusted Bing wouldn't harm him.

His grandmother's face darkened as she coldly said:


What kind of person curses her grandson like that?

The mustached man smiled and handed over a business card from his suit pocket.

"Contact me if you need anything."

Zhang Yuanqing took the card, and the investigators left.

"How did Bing disappear? I should visit Bing's mom soon," his grandmother said worriedly once they were gone.

The two families had been neighbors for years, sharing a strong bond.

Zhang Yuanqing, exhausted, said:

"Grandma, I didn't sleep well last night. I'm going to rest. If I don't wake up by noon, don't call me.

"If Grandpa comes back, tell him about this and ask him to contact Uncle Lei."

He had stayed up late playing with his aunt, was jolted awake by his condition, and had overexerted his mind searching for Bing and the black card.

His head was throbbing with fatigue.

After his grandmother nodded, Zhang Yuanqing returned to his room.

He kicked off his shoes and collapsed onto his bed, falling into a deep sleep.

In a black business car, Li Dongze sat on a leather seat, his gold-handled cane resting beside him, swirling a glass of red wine in his hand.

"Guanya, did you find anything in the room?"

He turned to the mixed-heritage beauty beside him.

Guanya, lounging comfortably, her long legs perfectly aligned, replied with a serious expression:

"I found something significant."

"Go on," Li Dongze said seriously.

Even the scholarly investigator in the back seat looked up from his phone.

Guanya spoke solemnly:

"That kid is into mature women in black stockings. His study materials are full of them, but his trash bin is spotless. It's highly unusual."

"His social circle is extensive, covering all sorts of groups, but he's only active in gaming and lsp groups. Everything else is muted... He has no other entertainment items in his room besides a game console. This kid is actually quite solitary... By the way, Chief, do you know what 'lsp' means?"

The mixed-heritage beauty grinned, mimicking a suggestive gesture.

Her colleagues were stunned. Li Dongze quickly interrupted, annoyed:

"Oh my god, I want to kick your ass with my boot. I'm talking business, and you're spouting nonsense. How many times have I told you not to be vulgar or tell dirty jokes? It's unbecoming and ungraceful."

The long-legged beauty was unfazed by her boss's anger and said:

"Don't be so boring. A little humor helps lighten the mood."

She then turned serious:

"I didn't find anything suspicious on his computer, but I found Lei Yibing's letter under the windowsill. Lei Yibing did send him something, probably a role card, but I don't know which profession."

Li Dongze pondered for a moment, then said:

"Visit again tomorrow. If he hasn't disappeared by then."