
"Rebirth of the Lost Soul"

In the bustling city of Delhi, Arth Sharma was an 11th-grade student burdened by immense pressure to excel in the highly competitive Exam. This pivotal test held the key to his future Yet the relentless demands of academic excellence, combined with the overwhelming expectations from his family, became an unbearable weight upon his young shoulders. Trapped in a vortex of stress and despair, Arth tragically tries to took his own life, unable to bear the crushing strain any longer. However, What he didn't expect was that the gods themselves would answer his call As his spirit departed his earthly vessel, Arth found himself in a mystical plane, greeted by ancient gods who revealed a profound truth – his life had been imbued with a greater purpose, one that transcended the confines of a single existence. Throughout his mortal journey, Arth had always felt an inexplicable void, a missing piece that left him incomplete. The deities, their forms radiating with celestial power, bestowed upon him a sacred gift. But little did Arth knew that he was just some pawn in the grand scheme of these Gods.

theUsual_one · Fantasía
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26 Chs

The Departure

Grey stood in his room, his heart heavy with a mixture of anticipation and sorrow. Today was the day he would leave the Stormwind estate for the capital. As he gathered his belongings, he meticulously went over his plan in his mind, searching for any potential flaws or oversights. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes; his future depended on the success of this journey.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. It was Elara, her expression calm but with an undertone of urgency. "Grey, it's time to leave," she said softly.

Grey took a deep breath and nodded. "I'm ready," he replied, though his heart felt anything but ready. He cast one last look around his room, the place that had been his sanctuary for so many years, and then stepped out, closing the door behind him.

As he walked towards the outer gate, Grey's mind raced. Was there something he had overlooked? A detail he had missed? He became so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice the path beneath his feet, his steps automatic and unseeing. By the time he snapped back to reality, he had already reached the front door of the estate.

A crowd was waiting for him: Alistair, Lady Marissa, Lady Serene, his siblings Eleanor, Vivienne, and Theodore, who was now ten years old, and his father, Lord Elarion. The sight of them standing together, united in this moment of farewell, made Grey's heart clench.

He approached Eleanor and Vivienne first. "I'll miss you both," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

"We'll miss you too, Grey," Eleanor replied, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Stay safe and write to us often."

Vivienne hugged him tightly, her small frame trembling. "Promise you'll come back soon."

"I promise," Grey whispered, hugging her back. He then turned to Theodore, ruffling his hair affectionately. "Look after our sisters, Theo."

"I will," Theodore said, his young face serious and determined.

To Grey's surprise, he found himself walking towards Alistair next. The hostility between them had always been palpable, but in this moment, there was a strange sense of camaraderie. "Goodbye, Alistair," Grey said, extending his hand.

Alistair looked taken aback but shook Grey's hand firmly. "Goodbye, Grey. Take care."

Grey then turned to Lady Marissa and Lady Serene. "Goodbye," he said, nodding respectfully. They both responded in kind, their expressions inscrutable.

Finally, Grey faced his father. "Father," he said simply.

Lord Elarion nodded, his face stern. "Do well in the capital, Grey. Make us proud."

"I will," Grey replied, though the words felt hollow. He wasn't leaving to make his family proud; he was leaving to carve out his own destiny.

His siblings handed him a few gifts—some food, a small trinket from Vivienne, and a book from Eleanor. Grey accepted them with gratitude, knowing that these small gestures were tokens of their love and support.

With a final nod to everyone gathered, Grey stepped into the waiting carriage. Elara followed him, settling into the seat beside him. The carriage door closed with a soft click, and the driver urged the horses forward. As they began to move, Grey looked back through the window, seeing Eleanor and Vivienne waving goodbye, their faces a mixture of hope and sadness.

The estate slowly disappeared from view, replaced by the rolling countryside. Grey felt a lump form in his throat, the reality of his departure hitting him hard. He had always known this day would come, but the finality of it was overwhelming. As the carriage rumbled along, the emotions he had been holding back broke through.

Tears welled up in his eyes, and before he knew it, he was crying, the weight of everything crashing down on him. Elara reached over and took his hand, her touch warm and comforting.

"You have to be strong, Grey," she said softly. "This is just the beginning of your journey. Remember why you're doing this."

Grey nodded, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. "I know, Elara. It's just... it's hard to leave everything behind."

"I understand," Elara replied. "But you're not alone. I'll be with you every step of the way."

Grey took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He then looked out the window, watching the landscape pass by, each mile taking him further from his past and closer to his future.

The day passed in a blur as the carriage traveled towards the capital. Grey and Elara talked intermittently, but whenever Elara asks grey for the plan he brushes it off saying "let's get away from them first". Grey thought about the Stormwind estate, the place he had called home for so many years. He thought about the people he was leaving behind—his siblings, his father, even Alistair and the stepmothers he didn't fully trust. 

As night fell and the stars began to dot the sky, Grey felt a sense of resolve settle over him. This was his path now, a journey he had to undertake to find his true potential and achieve his goals. He knew the road ahead would be difficult, filled with challenges and dangers, but he also knew he was ready for it.

Elara squeezed his hand again, offering a reassuring smile. "We'll get through this, Grey. Together."

Grey nodded, feeling a surge of determination. "Yes, we will."

As the carriage continued its journey through the night, Grey allowed himself to finally relax. He closed his eyes, letting the rhythmic motion of the carriage lull him into a state of calm. With Elara by his side and the memory of his family in his heart, Grey felt ready to face whatever the future held.