
"Soulful Symphony: The Music of Our Existence"

The concept of 'soul' and its power have been lingering since the ancient time . some say that the 'soul ' is immortal and some says we are just like machines that has ' organs 'to work . Spiritual beast , mana, also exist just as a mere fictious world and people like the concept of souls likes to degrade it. Since, we were kids we have always wondered about this concepts , we used to watched a lot of fantasy things and dreamt about a similar world where we might find them. Many of our ancient scriptures and texts also had this mythical things recorded. Such as the sacred dragon,phoneix,immortals. However are those concepts really just mere Myths? Rose a high school student , 18 years old had always believed in those concepts , she was mocked by a lot of people but she never cease to believe in her faith. She has always felt a connection to those Mystical creatures and a land where they might live. Alistair ,a freind of Rose ,who always stayed beside her never read those books but she never doubted her freind and somewhere she find herself attached to Rose. One day A mysterious event happened Rose disappeared. Will Alistair find her ? would Alistair finally believe in the concept?

Meosi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

Recognizing Her from the Dance

As the dim light fell into the lotus formation, the lotus formation brightened .The most beautiful part was the middle part where three petals(dancers ) bent with their arms stretched and legs in a half sitting position. 

The rest of the hall was dimly lit with bluish light and the whole room felt like the night sky of heaven that has bestowed bright sun Rays at the centre ,shining like the golden jewel. 

A soothing ,soft musical sound was heard coming from the side corner of the stage.

"I think this is the sound of the zitar. '' whispered  Alistair, he tried to search for the point from where the music that soothes his nerves came from.

He turned his eyes and saw a girl wearing a light peach colour coat, with white fork mader of crimson colour .Her hair was pitch black and complemented her light brown  eyes with a light pinkish skin.

"Isn't she beautiful." Said a man ,while touching and rubbing his moustache gently ,a quick smirk appeared on his face and it could be seen that he was having improper thoughts about her.

The dance began when "the king" slightly raised his glass to signal the start.

The lotus slowly started to break from the outer side to middle and now only the three maidens and the main dancer were left to be broken up.

When the formation was breaking down, all the hands were slightly moving and their long sleeves made it look like the petals slowly wearing down and flying .

Slowly the steps were seen dancing on the flowing wind and making smooth criss -cross patterns ,assembling and disassembling with synchronised rhythmic patterns .

All of them moving into a similar pattern without missing the rhythm and their slender waist ,long sleeves giving the flowery view .

However, Alistair tried to find the lead dancer who was still dancing in the middle without much movement and was just simply pointing her sword and dancing.

That sword was magically pouring out the petals and was complimenting her long pinkish yellow coat.

Suddenly, she came to the front  breaking the pattern and just raised her sword with her hands and slightly looked at her side where Alistair too was trying to get her attention. 

Looking at that side she smiled slightly ,her eyes were shining with hope ,looking like 'Phoebus fire' emerged their.

"That smile,that look.No!i..is she Rose?" murmured Alistair ,with a astounded look and his eyes widened 

In great spareness.

"Hey, watch where you are pouring the wine." Said a rude person, sitting in the chair.

"I…I am sorry." Said Alistair ,looking quickly towards the person .

The maid who helped him too heard the loud noise and she was sure that Alistair made a mistake ,she was worried about him.

"You think that a mere apology can make up for my coat. "Shouted him, almost raising his hand to slap him.

"Sir , she is very much sorry about her deed but please don't make a scene here ." Said a knight ,stopping his hand before he could slap Alistair.

He too stopped and looked around his surroundings and found that everyone including the king were looking at them.

He greeted his teeth and almost in a threatening voice said,"you brat ,you are lucky but never think you can get away with this." His face showed a killer look .

He then clenched his fist and sat down, ordering his servant to pour wine.

That girl whom he ordered frightfully came there with shaking hands to pour the wine ,it could be seen that he mistreated his servants.

Alistair was angry at that but now his own life didn't guarantee he couldn't possibly save others' lives.

"Thank you sir."said Alistair turning towards the knight and expressing his sincere gratitude and with a confused expression,"But sir why did you help me." 

"Well because you were in trouble and I was bored." Said He ,with an innocent and bright smile on his face. 

By now Alistair realised that in this world too good people did exist but now that's enough he still was looking at the dancer.

Suddenly, the veil lifted and a wind blew and all the masks of the dancers were worn down .

Alistair's eyes widened when he saw the face floating and dancing. 

He nervously and excitedly said, "Rose."

Rose also heard that and her face blushed and she peeked one more glance at him.

hey ,freinds I am so sorry I was late in posting will try to be regular

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